Donald Trump is a (Bio)Terrorist ft. Coronavirus

Survival Mode
Survival Mode
Donald Trump is a (Bio)Terrorist ft. Coronavirus

Hope everyone’s having a great 2021. I’m just here to be the sparkling ray of sunshine you surely look forward to listening to as I bring ray after ray of good news into your life, seeping under your skin, giving you that warm tingly feeling you just enjoy so much.

Masochistic fucking society, I tell ya. It’s clear it’s a patriarchy, that’s for sure.

Speaking of the patriarchy, a subject near and dear to my heart. The premise of allllllll of my daddy issues, let’s go into some war history.


World War 2 – Quick summary. Lasted from 1939 – 1945. 

Allied powers were Britain, France, Russia, and the U.S.A.

Axis Powers were Germany, Japan, and Italy. Germany which, of course, was ruled by the Nazi supremacist fuck that our own President, several congresspeople, including new ones like Madison Cawthorn from North Carolina who quoted Hitler or “The Father” on instagram. (Yet again, another problematic issue with the Regina George bullying style tactics of the Call Her Daddy brand.) Not a great year for dads in the media, honestly. Maybe if you stopped traveling internationally to fuck during a pandemic would be the root of better PR. What do I know?

Other notable historical figures in play involve Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, FDR, and Winston Churchill.

End scene for World War 2.


The Cold War, lasting from 1947 – 1991, involved an array of geopolitical tension after the alliance between Britain, the USA, and the Soviet Union/Russia began to precipitate out of solution because of Soviet instilled “communism” while Americans were providing aid. Nothing we like more than an excuse to pull out of an alliance on account of “handouts”. I hear that was when Mitch McConnell’s first term started. (Kidding.)

In 1948, the USA and European allies formed NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 

The Soviet Union was able to explode an atomic bomb, Chinese communism started, and North Korea backed by the Soviets began to invade US-occupied South Korea. 


Enter the Korean War.

This signaled the first military action of the Cold War. It was American democracy versus international communism. 

That guy I allude to occasionally, I think I called him “the Farm boy”, he’s half Korean so this is kinda awkward because now I’m thinking about him.

5 Million soldiers and civilians lost their lives between 1950-1953. It’s often referred to as “The Forgotten War”. 

Is that why I make sure to let that guy know I’ll never forget him just so he can be annoyed with how much he loves me? Yes. It’s true. I like history. And compartmentalization for recall. 

Korea had previously been part of the Japanese empire, before falling to Americans and Soviets. You know, imperialism. That thing male leaders in particular like to do because they feel the need to assert their dominance over everybody else (probably to avoid the issues going on at home and exploit military positioning globally). 

The Korean war was largely underrepresented in pop culture, which is weird because back in the 1950’s, the National Security Council recommended US military force to quell “communism” whenever necessary. 

You wanna know what American soldiers ACTUALLY encountered in Korea? Dangerous intestinal diseases from unsafe drinking water. Infectious Diseases. Imagine that subject being important in warfare. 

President Harry Truman wanted to avoid all out war because of the threat of Soviet aggression in Europe with the confirmed atomic bombs. Turns out some US presidents believe in preventing millions of senseless deaths.

He also had to fire a war-hungry general and created the 2-mile-wide “demilitarized zone” which apparently still exists today. Apparently my AP World History professor, Karl Kraton, moved to Korea in recent years to teach. I would like to credit him for going against the status quo of the US public education system and not being so ethnocentric. He also probably saw the historical projection of US history with Donald Trump’s rise to power and was like “absolutely not. Peace.”

Back to the overall “Cold War”


Intercontinental ballistic missiles. Plans to aim them at U.S. cities in historic nuclear attacks against civilian life. Naturally, we began to prepare for “Doomsday”. 

Both the USA and the Soviet Union realized nobody would support their leadership and they would live an awful life of exile should they continue on that path, thus they finally agreed to the Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty of 1963, preventing ABOVEground nuclear weapons testing. 

What do you think my biological dad used to do when he’d disappear into an undisclosed location in the ocean for a few weeks? How are American citizens too stupid to realize the greater forces at play being designed, constructed, and tested all over the globe at any given moment. 

“Doomsday” has always been a looming threat. Physics, Engineering, Mathematics were the focus of science and especially the focus of the national government.

