White Culture: LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring

Survival Mode
White Culture: LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring

I write this with the pessimistic swaddling of Natalie Imbruglia’s “Torn” enshrouding me in its sorrow while I watch the sunset across the farm and wonder if life is just going to be wondering if this is all there is and whether it’ll ever feel like “enough” to just be “happy”, when I’m aware of what goes on in the world.

I got to visit the bat houses in Gainesville and soak in the shared love of an epidemiology friend’s presence recently, who just separated herself from a long term relationship-turned-friendship, and I wanted to share a few sentiments we covered:

  • Those of us who have blocked out years of childhood abuse, or familial memories, have been able to access therapy or have spent hours of free time running in contemplation, good for you.
    I’m glad I’m not the only fierce science gal who was accused of “emotional manipulation” from the very source they learned it from.
  • Men are arguably another species. Whether they will ever make their intentions clear, unmistakeable, nonsecretive, who knows. Just remind yourself that solo cat ladies tend to live wonderfully great qualities of life and queer and homosexual traits potentially arise to offer care from (typically) nonreproductive members of a species when the reproductive members are providing the babies/offspring/future generations with less than quality care.
    Happy pride month.
  • Humanity is the only primate known to abuse its offspring to the point of less viable reproductive futures. The study of everything revolves around our concept for “normalcy” or “standard” behavior. Some “reference”.

    How dare we condemn other country’s and culture’s behavior, because of the “more” atrociously grotesque human rights violations, while simultaneously dismissing those within our own borders.

Without further adieu, I’ll go into my reconstruction of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Pretty sure I watched the extended cut on HBO Max. For the record, one of my absolute favorite movie and book series of all time, though I was a bit young for the language of the books when the movies with Elijah Woods first came out. (AKA: I watched the movies first and only read the books later.) As a horse gal, there weren’t many movies that utilize horses, and LOTR obviously included a ton, so I naturally loved it. Sue me. 

Galadriel opens up the narrative with the backstory on the one ring to rule them all and forewarning us that “the race of men…who above all else…desire power.”

Ya no fucking shit. Look at literally any guy in a fraternity getting cut off, kicked out of a bar, questioned at the door, turned down by a girl. They take everything like a personal attack and those of us who never doubted our places as peasants just get annoyed because all you’re doing is making everyone else’s lives shittier. 

Anyways, a last alliance of men and elves “fought for the freedom of middle earth”. Isildor, the son of a king, took up his fallen daddy’s sword at the very moment hope was seemingly lost and like the good buzzer beater moment that I’ve been on both the giving and receiving end of as a Tar Heel fan, Sauron’s wedding ring got cut off and he was defeated.

All I’m saying is if my next boyfriend doesn’t dress up as all of the villains in these movies and try to “defeat” me, we’re not fucking.

In a move that doesn’t surprise any woman ever, the “hearts of men are easily corrupted” and “history became legend. Legend became myth.” and the National Treasure style plot of medieval witchy conspiracy theories on power and quests and the history of mankind began.

Bilbo is the first hobbit we’re introduced to–noted as “the most unlikely creature of all” (which you would ONLY use to describe what will turn out to be the most notable creature of all), human “esque”, a “little weird”–so basically he is the black sheep of every southern family who wants to live peacefully away from everybody but knows far too much. Hobbits, in general, are described as “of little importance” except for their love of food, ale, and pipeweed and thus, the natural disposition for US citizens everywhere to see themselves represented amongst the mole people of the Shire. 

Gandalf, the wizard, is naturally a “disturber of peace”.

It’s almost like being “interesting” and “mythically wacky” is a universal negative. “Difficult”. Thank goodness we’re in the age of Wicked. Maleficent. Cruella. Harley Quinn. Backstories do a gal some good.

Shout out to my best friend, who was not allowed to watch Harry Potter until her 18th birthday (because of witchcraft) but was allowed to hang out with me. 

Frodo is the orphaned hobbit who deserves everything Bilbo can possibly give him. The farm people, true to form, explain how “it is never our concern what goes on beyond our borders” which is rural people to a Tee. Everyone’s a bit rough around the edges. An alcoholic. Got a temper. 

The ring, which I’ve alluded to in episodes past, specifically to reference the act of giving head, performing “fellatio”, sucking dick, whatever you wanna call it, “always yearns to return to its master” and I’ve also read 50 Shades of Grey… they’re NOT wrong.

That analogy holds even for my allusion.

And as we see Margot Robbie pout in Birds of Prey,
a harlequin is nothing without her master.”

This rhetoric is followed by Gollum being tortured in bondage gear which really frames the BDSM context.

Frodo gets that distorted hyperfocus of ominous foreshadowing, clamors to “get off the road”, and we get the dementor sensation of the black riders, symbolizing death through how the worms emerged from the soil, awakened in its presence. 

After Sam, Frodo, Pippin, and Merry successfully make it to The Prancing Pony, Pippin of course is running his little mouth, despite KNOWING what is after him, and Aragorn enters the realm. 

Aragorn, arguably the prime example of non-toxic masculinity in 2021, asks Frodo “are you frightened?” UGH. SO HOT. Legalize sexwork so I can have a fellowship of Aragorn and Legolas take me in the forest of Lothlorien. Then Viggo Mortensen follows it up with “not nearly frightened enough?” DADDY. Fucking amazing. 

Aragorn explains about the black riders, or Nazgûl, in depth–how they were men dominated by greed and now live a life of limbo in darkness. The 4 plus Aragorn then go on their lil journey to the elves and we see a recurring theme in M & P (Merry & Pippin’s) concern for food, as well as what little bitch boys they are crying about wading through a little bit of swampy water and mud with bug bites. Get these hobbits to Vietnam. Or trekking whatever bus routes our grandparents supposedly took to get to school. 

This entire section of the plot just reminds me of the movie “Role Models”, which, as someone who has gone larping exactly 1 time, I’m just gonna say ya’ll are missing out. I bet series like this are fun as fuck to film and anyone with a penis is arguably obsessed with any “Sword” symbolism so don’t act like you’re “above” medieval lore. 

Liv Tyler enters the scene, reminding us that, as great of a man as Aragorn may be, he is starstruck in wonder by women, the “ranger caught off his guard” that he is.

Here’s my episode reminder that our societal disdain for sexwork is related to the way sexuality has coercively been used in warfare to gain intelligence. 

The ringwraiths look like the fucking mighty ducks chasing her stoically white horse up in this bitch, and jumping over ONE cross country log isn’t going to impress me. I used to do eventing schooling all over the Northeastern USA on my 12.2 hand pony. 

Now also seems like a FANTASTIC time to remind everyone that LOTR wouldn’t exist without the fucking women because Arwen saved the day.

She does that whole “what grace has given me, let it pass to him” spiritual praying and he recovers from his coma.

A gradual theme of men being weak emerges.

The race of men are scattered, with only one hope to unite them (a white man, of course).

Frodo complains about the “burden he should never have had to bear” but as an orphan with a pretty nice inheritance, I mean… ya eventually you were gonna have to do some work?? Not sure what you expected there, buddy.

Boromir is boyishly fascinated by the “blade that cut the ring”, whereas Aragorn is respectfully mindful (setting the scene for parallels in their behavior later.)

Arwen’s witchy elvish ass comes back out to warn Aragorn about not being bound to Isildor’s fate, about him facing the same evil, but choosing a different route, about meeting him and Aragorn “thinking he had strayed into a dream.” (Beyonce’s “Sweet Dreams” where she speaks on the man being either a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare came into my head–take that as you will… I think I’M more of the “Halsey” “No sweet dream but I’m a hell of a night” type of gal, myself.) Arwen chooses to share one lifetime with Aragorn rather than face all of the ages of life alone and just fucking spare me. I am tired of the love stories. I am tired of men in general thinking keeping something your “dirty little secret” is our goal? LOL. NO.

Also, Boromir asks them to USE THE RING, to GIVE IT TO GONDOR, and then they STILL let him tag along on this little fellowship quest? RED FLAG.

What the fuck are you? A bull? CHARGING THOSE FLAGS DOWN LIKE IT’S YOUR JOB?
The fellowship just set themselves up for this. 

We finally get Orlando Bloom as Legolas’ fine ass on screen and all I have to say is if he was your favorite character, you are bisexual. Heteroflexibility should be the default anyways.

Also Tom Hardy, who is arguably the hottest man in Hollywood to me, is notoriously open about his sexual fluidity. Can we stop acting like this behavior is novel to celebrity culture and Hollywood only and recognize that queer folk are in your normal communities? 

Gimli, of course, has to throw off the fellowship talk with the firm “I would die before I see the ring in the hands of an elf” talk and the racial themes and eugenics tones get highlighted. 

M&P remark on “needing people of intelligence on this quest” and the creation of the fellowship is only what I can describe as the beginner of any Survivor series, or the Bachelor or Bachelorette, where the entirety of the cast is introduced, and you can just TELL who is going to go home first. This is how you can tell I wasn’t in charge of sending these creatures off to slaughter in the framework of its pages.

Gandalf sits on those rocks, reminding me of the mountains I scaled in Arizona, and the flights of birds, “spies of Saruman”–seems like a great time to reiterate that American crows can recognize and remember human faces, hold grudges, and pass on whatever epigenetic alteration that grudge solidified to its offspring.

Boromir keeps making little cuntish remarks and only men can ignore that many red flags for behavior and excuse it under “friendship”. 

Saruman calling upon his spirits and energy forces reminds me a little bit of myself doing yoga, and I’m gonna have to start channeling this energy in the future. I already wanted to make “cloaks” and willowy silhouettes my next aesthetic, seems a logical leap. 

The fellowship encounters that squid like creature and I’m sure there’s been a ton of rule 34 tentacle porn commissioned out there. I’ll paint a gigantic portrait with my 4’ canvases. Hire me to do it. There is literally nothing I would rather spend my time doing.

I’m actually excessively annoyed the “Strider” in my life won’t just ask me to move in with him so I can spend my days planting a garden of creepy or eerily cool plants in his retro home already, but my friend Citroni says I’m being “unrealistic” expecting that and “crazy”.

I never gave a damn about society’s norms before, and I know I’d be happy.
Sue me. But fiiiine. I’ll be “patient”.

Back to the subject of giant squids–have ya’ll realized what kind of shit is in our ocean? (Apart from gallons of hazardous waste and pollution.) The deep sea is TERRIFYING. Blue whales are the largest mammals on the planet and we can’t even track their migration or reproductive cycles because they dive beyond depths our instruments can comprehend. 

We then hear all the tragic overlays of Bilbo saying he “wished the ring had never come to him” and I wish this patriarchal world wasn’t lacking such progressive reform, but unfortunately this is the nature of the world we live in.

Existence is pain. Mr. Meseeks had it right. 

Gimli laments over the deaths of all the graves of the dwarves in Moria and naturally, one half of M&P knocks something over, royally fucking over the party and the “drums from the deep” can be heard as orcs attack. I wondered if this was the same animation used for the troll in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, because the goblin orc creature who stabs Frodo looks very similar to the troll that went after Hermione in the bathroom. Technology that isn’t developed for the military is often developed for private industry, but particularly the entertainment industry, and works like James Cameron’s Avatar had equipment designed to allow the imaginations of the film creators to be fulfilled. Truly fascinating development in innovation.

Creation for the love of art, rather than destruction.

Right as I’m admiring how busy the costume designers and makeup teams must have been, between all of the orcs, elves, hobbits, whoever,

Legolas once more graces our screens and everything else fades as I’m reminded that we get to exist in the same timeline as Orlando Bloom as Legolas.
Whatever kind of doom awaits us in the future, this should be enough for now.

The bridges and staircases that collapse around the fellowship is exactly why I don’t fuck with infrastructure or construction.

Aragorn once again turns us all on with the turn of his cloak and the pivoting of his booted heels as they try to escape.

Gandalf has his big moment. The balrog cracking that whip like the guy from iron man with those electric whip thingies for arms. 

We learn that orcs are numerous, but fucking horrible at archery because they miss every shot at Aragorn’s plot armour. They really should’ve practiced–how are you THAT bad at aiming? 

A terrible tragedy, Gandalf’s disappearance, but I could watch Viggo Mortensen jump across puddles all day long. They can’t waste time mourning his assumed death, for the “elf witch”, a “great sorceress of terrible power” awaits them in Lothlorien.

What do I have to say about these elves? Every single one of them could fuck me.

Legalize sex work. Imagine a LOTR style brothel? The Witcher? Game of Thrones?

Goddammit my next boyfriend does not deserve me and my multiple personalities.

All I want is to live my days in the sunshine, cultivating a garden around beautiful trees like that. A little witchy sorceress.

I had a previous aversion to beaded gowns because of the association with weddings, but what I’m getting from the elves is that every day is a special occasion.
Wear the fucking dress.

Galadriel is just the LOTR version of Professor Trelawney, for what it’s worth.
Her beautiful mystique and prophecies? 

Her little speech to Frodo about “even the smallest person could change the course of the future?” Ugh if I was in marketing, I’d have commercials for using reusable grocery bags, metal straws, refillable water bottles overlaid with that quote. Galadriel walked so Greta Thundberg could run. 

Hmm. Not sure how I feel about the handprints on these orcs. Are these supposed to be digs at Native Americans? Or indigenous “savages” that white European colonialists brought nothing but destruction and famine to? Am I about to hate this movie because I just recognized that? 

Galadriel is who I want to be. An ethereal witchy elf of the woods. She mysteriously appears and magically bestows gifts upon others. She seemingly knows all about their mysterious quests and thinks generationally. 

I want Legolas to look at me like he looks at that bow.

Hell, I want anyone to look at me like Legolas looks at that bow.

(JK, not “anyone” but men whose affection I appreciate, sure.)

I like how Gimli asked Galadriel for a single blonde hair from her head and she gave him 3. What a move. This is like one of my little sixth graders who stood behind me and would hover his hand over my hair, because he’d “never seen hair like it before”. (It was a very awkward phone call to his mother to discuss his behavior.)

Also, I don’t know why Gimli was complaining. He CLEARLY knew what kind of journey he was signing up for if he’s listing all of the horrors. He’s just doing this to scare the hobbits which is never good, though I’m not advocating for continued naivety. 

Kinda sus how Boromir just time and time again ignores the concept of “no”. Now I understand why men on the internet deemed him “relatable”. OOOOkay.

And Frodo being scared of Aragorn because of the trauma with Boromir?
RELATABLE. Put it in a way that men can fucking understand. 

I can never separate M&P (or which one is which), but I love being reminded of the “not penny’s boat” guy from LOST. What a show. It actually made way more sense years later when I binge watched it, because there wasn’t as much time between episodes and the questions got answered in shorter duration (without creating just as many, if not more). 

The orcs storming this lil wooded area kinda reminds me of that insurrection at the Capitol.

Someone wanna tell me why the fuck Donald Trump is giving speeches or leisurely relaxing in his mansion instead of being “handled” by Huck or any other member of B-613 in Shonda Rhimes’ Scandal? Was it not normal for everyone to think their biological father reminded them of Olivia Pope’s? Just me? Cool. 

Am I supposed to be “sad” about Boromir’s death, though? Why? This dude fucking sucked. Death was literally the only noble move he could’ve had left and sacrificing himself was redemption. This is how recruiters treat potential enlistments for our military. The trick is to get them to not fear death so much that they avoid it, but rather to charge it down, head on, and know the only way is “through”. 

“Frodo’s fate is no longer in our hands.” Lol. okay? Men are idiots. 

To sum it up, watching The Fellowship of the Ring high was great. I need to start paying attention to the shows I watch instead of brainstorming abstract foreign policy or recalling random warfare strategy for “fun”.

This should 100% be considered foreplay for my next relationship, because it definitely turned me on.

“All you have to decide is what to do with the time that’s given to you” and time is relative, so figure out a perception you like and make that bitch surreal. 

Carolina Girls: Best In the World

Survival Mode
Carolina Girls: Best In the World

I’m just gonna jump into it because I drove up to New Jersey about a month ago to visit my bestfriend and it was…amazing. OMG I had so much fun doing absolutely nothing but being with her. I came back to life like the Grinch, my heart grew three sizes that day. Ahh this is terrifying. Why can’t life be like The Vampire Diaries where I can dissociate and turn my emotions off (I mean…it can be, but I don’t want to exist that way.)

Fun aside from that visit actually–she introduced me to some of her friends from the area, which is always amusing because they don’t know about her gymnastics background, and a bunch of the men were doing a dumbbell workout (totally “showing off” in just such an amusing array of attempted masculinity). They showed her what to do and then were SHOCKED when she just broke out the whole workout, hitting every skill, mastering technique, and doing so with the same dumbbells they were using. I was sitting on these bar stools at the time, amused as hell, loving the emasculation. When I first meet people, especially a group I’m being introduced to, I’m usually fairly quiet, I like to observe, people watch, mentally become aware of behaviors and energy and learn about them. The men migrated near me and started playing basketball on a small hoop like the ones men hang up in corporate offices or your high school teachers posted above the garbage cans, at one point.

I can’t recall the exact context, but one of them looked at me sitting and watching them and went “I’m sure the amount of testosterone in the room is intimidating” and I said, very calmly, “I think we have different baselines for what “too much testosterone” is”.

Hahahahaha. I have never seen men take a step back and be so amused, not offended, and concede immediate respect in one moment. 

Back to my lil intro, I just wanna give all of my friends and the people currently in my life a huge shout out lately. Whether it’s my internet pals, like Nikki and Stephen (@wittyidiot), my chosen family, my actual sister, and my incredibly diverse and insanely interesting array of humans I get to call my support network. I’ve felt so much love lately, and I think I was actually able to finally accept love because I learned how to actually see it, because they taught me how to trust it. How to trust myself. And they believed in me. They were and are patient with me. They recognize the way I light up their souls, the room, the planet. 

I wanted to switch into entertainment because I realized the thing I value most about myself–with all of my ridiculous skills, from sewing (which translated great from the seat cushions we learned how to make in Girl Scouts to closing up Mohs surgery scars with the precision of a plastic surgeon), to animals (sometimes it’s easier to learn how to ask for love after you see a dog do it), to disease and health (a holistic, educated approach that takes into account the boundaries of western medicine), to childcare (and YEARS of experience as a babysitter across multiple familial dynamics, continents, and parenting styles)–was that I wanted to be helpful in any situation. I wanted to have the answers–or at least know where to look for them. 

When I consider the idea of “setting up a life for myself”, my answer always comes back to wanting to be the person who could help my friends in any way possible. Apparently this is a testament to being an ~Aquarius~ (to all you nonbelievers). This was my draw to medicine as well–I wanted to be helpful, and it was the most tangible and direct way for me to do so. But how many people can’t ask for help? Like I couldn’t/can’t/still struggle with? How many people can’t afford healthcare? How many people can barely afford life

I wanted a way to be there for people that transcends the boundaries of direct communication–because I knew all too well I wouldn’t always physically be available. I knew that sometimes it was easier and necessary to learn the framing you needed impersonally. That topics like the ones I cover are often dark as fuck, and will get that much darker, and not everyone can fathom sitting through and watching me talk about them–but it doesn’t mean they don’t want to listen. As someone who struggles to express emotion publicly, I get it.

There are different types of loneliness, but feeling like there is no mutual understanding for your mind is perhaps the worst of all. 

My friend Amanda, who has recorded a few episodes with me, sent me a highlighted passage from a book that covered the idea that she was scared nobody would ever actually understand her. She said she used to think like that and now she thinks I’m that person for her. I literally burst into happy tears when she sent me that. And what are friends for if not to reassure you that you’re worthy of the love you don’t think you deserve, that you’re scared to want, that you’re terrified to need. 

My friends have shown me so much patience and love over the years, but especially these past few months, that I think it’s important to remind everyone that “control” isn’t “love”. You should have a support network that embraces and loves you and lets you share your version of love with the world. That cultivates and strengthens your version of healthy love–especially for those of us who grew up in abusive households. My friends have always been my escape, my happiness, my understanding. I want to create a life that continues and allows me to be there for them in ways that they know and can understand that I’m here for them to rely on as much or as little as they need. I’ll always be here. 