Laugh all you want about the Obama Administration releasing a zombie apocalypse scenario, but why don’t you realize it’s literally the reason we have governments to be prepared and defend ourselves from mass casualty events? In the USA it’s certainly not for things like healthcare or human rights so what’s even the point, I mean, really? 

A lot of what I’m getting into is collected from Annie Jacobsen’s book, “The Pentagon’s Brain” and various historical sources across the internet because this shit is freely available to verify and it’s not a conspiracy theory. 

In the reality of a “Dooms Day”, from a Soviet Era bomb threat, tell me if any of this sounds familiar. “Over 50 million people would be estimated to need medical attention, health resources would be in a critical state, the doctors and nurses who survived cannot begin to handle what is now being asked of them, communicable diseases run rampant.”

The CIA even had a classified mission CALLED “Corona” during the Cold War space race. It was only declassified in February 1995 and involved a satellite reconnaissance program, not an infectious disease, though. (I’m kidding…that’s the type of allusion that actually makes me sound “conspiracy theorist”…although it is true.)


Moving on to Vietnam. Keep in mind the conflict in Vietnam officially lasted from 1955-1975.

William Godel, one of DARPA’s strategic visionaries, predicted guerrilla warfare involved psychological components. Psychological destruction was, ultimately, a necessary component for victory. 

In the 1950’s, the scientific fields of neuroscience and cognitive behavior didn’t exist. Biology, chemistry, genetics, and computer science in general weren’t logically defined fields that influenced our government’s priorities.

William Godel went on to become the deputy director of the Psychological Strategy Board (PBS) which coordinated psychological warfare between the Department of Defense and the CIA. 

William Godel began to focus his attention during Vietnam on one method of warfare: Agent Orange. 

As I’ve said, my grandfather was on the ground in Vietnam and I watched every time he coughed up blood clots on his lungs for years to come after exposure to Agent Orange. How he devoted his life to relearning his history. His anger at the world. 

In 1961, the use of biological and chemical weapons was prohibited by the Geneva Convention. Herbicidal warfare, however, was still legal. 

Fort Detrick’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) toxicology branch with the Army Chemical Corps Biological Laboratories thus developed and marketed Agent Orange as a “defoliant”. They claimed it would strip the foliage and poison the food crop. That’s it. The enemy would eventually be starved into submission. That was our goal. 

President John F. Kennedy’s administration was eventually responsible for over 19 million gallons of “herbicide” being sprayed over the jungles of Vietnam exposing nearly 5 million Vietnamese, along with thousands of our own soldiers. 

You remember how we were fighting so-called “communism” in Vietnam? Two US Defense Department sponsored anthropologists, Zasloff and Donnell, interviewed Vietnamese fighters and discovered most had never even heard of Karl Marx. Leon Gouré, a political scientist employed by the RAND Corporation in the 60’s and 70’s was the one who helped press Lyndon B. Johnson to understand that most of the Vietnamese were neutral and had no strong political views. Most people, it turns out, are not obsessed with masked imperialist policies for self expansion and colonialism in the modern day and are instead more focused on just fucking personal survival. Imagine that. Imagine having a competent administration that would listen to and understand that. You can’t? Me either. Tis but a dream. 

The RAND Corporation, important to note, was largely responsible for “soft science” within ARPA. The “hard science” was the “Jasons”. Physicists and mathematicians only interested in quantifiable data because the rest was too illogical to be confident in. Magnet, electrical, and sensor technology. The kind of technology Black Mirror showed you for years that you somehow didn’t realize was in development privately? Do you all truly not know that US citizens get research years after our military has when they can sequester it for their own uses first? It’s just practicality. Look at the fucking robots being built in Boston. You really look at those and don’t imagine how our military is probably using them, drones, and other AI to deliver lethal blows to “terrorists” around the globe who are ultimately just fucking pissed because we won’t let them live their fucking lives and focus on the issues within our own soil? 

Later on in the 1970’s, President Carter’s secretary of defense, Harold Brown, claimed “technological superiority was imperative to military dominance” and “advancing science was the key to economic prosperity” so I WONDER why the fuck the United States, in 2020, has had to live through several economic recessions of increasing severity as if we don’t have an entire foundational backing on religion that actively denounces science. 

By the 1980’s, the Cold War was breaking down. Mikhail S Gorbachev, Soviet leader, tried to democratize the Soviet political system. Democratic governments in Europe, facilitated by NATO influence, also continued.

The 80’s were a weird time for the USA, anyways. Ronald Reagan is accountable for over 80,000 deaths with the AIDS epidemic and failure to act over stigmatization and political party affiliation was responsible for it. I mean, only 40,000 American troops were killed in Korea, an actual war overseas, but fuck the twice as many people who died over government negligence rooted in religiosity.

Chernobyl happened in 1986 and it was pretty clear soviet destruction over their own nuclear development was apparent so we slacked off a bit and just assumed technological dominance. 

Fast forward to the 1990’s.

Satellite-based global positioning became available for civilian use. We soon got television, the internet, you name it. The invention of the internet, by a US military scientist hired to help create a defense network, and engineering feats in general are so significant because previously, war stories or written word “were the only record of battle.”  

The Gulf War

The 1990’s also brought the Gulf War. My stepfather, career navy man, flew drones in it. 

The Gulf War was situated around Saddam Hussein’s military command fortress of Baghdad, Iraq. A highly sophisticated air defense network, second in the world (after good ole Moscow). Americans often portray the middle east as huts in the sand and lack of anything technological. They saw “Hidalgo” once and were like “savages! Cheats!” I don’t know if it’s just Hollywood’s way of erasing and justifying cultural force or trying to reduce entire civilizations down to barbery, as if our own background checks pass so cleanly, but it certainly dehumanizes and asserts some US “superiority” complex over them. 

Mind you, the Gulf War was a united effort between 35 nations and led by the USA against the invasion of Kuwait. President George H.W. Bush led Operation Desert Storm for 42 days after the Saudi Arabian King Fahd, Kuwait’s government-in-exile, and ⅔ of the 21 members of the Arab League turned to the USA and other members of NATO for support. 

Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, tried to harness holy war based in Muslim support (religion, a common theme to wars) and then temporarily agreeing to peace with Iran in order to embolden his military strength. It was routed in Palestinian conflict and liberation through revengeful force and military occupation. A tactic, as we all know, that works *so* well. 

By the end of February, 1991, Iraq promised to get rid of all nuclear, biological, and chemical weaponry. In the process of invasion, we had discovered scientists were working on nuclear weaponry, one of the sources for continued aggression in the region. Saddam Hussein was effectively left in power to suppress political uprisings and they resisted on all weapons inspections and the United Nations were just like “it is what it is”. 

In 1993, the Battle of Mogadishu, more commonly known as the “Black Hawk Down” incident led to hundreds of Somali deaths. Eighteen Americans and 2 UN Soldiers died. Ratio-wise, this was fairly typical, it seemed. The Gulf War had almost 10,000 Middle Eastern deaths and only around 300 coalition troops. Our KD is fairly positive. 

But technology enabled dead American pilots and soldiers to be dragged, semi-naked, bloodied through the streets and broadcast on international television to be made a mockery of. We still waterboarded and tortured their warlords behind closed doors. We just didn’t broadcast it publicly. We were vastly better. More just. 

Slightly over a decade later, President George W. Bush would lead us through the second Gulf War, the “Iraq War” in 2003. Don’t worry, ya’ll. It’s 2020. I hear people in the Middle East LOVE the United States. I’m sure this Saudia Arabia arms deal won’t come back to bite our own civilians no big deal. 

Let’s backtrack slightly. 

In 1972 the Biological Weapons Convention Treaty was passed and everyone pinky promised to give up bioweapons work and we “believed” humanity to “do the right thing” (yawn). 

Instead, Biopreparat, a Soviet bioweapons program, was known to exist by both British and American intelligence operatives. Biotechnological innovation, spearheaded by the mass destruction of Agent Orange and growing fields of science, was key in militaristic expansion. Biopreparat was revealed to be involved with “chimera”–”genetic material from two or more organisms combined to produce more virulent germs.

One goal was to create a hybrid of smallpox and Ebola, for reference.

Speaking of Ebola...Remember, how Americans were depicted as these great feats of engineering for focusing on the Ebola outbreak–almost as if the Democratic Republic of the Congo hasn’t had Ebola endemically since the 70’s and we only got involved once political strife and refugee movement through the area meant the USA was also susceptible to Ebola entering our country? Almost like we largely don’t care about the spread of disease until it also impacts white people and the globally rich cultures and as a society don’t invest in biological science in general to prevent our civilians from reassessing the development and ethical dilemma of our military culture. 


While biological pathogens were temperature-fragile, they did offer the novelty of being biochemically engineered or developing naturally–in part due to humanity’s existence on this earth vastly accelerating environmental destruction.