Writing allows me to do that. It allows me to impact and be there for the people who might not have anybody in their physical life who gets them…yet. It allows me to share my education, which is the PURPOSE of education. Not everyone can or will have access to formal education. Even amongst those who do have access to formal education, some people have to get it through places like Clemson or FSU or even worse…Duke. (LOL…just kidding…kinda.) Not everything needs to be so elitist you have to achieve XYZ goal BEFORE you feel “worth something”. Ya’ll (myself included) suck Nike’s child and prison labor corporate bullshit’s dick, yet won’t “just do it”? 

When I say “entertainment is overvalued” I mean “people shouldn’t be able to make and have millions of dollars for abstract work while communities and vital roles that allow others to do such abstract, creative work are so drastically underpaid”. That’s not the entertainment industry’s fault, though. And I don’t think we should really continue to perpetuate such pathetic excuses for entertainment that someone like Jake and Logan Paul are so monumentally influential for doing absolutely nothing of value. That sporting industries should endorse violence and head trauma and society should embrace and allow such shitty behavior to be so financially profitable. We are positively reinforcing horrific examples for behavioral growth within the USA yet then wonder why people are struggling and why societal values are in such a terrifying dichotomy under a 2 party political system that we pretend can and should be allowed to represent a multicultural nation. All of those decisions ultimately come down to the lack of progressive reform for workers rights, distribution of wealth, restrictions regarding lobbying for multinational corporations, and universal healthcare. Celebrities and wealthy individuals can pay their way out of accountability within the court system, since penalties aren’t based around percentages (and they hire teams of lawyers to avoid everything, including taxes, anyways), and who can blame them because our prison systems are cages, not “reformatory” in any way. I’m very obviously a “public school kid”. 

I also think it’s amusing when people assume I don’t have friends because I don’t post them on my social media as much as I post my frothingly witty commentary. Maybe that’s on me, and I truly think I go out of my way so they all know what they mean to me…but I still want to make it a point to be better at vocalizing it. I think not sharing that side of me is a way for me to not accidentally overstep other’s boundaries–because I care about my friends and I AM private with intimacy of its various forms. I’m private about love. But is that because I’m scared to share it? To express what it means to me, lest it not be reciprocated or perceived in the way I intend it? 

So a few of these episodes are going to be love ballads, centered around my friendships

We ALL have Daddy Issues, this is a Patriarchy (Remember)… (8:10)

Particularly as a woman, my female friendships represent my ability to love. Even when I’m single, and intimately celibate (basically always), I’ve never questioned whether the absence of a partner at my side diminished my worth. And as women, especially as conventionally attractive women (read: white ethnocentric beauty standards), you have people ask why you aren’t dating someone ALL THE TIME. A lot of young women are taught they need to make decisions around the ideal scenario for a future partner, an IMAGINARY FIGURE, with the implied heteronormative context. By all means, if you have a suitable candidate able to express his emotions and be a PARTNER, sign me up. I shall share the enthusiasm of that Grandma from the end of Mulan. Love is a battlefield and I’m obviously geared up for war, all the time.

This past month, I realized I have never once doubted that the “right” person for me was out there because I have such a strong support network of friendships, many of whom live across the entirety of the USA. And I’ve cultivated those relationships through years of living together and apart. I never feel the need to rush through life because I am happy and loved. I’ve never worried about whether or not I would be a good wife, or “partner”, in part because I spent 4 years living with one of my best friends from a tier of female counterparts that are the reason I can love myself so much–because they’ve showed me what deep, meaningful love really is.They’ve ALWAYS been there to show me what love is (my childhood best friend remains and will always be one of the largest support figures in my life and I’ll hopefully get the time in life to cover all of the people I love, in no particular order.)

And I think a lot of men are deterred by the idea of being “friendzoned”, which is just sad to me because you should want the emotional love of friendships, especially those with women. 

Women aren’t more “emotionally manipulative” just because you’re “emotionally incompetent”–we just live in a society where we’ve been expected to put on facades for who we are that “society” deems “acceptable” and are good at playing those roles. We’ve been thrown into costumes since childhood. Make up allows people to craft new identities with their mood. Hell, you can even sign up for significant plastic surgery for making your body more visually appealing for others because the GOP will only regulate it when someone wants to change their body for themselves.

But nobody seems to connect that to the reality that our natural selves are taught to not be the preferred self we put forth into the world.

We are naturally gifted with emotional intelligence, and psychological sciences, as a result. 

One of my favorite people, we’ll call him “Venus” (because I play tennis with him and he likes space) is a surgeon who went to Yale for undergrad. Every time I visit him, he shares his friends with me, who are as equally as wonderful of a collection of humans, and he introduced me to what a silent disco is recently. We’re the same age, and as my friends are a pretty wide range of ages, I get to ask him whether he’s ever pressured to “settle down”. His undergrad bestfriend and he both told me that topic literally never comes up. It never feels rushed. It doesn’t seem like his worth diminishes with age, or even reproductive value. It made me realize that women are taught our whole lives to place the emotions, considerations, and priorities of others before themselves. Men are allowed, from childhood, to largely believe and trust that they can prioritize themselves without fear of that. 

However, in doing so, we cripple men by making them think they have to be the providers, they have to be an “alpha”, they have to know the answers, be silent, strong, and resilient all the time. By always being allowed to prioritize themselves, by their worth not being tied or related to the presence or absence of another, it can sometimes be a struggle to place the emotions, boundaries, and consent of others above yourself. 

This is where the patriarchy fails men. 

We have a modern day society in the USA that essentially only allows them to express emotion through sport, so they CLING to sport, the only place they aren’t shamed for expression of it, and often center their friendships around it–while also playing a game pretending they’re managing all of these famous celebrities who can just like, throw a ball really well. Which is cool and all, but please stop centering your personalities around pretending to be in control of humans via fantasy football because instead of just telling your male friends you love them, you need a thinly veiled excuse of football to have a “reason” to come together and spend time together every week that your potentially stereotypically demanding spouse may deem as “acceptable” because “boys will be boys”. As if you should need a reason to be allowed to have friends?

By the way, if your boyfriend’s favorite player is Tom Brady, he just wants to be allowed to cry in public and love his family and still be respected by the “manliest of men”.

(More of an Eli Manning gal myself, personally. Which I’m now realizing is a testament for Strider not being so gifted with words but very gifted at his craft and familial strength.)

This is why female friendships are so superior. Male friendships are (typically, not universally) centered around being there for each other in the easy moments. You don’t need the words. It’s grunting and physical expression and being content without explanation–stoicism. Women share EVERYTHING. It’s why they’re allowed to be “gossipy”. It’s why women have served in warfare throughout history in unconventional roles, or been MASSIVE serial killers because it was difficult if not impossible to divorce abusive husbands (and why the USA continues to frame sexwork as illegal, because not doing so would make it that much more difficult to dehumanize other country’s cultures and continue to justify that warfare and violence).

Women ask questions.

They reveal details, even those which are intimate.

They disrupt the status quo of a society centered around men in power. 

The only time you should be worried about the things you share is if you question the character of the person doing the sharing. 

And then I think you have to ask yourself if you’re actually worried because of them, or if because the way you talk about people, the intention behind it, is flawed yourself. If you aren’t phased by accountability, if you don’t understand or like yourself, if you’re terrified of not always having the ability to have control, then I think it’s scary. Because you’re worried about what people will say. 

You should never have to worry about what the people you love have to say about you.

There is NOTHING more strong than a female friendship, because for women, those are often the only, or first, people there who choose to love you and understand the shared struggles of the world you live in. Especially if you weren’t really allowed to be friends with boys, or when jealous girls growing up made a lot of assumptions since you played on the football team (I mean I did send one of them nudes but so what), and did fall ball baseball, so being friends with guys always comes with insistent pestering that there must be some underlying narrative other than maybe men ALSO just needed additional love and support. 

Maybe that human is a cool fucking person regardless of their gender or biological sex and you want them in your life. 

And because female friendships often aren’t burdened by the assumption of reproductive beneficiaries, with family and friends asking whether or not anything has “ever happened”, or what they’re “missing” (which is just a very rude narrative, by the way) we are allowed to love each other freely and openly and not being romantically attracted to someone doesn’t mean they’re “missing” something. To confess our worries and fears and share everything because the presumption of society is so and we’ve been allowed to. We’re even allowed to make out with each other, sexually experiment, and people still don’t label you as “gay” with implied negative connotation. (#HeteroflexibilityShouldBeTheDefault)

The simplicity offered in male friendships is cool, but your emotional connection can’t be dependent on solely your partner. And I think a lot of male-female friendships struggle because men feel ties to the possible physical attraction, combined with that novelty of ease of emotional intimacy and the space to be yourself that female friendships often have to offer, without actually considering whether the pairing would make a good partnership. Whether you want the same things in life. Whether you value happiness, love, and marriage in similar contexts. Whether you approach life in ways that complement each other. 

Never forget to tell the people who mean the world to you how you actually feel.

Never withhold establishing healthy boundaries centered on your own needs, either, because healthy love won’t judge you for it. 

I never really worry about the presence of a partner at my side, even when I’m lonely, because I have some absolutely amazing, phenomenal friendships. I also credit my friendships for forming my unconventional family—my actual support network—which I don’t receive from emotionally unavailable parents. 

My relationship with my sister is also slowly improving, and we talked about how hard it is to recognize that your parents don’t really care enough to worry about you. They divorced and checked out and decided they were done caring about the past, so they never consider the way it still affects you. They can’t… that would retraumatize them. And their own journeys towards self acceptance and happiness are valid. Who am I to tell my mom she isn’t allowed to be happy and make decisions for herself after 24 years married to a narcissist who tells the whole world you cheated, yet I have very few memories of my parents actually together because they didn’t ENJOY being together. Or how my memories of them are plagued with mental visuals of my dad just screaming at all of us, berating us for our emotions, mocking us for crying, ridiculing us for CARING, and my mom got it worst of all. I didn’t ever want to learn to cook because it reminded me that my family’s kitchen wasn’t a happy place to be. The knives remind me of my brother chasing me through the house, kicking down my door, and my mom not believing me because I was being “so dramatic”. The family dinners recalled being interrupted, laughed at, when I tried to tell a story. The kitchen was a physical crescendo for harm. My mom’s dowry of a $250k house on 4 acres of a 75 acre horse farm outside Washington, D.C., with my biological dad’s own aeronautical engineering pursuits within the DoD and her dad being a Colonel working out of the Pentagon made it the perfect “in”. Logically, you should’ve married her. But you didn’t “love” her. You don’t know how to “love”. Nobody blames you. Life was different then. She seemed good enough. The internet wasn’t commonplace. You didn’t know what you needed in reality. Your parents used to force you to eat liver and if you didn’t like it, they beat the shit out of you until you ate.