It makes sense, intellectually, why they would be a bioweapons facility’s target. It naturally offers an excuse from corporate responsibility. A tendency for doubt. For lack of accountability. It’s political and militaristic gold.

Then, in the 1990’s when Dr. Kanatjan Alibekov, a Soviet scientist, came to our unbreachable capital for diplomatic tradition. He was trained as an infectious disease physician with a specialty in epidemiology, so naturally we escorted him with officials from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (US-AMRIID). He eventually confirmed Soviet sources sold biological secrets all over the world. DARPA, directed by Larry Lynn, recognized the lack of US intelligence into biological sciences. 

Unsurprising, for a country that fails to embrace universal healthcare 30 years later and is weakening their own population by failing to provide very simple remedies to very simple problems before they exacerbate and spiral out of control into very complex problems. Think of the amount of genius lost to misogyny, unplanned pregnancies, lack of stable healthcare in general and increased chronic diseases, poverty, etc all because someone screams “communism” and you refuse to invest in your communities. 

Soft sciences also involves mental health and we all know it will apparently CRUMBLE our military regime’s to recognize that something like PTSD, which helps highlight the brevity of life, is not actually a universal “negative” and could actually be a benefit as it should ultimately be the responsibility of the military to focus on preservation of human life. Health conditions probably shouldn’t just disqualify you from certain positions nor should needing to talk about them or not being available to society half of all waking hours 5 out of the 7 days a week when we live in an age of technology make you “useless”. By the way, it doesn’t make you some uber tough military gladiator to be all war all the time and not value human life. 

Arthur Cebrowski was the one who first stated “you have a moral obligation not just to limit your own casualties and casualties of nonparticipants but also those of the enemy itself.” But what does he know–he’s only a decorated Navy pilot, after all. 

Failure to address how deep this shit goes is the exact fucking problem our entire country has because it’s all fucking related and it’s all centered around creating a Disney World of a country that pretends everything’s happy-go-lucky as long as we can avoid it on our news cycle. The political elitism. The almost necessity for religious foundational political campaigns.

President Bill Clinton was debriefed on biological weapons programs in 1996 involving North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Libya, and Syrian facilities. The knowledge politicians are privy to is also why we refuse to alienate former presidents even when they start wars over things like oil and other consumeristic policies of U.S. expansion, military strength, and civilian comfort. You don’t have to respect these people, but you do have to figure out how to work with them. And you ARE supposed to be able to trust them. We wonder why nobody of value stepped forward to fill the position and a reality television star was erected? 

I personally think it’s significantly detrimental to the Democratic party’s continued legitimacy every time Hilary Clinton tries to voice her support. I get it, you tried to warn the country about Donald Trump. Your own failure to recognize why that election was lost is rooted in misogynistic patriarchy, sure, but it’s also rooted in your own lack of transparency and failure to adapt or recognize a new age of politics. Your own goals in politics prevented opening the door for other women and you just expected women to universally not recognize that? Not that the Republican party’s legitimacy is any better, obviously. Fuck them all. We should have like 800 political parties with fair representation and it should be easily accessible–HAVE YOU SEEN HOW BIG THE UNITED STATES IS?!

We then enter the new millennium. Things were looking up. We had transitions from grunge pop to Zenon-esque platinum attire, space culture chic.

September 11, 2001 and Modern Warfare

Until September 11, 2001 happened.

For the “Bush did 9/11” crowd–I want you to understand how terrorism works. They flood our communication channels after years of generational hatred for military occupancy and societal exploitation and we hope we can distinguish the one real threat. We knew an attack was imminent. It’s plausible to assume we knew an attack was occurring, but we didn’t know which airline, which state it was flying in from, and in 2020 you proved that our society frankly doesn’t care enough to shut down airports and prevent an event where over 3000 American lives die in a single day, every single day with the current situation so this is a moot discussion anyways.

The morning of September 11, 2001, David A. Bray, a 24-year-old information technology chief for the Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program at the US. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia–you know, the institution half of Americans and the President of the United States have spent the last year ignoring–established under Bill Clinton administration for counterterrorism was preparing a spiel involving the way people get information and what they do with it. (Turns out, misinformation has been a big issue for a long time and all of you libertarians who cry about “freedom of speech” because you think well-researched, educated speech is somehow going to be restricted are as fucking stupid as your trust in Joe Rogan. If you really mistrust the government so much, why don’t you fucking get involved and stop endorsing the exact reason we said he shouldn’t give right-wing radicalists a platform.) 