Some people you just don’t want in your life because you don’t like who they are and don’t like anything they bring to your life.

It sucks when that is someone who is supposedly genetically predisposed to loving you unconditionally who won’t re-learn the ways he chose to survive.

There’s a difference between “surviving” and “thriving”. 

My friends have shown me the love my parents couldn’t give to me. And it makes me really uncomfortable to have acknowledged with my sister that I could have disappeared for weeks on end and been missing or dead on my solo treks in the Appalachian Trail and nobody would’ve looked for me for a while. Maybe that’s why I like true crime so much, because I’m aware of my own close encounters with death, and even if that were to occur, my presence can live on through my words. (For writers, this is even almost a perk/awareness that death often brings larger acknowledgment…This is not an invitation to kill me.)

So I want to write about the greatest loves of my life to date, my friendships. The people who really know me. The ones I know will exist for however many years they walk on this earth with me. The ones I’ve never doubted, who help me learn how to accept love and bring me strength even when I’m seemingly alone. The relationships that matter most.

All Aboard The Hot Mess Express (20:15)

Carolina is a part of me. We are just intertwined, magically. It’s hard to explain to people, but let’s just say when her fiancé was with us, he knew to get in the backseat and to inform me of how he was keeping “my girl” safe. 

My sister tells me she never doubted she wanted to go to college, because she heard all of my stories about me and Carolina and she just “wanted that!” Which is honestly a sentiment that has brought me so much pride, because Carolina and I blossomed in our independence through education and as Michelle Obama says

 “Education is power.”

I actually forget that Carolina is EXTREMELY shy, because she is a heathenous psychopath who I love with my entire being, and I apologize to all within the Carolina community at UNC Chapel Hill for the events I’m about to share. LOL but especially my “dad”/mentor who was the Vice Chancellor for the duration of my years there.

My friendship with Carolina started at a club gymnastics away meet at Virginia Tech. I hitched a ride, basically for the chance to see my friend John who was in ROTC there, and to party at another college, and in said partying, ended up three way kissing with Carolina and our other friend, Zan. Carolina and I both liked Zan so we had a mini feud off, but also were like “oh what the hell, might as well”.

Turns out, Carolina is a much better kisser than Zan.

Zan just slid his tongue side by side like a snake and Carolina and I went into the bathroom to discuss the tongue thing and nicknamed him the “snake” and when he overheard or picked up on it, we told him it was because he was “so suave and slithery” hahahahahahaha. He totally embraced it and kept referencing it himself and we were just reminded of his tongue darting back and forth. A true foundation for a beautiful friendship to come. 

This was freshman year, when I was so homesick I wasn’t sure if I would end up staying. Carolina is my version of “Stitch”, sent to wreak havoc in the form of love and chaos in my world…although I am arguably a bit weirder, so I think we just switch between the two frequently and fulfill that role for each other. (#BiIRL)

Everyone we met assumed we lived together, because Carolina slept over in my twin dorm bed so often. We’d end up partying most nights of the week and it was most convenient for us to just crash at my home, where the bus dropped us off. My actual roommate really liked the alone time to a degree, and was a night owl, so I don’t think she minded. I also think it was good for her to see such a shit show behind the scenes, too. 

Carolina’s also what started my obsession with “The Vampire Diaries” from the CW. If you enjoy anything similar to Game of Thrones and want another feminist, fantasy lore / period piece (because, flashbacks, duh), go watch it. It’s available on Netflix and covers addiction, racism, difficult familial relationships, dissociation, death in ways that are easier to deal with because it’s framed in reference to mythological creatures.

Carolina was REALLY into vampires and once tried to bite herself to see because, logically, “you don’t know until you try it”.

I mean, she’s not wrong…

Freshman year, we went out probably 5-6 nights a week to different house parties, bars, and fraternities even though I never really talked to anyone other than Carolina, nor did we ever typically have a “plan”. We called ourselves the Hot Mess Express and if you’ve ever partied with gymnasts, it’s wild. Acrobatics were the norm. Thus, when you’re drunk, they’re fun party tricks. And Carolina loved to do her aerials. Since I could shake my ass, we soon had guy friends from these fraternities who would ASK us to come to their parties so the athletes would stay and dance. We had zero interest in hooking up with any of them, and went home with each other at the end of the night, but it was pretty fun. I guess I didn’t realize how notorious we were on campus at the time. 

I pieced it together playing cornhole with Carolina and her fiance when I visited them recently. I never felt any competition towards her, even with Zan, because I knew I would still have her. I don’t really feel competition towards women in general, because I never really had to “compete” against them. I played mostly male dominated sports, baseball and football, my teenage years. I switched to softball just to go to states one year, but none of the women I was close with ever felt like “competition”. I wanted them to win. If not me, then hopefully one of my friends who I knew and felt was actually a good person. 

I was raised to compete with men, not with women. I had “She’s the Man” to set the scene for me. 

When my competitive drive kicks in, it’s not even because I want to see myself win. 

It’s mainly because I want to see men lose

And I only do it if they get cocky. I avoid competition when possible, but I won’t shy away from it when it’s presented on a silver platter. And Carolina is one motherfucking hostess. 

We spent entire nights commanding the beer pong tables at fraternities, even betting men who wanted second or third attempts to defeat us into giving us the clothing off of their backs. This isn’t a joke, and it happened more than once. At several different fraternities. 

Carolina could drink her weight in alcohol, any kind, and I was always the more sober one, but damn were we a terrifyingly coordinated train wreck. Dancing was great because it burned off the otherwise “empty” calories, moving your body feels good, and it keeps you more “sober” (distracted). So we danced as we played, no matter who our opponents were, we were having fun because of each other. I have no doubt it was magnetic, alluring. 

Colleges often have rappers come to the fraternities, too. And if you’re pretty, you meet them all. (This isn’t a flex, and they’re easy to fuck so it’s more impressive to not expose yourself to the STD, but it is cool to point out.) We saw Troop 41 and did the John Wall, Afroman smoked weed in the room in front of us (I didn’t smoke yet, so I didn’t want to), only one of the Ying Yang Twins came to little frat court’s party because the other was in jail, my sister’s friend went back to Waka Flocka’s hotel room and claims they “didn’t” hook up to her fraternity boyfriend after her phone “died” and she slept over, this girl from UF used to talk about fucking G-Eazy like his name doesn’t have the word “easy” in it… you name it. 

Carolina and I did all this and experienced college together, having each other’s backs. I’ve never particularly cared what people I didn’t respect thought of me, and I think that was good for Carolina, who had somewhat tried to assimilate. She’s the Aubrey Plaza of my life, and I love her for it. I think, as similar to a “cat” as I may be (when you first meet me at least…she’s a cat person, so naturally she loved me) that I’m actually a golden retriever in our friendship (and her fiance is the golden retriever of her soon-to-be marriage). We both love her so much we just like spending time together.  

We created a “Battleshots” game and can no longer fathom the smell of Raspberry burnette’s because the handle we got made me completely hate vodka for a while there. (I’d bet every single group of college girls has one particular burnette’s flavor that they HATE.)

We spent weeks going through a kleptomaniac phase. Many girls go through this. It’s the inherent desire around being able to talk your way out of something. We never did it to anyone other than men, and to be fair it started because someone took Carolina’s jacket out of a fraternity and as the last girls there, we ended up going home with a much nicer black jacket by “God’s fate”. So when I got my new and properly functioning TI-84 for physics out of the Chi Psi library while Carolina did an aerial into a bookcase (distraction) and bruised her hip, we just took it as a sign from fate that we went a step too far and calmed the antics.

The boys on our (my) dorm’s floor actually made it a game to see if we could steal their shit. GREAT for us, by the way. Also easy pickings. We waited until they were asleep, knowing they never locked their doors, and took all their shit while they were laying there alone. They dared us to, they couldn’t complain. 

Don’t engage in competitions you aren’t willing to lose next time. 

We also once spent an entire night going around and telling people it was her 20th birthday and we needed 20 articles of clothing. We made out for some of the items, but men taking off their boxers and handing them to us was just a power trip all around. The ease of it.

We walked home with arms loaded.

On the topic of Chi Psi—that poor fraternity. One time we showed up (it wasn’t a costume party but we were coming from one elsewhere) in feathered bras with whipped cream canisters, went to their dance floor, just gave people random shots of whipped cream and left when they were empty. 

We had entire RANDOM fraternity composites in our dorm room over two miles away because we’d walk home. We’d just walk into random houses we didn’t even like drinking or partying at (usually because of the general awareness and forewarnings from women that you’d get QB sneaked) and take them.

We ended up giving them back and making sure they were safe, it was just fun for us to make the men feel somewhat uncomfortable and to eventually find out it wasn’t rivalry between the adjacent house, it was two unaffiliated mayhem wreckers. 

Chaos is a ladder and we were monkeys in a barrel forming our own.

My sister once visited UNC her senior year of high school when I was trying to make running happen (I didn’t go out because of a meet and wanting to not drink most of that year), and I woke up to her and Carolina snickering to themselves, bringing home handfuls of items and 3 fraternity composites which are ~4’ long frames. It was hilarious (at the time). 

The fraternity I was later sweetheart of had a guy who had hooked up with my sister that same weekend & waited for YEARS of friendship to tell me. Honestly, I was just glad that guy hadn’t thought it was me because my sister and I look like identical twins. I also pieced together that “little Asian Alvin’s” shoes (the way his brothers referenced him), which Carolina had borrowed to walk home in, was the Alvin I re-met years later in pharmacy school. 

One time Carolina and I walked into a fraternity’s cocktail party and the president, who was apparently sober, ended up offering to drive us home so he knew we’d get back safely. (AKA so he knew we wouldn’t return later that night.) I sent his fraternity a thank you card and they read it at chapter. Sorry to my friend Joe who the brothers found out lived on my floor.

It’s a tough world out here for us women, sober guys who take you home and don’t try to get anything from you while you’re blacked out are a rarity these days, and I wanted him to know I appreciated it.