The CDC also predicted biological events would also be a subset of this new age of warfare. So far, they’re 2/2 and yet 0/372,000 and counting at the same time. 

Network-centric warfare in general provided a “new relationship between operations abroad and homeland security.” “The lines between homeland security and fighting foreign wars would become intentionally blurred.” And yet… Americans just want to keep their vacations to Mexico as if the revelation of a massive Russian-backed cybersecurity attack on the United States government and Mitch McConnell refusing to support immediate impeachment of Donald Trump or allow the new presidential administration to enter and begin working only serves to prove to me that we need to remove literally every single person who has supported or endorsed Donald Trump’s actions in the last year. They’re either too fucking stupid to be aware of the compromise to national security and therefore are unfit to hold political office or they are involved with the opposition and are therefore terrorists. Take your pick, Mitch McConnell. 

In 2004, Congress was concerned with a research study involving chemical or biological weapon development. But if you one-day want to develop a jamming device that can locate IEDs in fast-moving vehicles through chemical vapor technology, you also need to develop the chemical vapors! What does congress not “get”? Why did American civilians remain so dumb to the reality that technologists had long replaced ground-scale combat? Is this because half of you grow up playing a stupidly excessive contact sport that ONLY the United States plays in the hopes for athletic glory because sports are the only thing the US ACTUALLY is #1 globally in (hooray for gold fucking medals), even though it’s probably the LEAST FUCKING IMPRESSIVE SINCE WE’RE UNHEALTHY IN EVERY OTHER FUCKING WAY, and now your brains are all creative goo too idiotically proud to recognize the bounds of your knowledge and how little your small bubbles of white privilege actually reveal about the way the world works?

Robert Scales, a Vietnam War veteran and retired major general, spoke publicly about a potential future space force and wars being fought overhead with network-centric methods of incapacity, political propaganda and cultural sway, and bioterrorism related to infectious diseases and y’all just play fucking dumb in 2020 because you can’t see the physical enemy?

You fail to see how facilitating the spread of a highly mutable virus, regardless of its initial origin, is now fully the responsibility of the USA and the Donald Trump administration, because we didn’t even make any minute attempt to reduce transmission in reality, because we lacked any kind of a nationally coordinated response, and thus accelerated the possibility and rates of mutations, constantly undermined transparency of data including refusing to reveal the legitimacy of the threat to the public in the first place and ignoring warnings from scientists, refused to mandate masks (even though Asian cultures well aware of the looming threat of infectious diseases wear them as precautions within the public out of societal habit…probably a solid policy for the USA to start adopting), and CONTINUES to ignore it while every passing day is A FUCKING MASS CASUALTY EVENT THAT MAKES 9/11 PALE IN COMPARISON AND YOU PROMISED TO “NEVER FORGET” ABOUT THAT AND SUPPORTED AN ENTIRE MUSLIM BAN AS IF WE DON’T LIVE IN A COUNTRY FOUNDED ON CHRISTIANITY, UNDENIABLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAJORITY OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES SPREAD GLOBALLY AND A CULTURE BASED AROUND ASSERTING ITS UNFOUNDED DOMINANCE ON OTHERS. Yet, you fail to see how this is bioterrorism? 

The war in Iraq focused on how “cultural ignorance can kill” –a thought first routinely circulated by DARPA Social Scientist Montgomery McFate. I honestly didn’t think the USA had condemned itself to so much fucking cultural ignorance that you just excuse the President of the United States from creating a society that ignores its contribution to global bioterrorism because we refuse to “show weakness” in any way and subsequently condemn ourself to weakness for decades to come. The same laboratories that engineered the atomic bomb now create artificial brains and an entirely complex organ, the human uterus. North London hospitals have “grown noses, ears, blood vessels, and windpipes in a laboratory as they attempt to make body parts using stem cells.” The “pro life” crowd rallies in disgust and only hinders scientific progress. Our Army research facilities are responsible for it yet our government officials refuse to condemn that repetitive rhetoric and latch onto it to grasp desperately onto power. Outlawing it will not keep you from it’s development. The world has grown far too quickly for that. 

Pretending the opinions of the religiosity matter in general, as far as government policy of a “Free” nation are concerned, is clearly problematic. 55% of white women voted for a man who brazenly conducted a seditious act and who some congresspeople are refusing to boldly condemn and immediately remove from office because of it. Keeping an outdated electoral college in place that places the opinions of rural areas with more white religiosity at a higher voting weight only further increases these problems.

In 2014, DARPA Scientist Dr. Paul Zak ensured the public the CIA’s Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency aimed on manipulation of trust was a GOOD thing. I’m going to say now, which should not come as a surprise to anyone, that I see the benefit in government’s being prepared and understanding scenarios and natural aspects of human behavior. Call me unethical. That man, mind you, is a leader in neuroeconomics and morality–a field involving the economic decisions based on trust. He was trained at Harvard. And yet, the manipulation of trust is something every person of religious background has placed excessive faith in, fairly blindly. In 2020, it ultimately proved (on a global scale) to be the American people’s deficit. 

Carl Sagan, an American astronomer and astrophysicist, one of the most famous of the 1980s and 1990s, once said, “It is suicidal to create a society dependent on science and technology in which hardly anybody knows anything about the science and technology”.

I’d go so far as to say it is far more “suicidal to create a society dependent on science and technology in which [the majority of people eligible to vote and elected government officials] know nothing about science and technology.”

Math team is not social suicide, ladies. I know Gretchen Weiners really wanted to convince us all of that in the wonders of Tina Fey’s “Mean Girls”. 

However “controversial” this may be, the reality of the world in 2020 is an age of cybertechnology and biochemical warfare. The ignorance of United States citizens to take and demand effective measures to curb the spread of coronavirus, the lack of cultural emphasis on access and prioritization of healthcare, the national negligence, not only towards government support for its own citizens but knowledge of the implications for additional biochemical attacks of further increased virulence is something we should take immediate forewarnings of. The fact that we place a higher priority on being able to fly to vacations in Mexico or skiing in Colorado is straight up pathetic. Get a fucking grip. 

Donald Trump and his entire administration and the coronavirus is bioterrorism and you all are fucking idiots. We’ve known something like this was an expected reality for a LONG time. Failure to contain it was not inability to. It was in failure in the ability to lead. Is it uncomfortable to look at yourselves and go “wow, I’m a fucking idiot how did I not see this?” Yes. Obviously.

What do you expect when white people are labeled as “mentally ill” instead of as “Domestic terrorists” so your ski trip to Vail is “for your depression” instead of “bioterrorism”?

I mean, obviously. Get a clue.

We now have an entire country that will question science and distrust government officials even more than they did before, including the blue collar labor workforce. We have a white supremacist insurgence of fascism that is propelling hatred across the globe and feeling emboldened to emerge from their dark caverns of secrecy. 

We have over 20 million cases within our country–surely underreported because my neighbors with their handmade “Stop the Steal” signs definitely don’t have health insurance and wouldn’t seek out testing no matter how long their coughs persisted. We’re going to have insurmountable cardiac deaths from stress on cardiorespiratory systems for years to come, mental fatigue of health care officials (which we already have), addiction rates skyrocketing, and yet YOU DON’T SEE HOW THIS IS BIOTERRORISM AND TRUMP’S FAILURE TO RESPOND OR PROTECT AMERICAN CITIZENS IS WEAKENING THE ENTITY OF THE UNITED STATES? 

Hold him fucking accountable for the love of whatever fucking Gods ya’ll pray to. Bioterrorism is the release of viruses, bacteria, or other germs that sicken or kill people/livestock/crops. PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW YOU DO NOT CONSIDER WILLFUL IGNORANCE (OR RATHER PURPOSEFUL NEGLIGENCE) TOWARDS JUST EXCUSING AND FACILITATING GLOBAL SPREAD OF A HIGHLY MUTABLE VIRUS WITH OVER 2 MILLION DEATHS WORLDWIDE NOT BIOTERRORISM? 

Michelle Carter was convicted in a Massachusetts court of law for cyberbullying her boyfriend to commit suicide as a teenager yet you claim to not want to hold the president of the united states accountable for an attack on the Capitol that he encouraged moments before and helped orchestrate? You claim to not want to hold him accountable for the months and years of cyberbullying build up in the name of “politics”?

Fuck your sense of justice.

As I said, I know this episode was going to be EXCESSIVELY controversial, but doing the
“Right” thing is never necessarily “popular” or “easy”. Stay the fuck home and quit being so ignorant and selfish and LEARN how to contribute positively to the world while also being aware.

There’s a lot of fucking work to do.


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