Don’t tell me those attempts to get me into etiquette classes didn’t come in handy.

The first cocktail we went to, I found out I was invited on because the guy “thought I was innocent” (huge turn off, I obviously left with Carolina and don’t know why this guy thought that because I had TEETH MARKS on my neck from wrestling guy who I had met literally the night before and he asked what it was). Whilst crossing the street, leaving the party and making a dramatic, impromptu departure, Carolina stumbled, fell, and gave herself a black eye. It was nothing, though, we’ve both had much worse from gymnastics. On the P2P on the way home, she had her eyes covered and hair over her face like the girl from The Grudge she likes so much, and people kept asking if she was about to puke and I was so disinterested I’d tell them to mind their damn business and she was fine. I was loyally protecting her and preventing her from having to explain herself.

We’d go out, and she’d get drunk, but this girl was DEDICATED to her education. I got a facebook message one morning to bring her shoes to campus, because she walked from the house she slept over (again, virgin until now fiance, hadn’t really even touched a penis, just liked to make out a lot) and went to her 8 am class in the dress she wore out BAREFOOT because she couldn’t find her shoes. But fuck missing a class. (She had a 4.0 and is insanely smart.)

We’ve had other gal pals through the years but few who were equally loyal or didn’t feel insecure over our own bond that they really stuck around. (We’ve kept friends separately, but one or both of us have typically had “fallings out” (or just grew distant) with most of our other friends from this period who were the same age at least.) And I loved Carolina so much I didn’t even care about taking the “fall” for her, ever. No way would I ever sell her out.

I’m a real ride or die bitch, I just have anxiety so I might ask some questions about where we’re riding to.

I have no doubt it was a hard dynamic to feel confident in, but that’s not on us. We go out of our way to include, it’s just hard to keep up, and not everyone needs to be on the exact same tornado path of cyclonic havoc. 

One girl, who I knew from track, but who our swim team friends, track, club gym, and cheerleading teammates knew as “the girl who lied to so many of their teammates and slept with SO many people that she didn’t know what “loyalty” or “healthy” behavior was” and who, even with the slut shaming culture, there is no excusing how this girl would befriend all the women and then SEEK OUT to fuck their boyfriends or purposefully set sights in the males they were interested in and somehow thought we still owed her any kindness…? No. I mean I guess thank you for showing everyone that “not all men…but a lot of men” are shitty and didn’t deserve them? She had a threesome with two of my friends who are married now and tried to commit suicide and blamed it on my friend and her boyfriend. I know NOW that it’s mental health issues, but I watched two friends who were happy together, who are now married and have a wonderful life together, get blamed very publicly for someone else’s own insecurities–and the attempt to make other people feel bad about stuff they have no need to, their own happiness, is NOT the way to go about it. 

Carolina actually helped me realize that you could be an alcoholic and never be aggressive towards others. As drunk as she got, she never verbally or physically attacked me like my siblings had. We were idiots, but she loved me and I spoke her language (even at her drunkest–you know how moms can understand their toddler babbles?) and we always had each other’s backs.

So when this same aforementioned girl heard a rumor that I said she had chlamydia (it was Carolina, really, and Carolina didn’t SAY she had chlamydia, she remarked on how many of our mutual friends realized she lied to them prior to fucking them and was a pathological nymphomaniac who to this day does the same thing and has been engaged several times, and how lucky they were they hadn’t gotten chlamydia since they weren’t CAREFUL OR PRACTICING SAFE SEX), did I care to correct her? Absolutely not. I did not give a fuck if she thought I said it, and if it kept her from directing her anger to Carolina who am I to correct her? She got kicked off of every team because of “the drama” she caused with her teammates (which is pretty shitty for her because her coaches saw sexual promiscuity and removed her access to a regular sporting outlet and ability to “perform”). Sports Psychology really needs to step up its game and NCAA athletes, especially those who leave toxic home environments for perhaps the FIRST TIME, need access to resources and coaching staff who are aware of the reasons for behavior. And we shouldn’t punish people for it by further removing healthy forms of support. At the same time, there’s only so much empathy I can have when she befriended us then did the exact same thing to us (with Zan, actually). I know we have “savage” culture and whatnot, but our other friends from these teams KNEW that we saw her at practice and would ask us about the details she’d tell them and the spider web of made up stories was just phenomenal, truly. 

Don’t expect people who owe you no loyalty to lie for you. 

Don’t expect to lie and for it to not catch up to you, either.

This is why I don’t shy away from the dark. People are not “universally good”. Any suggestion otherwise is frankly, idiotic. Unrealistic. Unreasonable. I’m sure I will be answering for things I do the rest of my life. Women in power have to step down for revenge porn leaks of their nudes, yet senators and house reps can support and encourage an insurrection and remain instilled. I’d like to change that narrative. I refuse to be afraid of the story that created me. I can only go in with the best intentions and work on learning to frame my communication in a way that is ultimately beneficial and constructive to learning for the rest of my life. Sometimes that means overlooking the short term satisfaction, or “likeability”, and prioritizing long term reward. Sometimes that means reminding yourself that, as viewers, listeners, and onlookers, you don’t and may not be privy to the entire story. You don’t and can’t possibly understand all of the interwoven details. Maybe you impulsively jump the gun, project, get triggered over things you would’ve done differently without reminding yourself that you are different.

This realization was actually a tough reality for me recently, related to Strider, because something finally “clicked” and I realized I was expecting him to communicate in the way that I communicate instead of listening and perceiving what he was saying, knowing who he is, and communicating and learning together. 

It’s hard to figure out how to frame some of my life because of the difficulties in establishing a pseudonym, obscuring details that really prevent anyone outside of save maybe a handful of people who ACTUALLY know the private details (already) from being able to identify. I think this is when it’s important to step into nature and remind yourselves of how small humanity is in the grand scheme of “the Earth”. We are but a blip on the timeline. Pretending otherwise is egocentric. Why are we not using the little time we do have to positively influence the world–which you can’t do by pretending only the positives exist. That’s not what beneficial change is.

And how can you work towards change by denying the existence of the reality you want to change?

If the end goal and a pillar of education is to use the anecdotal narratives to highlight the cultural framework of these stories, how can I possibly avoid the topics that mean the most to me. I won’t slip rose colored glasses or a filter onto the realities of life. Rafiki damn told us “the past can hurt, but you can either learn from it or run from it” and most of society is so afraid of accountability that they won’t have these discussions, they’re avoiding them and just want to “move on”, or they associate negative repercussions with learning (because Albert Einstein was the one who said “it is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education” and the people who need access to the education the most are likely those who associate formal education with “failure” of variety, or “struggle”.) And people undeniably care a lot less without tailoring it for their entertainment value. I don’t really think we have the time or I have the energy to sugar coat who I am or what has shaped me, and I naturally speak just like I write. Satirical cynicism is second nature, by now.

I don’t want to be afraid of that. 

I don’t want to have to hide it. To be scared of its perception. 


I view humanity in the way I view the Earth. (This perception has insurmountably helped my social anxiety reintegrating now that I’m fully vaccinated.) I attribute humanity to a simultaneous parallel to the entity of the biodiversity kingdom. So many species, changes, and markings. Are they venomous or poisonous? Is their natural predisposition aggression or are they gentle? Maybe some species are invasive and just not meant to intermingle. “Christianity” is arguably an invasive species in the USA, along with the entity of indigenous cultures globally because of its ties to colonialist expansion, so maybe viewing certain individuals and theories, not racial groups, in similar lighting is important for framing mentality. Humans can migrate–why else do we have travel developed in the way that we do. We need to accept and prepare and enable that safely, without condemning the so called “invasive” species that might’ve been dropped off by a jackass who thought a cute baby tiger would be a pet like the stuffed animals he was bought as a child, property to own, versus treating it like the whole ass spiritual entity that animals, mammals, and humans, are?

Humanity is weird, and this viewpoint may be weird (and historically has been used to justify racism), but evolutionary anthropology, much like the biological science work of Jane Goodall, studies animals to learn more about humans. It studies the historical context and development of the species. Approaches it with openness. 

Everything we “know” about humanity is ultimately just things we’ve collectively agreed “make sense”. Our language–just made up sounds that we share a mutual understanding around. The way we view the world is a long collection of knowledge regarding people, places, times, and interactions with the natural environment.

We study animals, plants, bacteria to learn ways to make sense of the world around us and ultimately explain humanity in relation to the rest of the world. We use echolocation and sonar based technologies in part because we observe and see how other species communicate. And that’s the reason our military intellect is so prestigious. It’s based on communication. So why have we overinflated the most competitive, alpha predator mentalities over embracing collaboration and love. Don’t make me start talking about bonobos and chimpanzees again, I hate thinking of anyone from Duke outside of a healthcare context.

I know ya’ll are like “this motha fucker is such a typical Aquarius” and maybe my connection to nature is just so strong that I’ve grown up loving and appreciating the various species, climates, terrain, and am just happy to learn what they have to teach me. I told someone I was spending my days soaking up the sun like the cold blooded reptile I am (or Sheryl Crow) and they were like “you’re so hard on yourself”–which is ONLY the case if you associate reptiles and being cold blooded with negativity? (There’s a place and environment for those, too, by the way. They’re quite useful and helpful.) It’s a fucking joke. I WAS happily and contently just tanning without thinking twice or viewing myself or mentality negatively. So annoying. 

Back to Carolina. (42:28)

Carolina might’ve been a shit show, but DAMN that girl was a champ.

She was a virgin until her current fiancé. I actually threw her a party when she had sex, complete with a card from Harris Teeter with a gold fist bump that said “pow” on it. Her fiancé told me he felt so proud of it and I said, “why… it had NO relation to you. It had EVERYTHING to do with her. It literally could have been anyone and I would’ve gotten her that regardless, because for HER, it was big.” She was arguably terrified of penii prior to him, and we even questioned whether she had repressed childhood memories (or if it was just good ole catholic guilt)— something I think a lot of women, especially, worry about.

And Carolina didn’t fuck with consent. That woman would march out of bars at the end of the night, unwilling to go home “empty handed”, choose a guy she thought was attractive, even if he was outside near the bus stop, go home, make out, turn on The Grudge (to “ruin the mood”), and just snuggle. She never wanted to fuck them, she wanted the company.

She’d always be there to remind me to “keep homeboy purely slampiece”

(I would never listen, unfortunately. Which is why I now literally don’t hook up or cross physical boundaries with anybody unless I’m interested in the idea of dating. Just not something I can do personally.)

I actually felt bad when I finally agreed to try smoking weed junior year, because Carolina had tried to get me to do it for EVER. Instead, I let my junior year boyfriend teach me in front of the fraternity I would later be sweetheart of, via a 2 foot bong. I’d done edibles in her presence, at least.

I’ve gone to every single familial event—her sister’s wedding, her mom’s second wedding, beach house extended family vacations. My mom got remarried privately, at the courthouse, and texted my siblings and I a group chat to inform us, so it was nice to have the opportunity to experience my “other mom” actually having a wedding. Her fiancé recognized how integrated I was into her family when I knew almost every person at her mom’s second wedding, and not many had met him (they actually asked if he was my fiancé). I can never thank her enough for being the family and love that I always needed. I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done without her.

And there was a time period when things weren’t really “good”, you know. But that’s what love is. You are entitled to a support system, and it doesn’t make you a burden to need certain things from your loved ones. Carolina and I just so happened to need each other perfectly, reciprocally, and were lucky enough to find each other.

Carolina was and is my version of what love is.

And I know her fiance is right for her because he loves her just as much as I do, in his own, albeit similar, way. (He is the “Andy” To Carolina’s “April” if this was Parks and Rec.) When she was depressed, I provided the love that I hope she clung to, or was always aware of, in some of those moments.

When she couldn’t see her own light, she was still undeniably mine.

She made my life better just by existing. 

We talked recently about lack of representation in pop culture which never made her unique Spanish beauty feel appreciated and her morbidly dark, insanely smart brain being intimidating. Coupled with shyness, it was unapproachable in a lot of ways. (My own mom actually tries to say she wasn’t “cute” back in the 80’s and my mom was hot as fuck, I’m sure she was just too naive to pick up on the interest.) I created a space and partnership for Carolina to learn how to love herself, and I created an environment where my life would have been undeniably worse without her in it. Carolina set a precedent for the love I expected for true partnership in life, and I don’t mind waiting for the right balance because I know it exists, because of her. 

Carolina let me love her unconditionally, like a golden retriever for her own life. I didn’t mind being the more “sober” friend (I didn’t like drinking much anyways because of the alcoholism in my family), so she got to be the conductor of the hot mess express. (With this ass…I was clearly the caboose.) Of the few times I did black/brown out, which was infrequent, even for the amount we’d go out, she was always ready to care for me. We once took the private P2P rides home (a little bus that picks up college students like uber, but for free and through verified state employees) and she literally reached out and had me throw up into her HANDS, instead of onto the floor of the van, just so we wouldn’t be an inconvenience to anyone else but each other. (Tequila Tuesdays at the Library are not my friend and if your favorite alcohol is tequila you are DEFINITELY insane…in a good way. I can’t and never could stomach a single shot.) 

One time (which is not a good look on me), we were at her dad’s lake house and playing pool as a drinking game with 100 proof Captain Morgan. Every ball that was left on the table at the end of the game was a shot (or half a shot, or a sip, as games went on). Guess who, 1 game in, switched out her chaser with rum only for her to literally not notice. My bad on that. Her dad had a discussion about “drinking” the next day, because we’d gone upstairs and walked through the maze of taxidermied animals (he has an entire safari, he’s one of those big game hunter type of men and writes alien cyberfiction in his spare time… truly a curious dude and I’m not gonna penalize him for the society he grew up in because he IS dedicated to learning, but we have to make it easy to learn) and had a late night drunken convo with her stepsister. The next morning she also gave herself a fat lip and jumped into the lake off the dock to distract from the mess (prior to the talk).

She is a fucking tough ass chick, too. That “performing for love” piece I just released? She also did gymnastics–way better and way longer than I did. If it wasn’t your ankle or your back, you weren’t allowed to complain. Injuries didn’t exist. Gymnastics teaches you how to eat shit in ways that won’t hurt you.

At my dorm freshman year, I once watched her sprint, chasing a guy from my floor along the hallway across the opening where the basketball court was. (Picture a giant “X” shaped building whose corridors with 4 rooms/1 bathroom each have doors that face outwards and hallways open to the air except for a sturdily high, thick railing.) As fast as she was, I, in complete terror, unable to do anything, watched her body tilt forward, falling towards the ground, only for her to seamlessly transition into a forward roll and continue chasing him like nothing had happened. 

One time, to her dismay (and my unmatched enjoyment) I hacked the facebooks of her and her best friend from highschool, a man, and set them to be “in a relationship”. She got over 500 likes from everyone in Charlotte who knew them and ALL of the comments were like “we knew it!” “congrats!” hahahahahahahahahahaha. It was her most “liked” facebook post ever.

She would stay over at the wrestling guy’s house just so I could hang out with him, and meet his friends, with company. I literally woke up to texts one day of her telling me his best friend, who she slept downstairs in the living room on the couches with, was just farting in his sleep the whole night. We wouldn’t even ask these guys for a ride back, the 2 mile walk up a HUGE HILL the next day, because

we would just walk with each other and were determined to be codependent independent women.

We treated each other like we were in a relationship, because, in a way, we were.

Friendships ARE relationships

and Carolina and I both value loyalty above all. We are weird as hell (a sentiment, which, the biggest difference between myself and that dear sweet fiancé of hers is that he thinks it is an insult when I reference myself as being “weird”, because he tries to “apologize” and say “no you’re not” when I claim I’m weird and I have to remind him that being weird or unique or strange isn’t a negative…sweet, sweet man.) and I think Carolina and I provided each other the knowledge and stability that someone was capable of loving you for who you honestly were.

I told my internet pal Nikki I am the “hospice of life”, which I attribute to my time working in end-of-life care for terminal head & neck and thoracic cancer at MD Anderson a few years ago (or my several near death experiences and my childhood functioning to watch and be the home health aides for my grandparents). I want to make every day my best day possible, whatever that means, for however long I have left. Because it might not be my decision when or how it ends, but it is my decision to make every moment until then work for me.

And Carolina shows me the same type of love. Perhaps most of all, she shows me the type of love that I need. The freedom to bloom, to grow, to be free. Embracing who somebody is without wanting or needing them to change, and just loving them in whatever form they show up in that day. A common sentiment that overlaps with yoga in a lot of ways, now that I think about it.  I recognized I needed to look for love and partnership in ways that overlap with the way my friendships work. And I realized the handful of men that I’ve spiritually connected with, who I can imagine enjoying a life with, remind me of her, much like her fiance reminds her of me in a few ways. 

I won’t “settle” for love until it can mirror the love for another’s soul in the way that my friendships offer me the opportunity to love and grow. I’ve never thought twice about whether or not I was capable of it. I’m a phenomenal nanny, the best dog mom, and just overall super loving beneath the scathing commentary and to those who know me privately. And knowing “my people” are out there on this floating space rock with me is pretty miraculous. It’s okay if you’re not born into love, or if you need a different type of love than your biological family can provide. You’ll find those people. Maybe it’ll be through the internet and sounds absurd because you’ve never met each other and the other person could be a 300 pound dude named Chuck who lives in his mom’s basement like this is Ready Player One, or maybe you’ll get lucky and you’ll meet your people right away. Either way, you must never give up hope. Look at me, getting all Star Wars on you. 

Alright that’s enough love and emotion for the day. Have a wonderful week.

Hope you think of me if you pray in church towards a half naked man draped across an altar and it fucks you up. I’ll be getting down to Lil Nas X’s music video in the meantime.

Not the second cumming of Christ you wanted,
but the second cumming of Christ you got.

Love is real. Toodles.

Performing for Love

Survival Mode
Performing for Love


If Disney Channel taught me anything growing up, it’s that I knew to anticipate my parent’s conflation of their previously failed and now second chance at a career or dream manifesting its way into my own life and I would certainly have to dramatically break free. All of those “it’s not my dream, dad, it’s yours” Zac Efron bullshit? Ya. 

So if anyone wants to give me shit for enjoying the art of “performance”, please direct your attention to the talent show at Mary H. Matula Elementary school when I was in third grade where I sang “The Star Spangled Banner” in a fuzzy blue sweater and red velvet skirt, both from Limited Too. Beginning the performance in dedication to my grandfather, a 3 time war veteran whose career for the U.S. Army involves testifying to congress and intelligence briefings in the Pentagon. Accompanied by my grandmother, whose pianist and organ skills were utilized at virtually every religious congregation in the area as well as providing the orchestral production to the local theatre during musicals. Obviously, I fucking won. I’ve known how to emotionally manipulate a crowd my entire life. I think we can all agree that wasn’t MY idea, either. I had wanted to learn the dance from the end of The Lizzie McGuire movie that Hilary and Haylie Duff performed with my best friend Shelby but nooooooo, that wasn’t “talent show material”. 

So sit back, keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times, strap in, and enjoy the ride of this shit show. 

Back to parents using their children to live vicariously through–Let’s consider “sports” as a whole. How many parents, my own included, view sports as an “investment” instead of a healthy outlet for the natural human behavior of “competition”. Fuck “functional fitness” as a concept in childhood. 

Instead, we convince ourselves that children are just naturally predisposed to need so much fucking outlets for their aggression, focus, and drive that they WANT to be screamed at for 3 hours a day, 6 days a week in the pseudo-military, physique development training that is competitive gymnastics. I grew up in the fucking 90’s, too. My parents were riding HARD on that Olympics Team USA dream. Simone Biles was asked why she didn’t smile and she said “smiling doesn’t win gold medals” and people were like “oh that’s adorable, how cute” then a few months later we found out she’d been sexually molested by her trainer, along with hundreds of other athletes, for YEARS.

Gymnastics literally operates as a way to funnel children, but especially young women, out of the “general populace” and into excessive athletic competitions that essentially require you to use performance to justify abuse. We’re not like “oh shit, maybe this is a new method of child labor. There’s no way this is healthy.” Instead, we just sit there and go “Yuuuuuppp. Abuse and performing for love is the norm. It’ll be worth it. Gotta sacrifice everything if you actually want it”–without asking why the fuck we’re requiring children (and their parents) to realize you’re only THAT driven if you don’t have other outlets for creative and artistic expression as well as emotional catharcism. 

Now, I bring this up because as I approach my 30’s, and the unsolicited advice from older men on Seeking Arrangements remind me that “my looks won’t last forever” (no shit, dude… that’s when I’ll rely more heavily on my MULTIPLE STEM DEGREES), I have hit a rather unfortunate realization that having once run 85 miles a week, and playing multiple sports a season for YEARS, and the sheer amount and brutality of CONTACT sports, including gymnastics and football, does not bode well for my long-term physical health in a for-profit healthcare system. I have put my body through HELL. I will likely need a double hip replacement before I’m even 40. Can’t wait. 

Before quarantine, I was under the impression that I had a great body because of all the workouts. Now, after ~a year of limited physical activity (save yoga), I’ve realized it’s the cPTSD that keeps me in a state of hypervigilance and in constant fight or flight mode 24/7. Yippee! 

… Ya’ll can laugh but I’d prefer to be transparent simply because of the unrealistic standards for women’s bodies in the media, the exploitation of the beauty (and plastic surgery) industries capitalizing off women’s insecurities without requiring anything even remotely resembling mental health care and utterly lacking consumer protections, and the desire for people in the USA to get a “quick fix” for everything, thinking “treatment” of various forms will be a “solution” (particularly for such insecurities). 

Back to my childhood—

Let’s look at a few key moments in sporting, performance, and healthcare history that *likely* impacted the way I view the world:

When I was in kindergarten, I broke my foot for the first time by being pushed out into the fireman’s pole area on the playground, falling straight down (without holding onto the pole), and landing “Indian-style” (a VERY outdated term. Criss cross applesauce, crosslegged, etc) on the ground. I cried, and despite only being in kindergarten, learned a difficult life lesson which is that women’s pain will constantly be undermined and overlooked under the assumption they are being “dramatic” (a common trope in medicine, even). My teacher would not even let me call my mom. I had broken 3 bones and had to wait for the end of the school day. 

Once in gymnastics, before I quit because I would literally come home crying, hated my coaches, and begged my mom to let me stop (I loved the workouts, just not the “ALL COMPETITION MODE ALL THE TIME”), I ran full speed at a vault, just failed to jump on the springboard, and completely annihilated myself at full speed. Could’ve easily broken a rib, had the wind knocked out of me, tried to go hug my mom who was seated with the other parents next to the runway, and instead got pushed back onto it, BY MY OWN MOTHER WHOSE COMFORT I WAS SEEKING, because “you’re gonna get DQ’ed”.

A few years later, on the first day of a 4 day horse competition at a location called “Fair Hill”–which hosts huge overnight eventing shows–one of the horses I was walking STOMPED on my foot. I believe (if I remember correctly) that this was not the same foot I had already broken. Nope! The opposite one. Luckily, I broke a few bones on this side too–even things out a little neurologically, ya know. Did my mom believe me? Nope. Not at all. I was told to “suck it up” because people were depending on me. 

The conflation of sports with financial success, the ability to skirt capitalism and corporate working environments, and utilizing sports as a way of paying for what would otherwise be an unaffordable and inaccessible college is a dangerous game for children. Children are not seen as a decision brought into this world by two (sometimes more) loving parents who just want to provide a human with love and care. 

Children themselves become investments. Property.

By the time middle school even came around, my parents were fucked. To nobody’s fault but their own. They had raised me to be a soldier. I performed for love and the necessity to compete ALL THE TIME and to be the best, or at least your best, ALL THE TIME was solidified. Who could blame them, though? I was good at everything. They were just funneling outlets for it to me left and right. It probably had something to do with my own creative-as-fuck mom stayed at home, raised me on a farm, and then I had the musculoskeletal development through gymnastics. 

So what is the point that I’m getting at? I’m not “mad” at my parents. My sharing these stories is never with the intention of punishing them (at least not for my mom. Truthfully… I do not give a flying fuck about my biological father’s feelings.) It is, however, to reflect on the reality of the societal conditions I was raised in. Conditions that were and remain actively encouraged within the capitalist framework of our society with little to no well organized and developed social support programs. 

I have to actively AVOID competition now. I had to LEARN how to empathize. 

And when you’re raised by parents and BOTH of them were raised by family serving in World War II, one having a U.S. Army career and the other being NYPD law enforcement, you don’t really get a “soft” childhood. You get taught to be tough. Arguably, you’re doing the bare minimum of teaching–helping your children survive. 

You teach them to excel. To win. As is the only acceptable outcome in the USA–particularly backed by generations of teachings regarding dominance in all forms–land, sea, space, olympic.

And I undeniably rose to the challenge. 

But at what cost? 

For years my competitive drive was flaunted. It was rewarded, positive reinforcement’s finest. I kept winning, at everything. I’d switch into and pick up a new sport as I got bored, or competition was limited in the other outlets. In truth, I was probably a bit of a terror. I KNOW I wasn’t always the nicest teammate. Granted, I was there to work. To be respectful. To commit. To honour that commitment. To prove my worth with every practice, game, match, competition, whatever. 

And as long as I kept winning, my parents were doing something right. Their community success, their own value, resided in the way I “turned out”. Because fuck the concept of loving your children for whoever they actually are. For providing them enough emotional support, love, and quality time to actually be mentally balanced. They had to win, to earn, respect, love, and admiration at every step. They had to harness that drive, that conflict, that inner turmoil and channel it into competitive outlets because they had no control or ability to hold power within their home. 

Side note–My own biological father is so fucking delusional over who I am that he actually believes I didn’t want him to get married. I honestly could not give two shits if he is married or not. I simply did not care to invest in a relationship with a stepmom or step siblings when I had and wanted ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with him. I also just couldn’t afford to fly out to his wedding, when he chose “Hawaii” for “the convenience of HER children”, when I was in grad school and had a combined total of $2,000 to support myself for rent and food after my tuition was paid. I worked for my apartment complex, had an etsy, and STILL struggled but sure let’s make it clear you didn’t think about and don’t care if your own daughter attends your wedding then call her “unreasonable” and a “brat”. I have worked during every vacation I’ve been on, had free lodging, couch surfed, etc. so I could still travel, but how unaware of the reality do you have to be to label your daughter as “emotionally manipulative”, beginning in middle school, just because she doesn’t like or respect the person you are and makes that clear. 

For years I walked right past him, sitting glued to his computer screen or watching the same reruns of “A League of Our Own”, “Revenge of the Nerds” (which literally includes a rape scene he’d laugh at), and “The Sandlot” for hours when he came home from work, just to ran away ALL THE TIME. He literally never once realized I didn’t come back inside, or upstairs. He was nonexistent as a father for at least a decade of my life when I lived with him. He DID, however, show up to my sporting events. Ready to cheer me on and take all the credit for MY successes publicly. At my graduations, my friends have told me how he turned the conversation to himself, and to the many “sacrifices” he made for me over the years and how “proud” he was–while doing absolutely nothing to actually assist me in those achievements. Not even very basic or regular communication. It’s easy to sit there, cheering for and by someone when they’re winning. That isn’t what makes you a good parent. I do not need your applause. 

For years, I was the recipient of public endorsement after public endorsement, only to be criticized, to analyze and review my mistakes, to be punished behind the scenes. My perfectionism is the product of the environment I was raised in. An environment that was undeniably unhealthy, but even though I am now tasked with a life journey of remembering those moments, of relearning a way to be “healthy”, of figuring out how to finally be comfortable accepting help (and even being able to ask for it). Of not even having biological familial support for that because my parents had children to fill a gap in their lives and marriage and relationship without understanding or comprehending the world they were raising those children in. Without trying to understand them, or their world, because it contradicts their own.

Since excellence was expected, it quickly lost its glamour. Trophies don’t mean shit when you win one every weekend. National merit awards are weightless. Academic scholarships and college offers piled up. I was rewarded by society for pretending like my inner turmoil and unhappiness didn’t exist. For escaping and finding mental peace for everything that could keep me away from home. Competition gave me that. But why did I need it? 

I loved competing so much that I hated NOT competing my freshman year of college and set out determined to “actually” try (in track) so I could walk on to my collegiate team. I realized I had no interest in gymnastics again–my shoulder surgeries offered limited trust in the likelihood that I wouldn’t tear or break something again, but running was a feasible goal. After all, with enough time, anyone can systematically get better at it. It’s basic physiology, biomechanics. It’s cheap, free–you just lace up your shoes and go. It allowed me to reintegrate myself within the woods, exist in my natural state–free, moving, earthly. 

I went from partying 6 nights a week and drinking alcohol for the first time one year to working my way up to an easy 85 miles a week of SOLO distance training around Chapel Hill completely self-motivated. 

The endorphins kept me happy. My body was used to needing them in such high quantities after years of sports. Elle Woods was right–happy people don’t kill their husbands, or the other men who wrong them. They channel their frustration into physical performance and everything else just kind of melts away. 

So what do we do in the USA, when levels of anxiety and depression surpass The Great Depression? When long working hours and the necessity to be productive 24/7 are driving hard working individuals to their deaths and they’re convinced it makes them more valuable than others they look down on (so it feels “worth it”) because they perceive one’s circumstances and opportunities to be the same without awareness. When 25-35% of Americans are inactive, yet many more lack the space, resources, money, and safety to feel secure in exercise? Did you know that for women (and any other sexual assault survivors), it often feels safer to be heavier in weight. You may be catcalled less. You might command less attention if you float subtly as a wallflower. You feel safer, harder to kidnap.

Why have we created an environment, a society, a country where people have to have marathon endurance of energy, of mental strength, just to feel valued, seen, and heard within society? 

Why do we embrace an environment that makes you beg for worth, for love, for acceptance, and then wonder why it isn’t fulfilling? 

Why do we then ridicule, ostracize, and beat down those with moments of clarity–those who look around and question “why”. 

To what avail? 

Why do we exhaust their fuel tanks and then berate them for being empty? 


Part of the draw of sports was it offered my parents the opportunity to not have to pay for college. College got exorbitantly expensive. Both of my parents had scholarships, so they just anticipated that we would also and then they’d “figure out the rest”. They’d go on to take out loans (in our names), with money that never went to our own personal bank accounts, then set certain expectations for where and when our money would be given to us. 

I had to run track, because otherwise I was required to get a job. My parents never let me work in high school, outside of the summers, and I’ve discussed how the financial coercion allowed me to remain in more than one unhealthy relationship–the allure of presents I could never afford on my own was too appealing to pass up or break up with. 

Even the jobs I did get, my dad essentially forced me to take. I umpired beginning in middle school–his personal favorite, despite hating having to make the power calls, throwing adults out of 10U REC LEAGUE SOFTBALL GAMES WHEN I WAS 13 YEARS OLD. I hated bending over behind home plate as a crowd of boys from the ballpark watched behind me–clearly, awkwardly, and albeit somewhat innocently, fantasizing about me without connecting how physically uncomfortable I was inside. I didn’t really have a choice to care, though. I was expected to take the games (it was good money, there weren’t enough female umpires), I was going to be at the ballpark anyways (my dad was umping on other fields, we needed the money for all of our activities), and these were innocent boys who had childhood crushes on me–they weren’t expected to treat me with respect or fully abide by MY boundaries (a sentiment an unfortunate amount of men still embrace). 

In college, he genuinely thought I’d enjoy working at the local baseball stadium, dancing on the dugouts in between innings. I never enjoyed being forced to be an entertainer. Even if I was naturally good at it. I didn’t and shouldn’t have needed a second job for $7.25 minimum wage, when in reality he just wanted an excuse to be at that fucking ball field. I was standing on dugouts in short little khaki shorts, dancing to “Sweet Caroline” and “Cotton Eyed Joe”, plastering a glowing smile across my face, laughing on cue, and ignoring the sexually suggestive commentary of the washed up 40 year olds clinging to their love of baseball who would stand in the dugout so they could get the best view of my ass–all things women are trained to do our whole lives. My father universally thinks everyone seeks out the same power and limelight that he craves would come easy to him, and in doing so, he created a Frankenstein’s monster a la me, the eldest daughter. 

He no longer gets a choice in how or why or when I “perform” any longer. 

So fuck ‘im. 

Looking back, I find it hard, if not downright IMPOSSIBLE, to believe my biological father, a man who flaunts his intelligence, his financial prowess and awareness, and his ego, wouldn’t have been able to understand that, had he just divorced my mother when they stopped loving each other, we would’ve all gotten almost 100% of financial aid, because of her teacher salary, and I don’t really sympathize with anyone who uses the “but he paid for your college” trope because college was an expectation in my family and they specifically raised us knowing they would pay for it. I’m not going to apologize for being a national freak in high school and having the opportunity to literally go anywhere I wanted. 

In reality, my father prevented the divorce until he was ready to leave the community (and had a reason to physically move away) so he could control his public image to the best of his ability. He tells anybody that will listen these days how my mom cheated on him. Mind you, that very boss at that baseball stadium once asked me if he and my friend’s mom with giant fake boobs, perfect hair, and a Marilyn Monroe style body ever had an affair. My boss was the older sister of one of my brother’s baseball teammates almost his ENTIRE life. The woman she referenced had overlapped on almost every team with my brother. My dad can go fuck himself about my mom being the reason the marriage didn’t work.

He also tells people I “faked my PTSD and car accident for attention”, which is conveniently his way of discrediting the validity of my claims lest they ever negatively impact him. 

Women who are “hysterical” have historically been quite easy to keep submissive, subservient, quiet. 

I have no interest in ever being one of them. 

My parents never visited my siblings or I at school, outside of SAVE the rare holiday, or a sporting event. There were no “surprise” visits, or even care packages. 

My brother, the eldest, went to the University of South Carolina and walked onto their baseball program, the same program that went back-to-back-to-back College World Series finals. They won back-to-back national championship titles. Half of his teammates were drafted into the MLB. He took batting practice with Bryce Harper when he visited his brother. He found money–he was technically a “student manager”, as even with 91 games a season, the majority of D1 NCAA baseball only uses one catcher and the bullpen catcher position worked out well for skirting NCAA rules about paying students and not “technically” expanding your roster. He found fame–athletes, especially National Championship baseball athletes, were celebrities on college campuses. He found support–my dad would visit him just to be able to go to the games, talk to him in the bullpen, share “the love of the game”. (My dad went to Embry Riddle, so even though he played AAA ball for the Yankees feeder team over the summer, he never had the opportunity to play in college.) 

I never was able to earn that “official” roster spot, either, during my time at UNC, but the only time my dad DID visit my school was when I was running at track meets. Or for graduations. Otherwise, there was no reason to be there. To be supportive. It was an unnecessary hassle to see me. 

Yet, I’m to blame for “the joy of achievement” being a fundamental pillar of my ENTJ mentality? You know children are shaped by their genetics and environment, right? Both of which have everything to do with my parents and nothing capable of being controlled by me?

Again, I don’t necessarily “blame” my family for this. 

My parents both grew up under the context of military drafts, constant warfare, tension, and stress. Their fathers arguably could never fully take off their uniforms–how could you? Discipline comes naturally, and both of their own mothers were just as strict. They went to college, hours away from their parents, and travel wasn’t as feasible, affordable, or accessible. People wrote letters, they didn’t text. You sat in silence and learned how to survive on your own. How else were you expected to grow? 

Teaching your children to know they can’t depend on you, emotionally, mentally, physically, and then wondering why they’re hyper independent shouldn’t be so confusing. 

From a VERY young age, I was taught that my pain, my mind, my soul, would be ignored. In more ways than one.

I was taught to “suck it up”. To “move on”. In part, largely because there was no other option. 

When I started therapy my junior year of college, after a horrendous break up that left me unable to cope or function with any resemblance to humanity, it might’ve been the first time in my life that I had support from someone, an adult, who just wanted to learn more about me. Who wanted to learn more about why I do the things I do–not to judge, not for ulterior motives (save maybe some curiosity and also money), but to support and encourage my growth. I had someone who looked at me when I revealed things who would cry and watch me struggle for the words I needed without pressuring me to hurry up and find them. Someone who cared to listen. It only took me 21 years, and I feel like I got there a lot quicker than most Americans (lol, competitive nature, remember). How sad is that. 

I was desperate to make track work, even though I was forewarned and had my own nasty experience with the coaching staff. I hoped it would ease the financial burden I was to my parents. I hoped it would provide the structure and guidance I felt lost without. I wanted it to demonstrate my potential, my work ethic, my strength, mentally and physically, without requiring words. I never quite got the answers or validation from others that I sought, but I certainly found and prioritized myself over all of those miles. In truth, it didn’t end up mattering that the politics made me hate the formal premise of something I had learned to seek peace within, because I knew of the patterns of repetition, the mental clarity, the focus, the drive, that it took and that was enough.

SELF LOVE (24:13)

It makes me sad, in a way, how far humanity, particularly the bounds of “professionalism” within academia and the capitalist job industry, have skewed our purpose on this earth. Even the most kind hearted people worry about exposures over their public image. Exposures of seemingly innocuous human behavior well within the frame of “the norm” for our species–even if a particular conservative consensus portrays a fallacy of otherwise.

An old friend, who, if truth be told, was never really a “friend” to me (even if I thought they were my best friend for a few years) tried to blackmail me recently. In hindsight, and thanks to a reminder from my old therapist that “just because someone was a good friend in X context or Y year doesn’t mean they still benefit you”, it’s blatantly clear her own narcissism and “main character” syndrome has created an environment where she desperately grasps for control. I get it, though I don’t think I’ve ever particularly cared what people are saying about me, because I know my own integrity, character, and commitment to honor and honesty speaks far louder. 

Naturally, she texted my biological mother a link to this blog, framing her interest as a “concern” for my well being and wanting to know how my mother intended to “handle” me, a 28 year old woman. She threw a few threats in (in the same sentences she’d claim she was trying to handle it “like an adult”) like whether she should make her own blog and tell the world that my boyfriend in undergrad once mistakenly told me he was “clean” even though he had NEVER been tested for STD’s ever (Kansas and North Carolina…get your sex education together fucking now) and I got chlamydia. IDK…call me crazy but it seems a little disingenuous for someone about to start a surgical residency to stalk the private blogs of someone who has blocked them on all forms of social media and then try to socially shame them for sexually transmitted infections. Particularly in this modern age of healthcare. You have failed part of your training if that is the case. (I mean, she did fail part of her training but the current standards for med students are ridiculously paced, though that’s a separate discussion). 

…You’ve also failed the social norms of respecting any kind of boundaries. I’m allowed to reference the events in my life and people who shaped it and hold no allegiance to people who have sexually assaulted me when I shared a bed with them. I’m sure you thought I didn’t remember, since I never mentioned it and we remained friends, but you are a predator. And we don’t negotiate with terrorists over here in the U S of A baby. Kindly fuck off and out of my life and live your own without caring more about controlling your public perception than changing your private actions. Good luck.

Maybe that’s the hardest part for people to respect, or acknowledge…That those who you’ve interacted with do have their own stories–which might differ from you, or offer a striking contrast of perspective. But it seems ridiculous to expect them to be under an obligation of misplaced “loyalty” when you had none for them. 

I suppose if you’re obsessed with control this doesn’t strike you as weird. 

Personally, I’m not interested in power–I’m interested in the balance of it. I’m interested in the reciprocity of it. The fluidity and exchange of it. Mindful observation, communication, acknowledgment. There is power in knowledge, as Michelle Obama likes to remind us. Which is why the reciprocity of knowledge of my friends, the people in my life, matter most of all to me. I don’t want to be dominated by imbalances.

When you are motivated by serving others, it becomes so commonplace to put aside yourself and put the needs of others first that it takes a lot of time to re-learn this and not feel guilty for needing to express yourself in the way that you do. I’m reading “The Body Keeps the Score” and it’s incredibly validating about how I break down randomly crying in yoga, reminded of specific events with certain muscle activations, or how my own progress and recovery almost necessitates that I “shed” these events in ways that I feel are beneficial to creating conversation for a more important narrative. 

It is freeing, to speak on it. 

It is freeing, to allow myself to be who I am meant to be. 

I think I put up with a lot of unhealthy behavior, both in this “friendship” specifically and my previous relationships of variety (familial, dating, etc.) because I grew up in an environment that taught me to have unconditional love towards those who abused me. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. I tried setting boundaries, asking for space and things I needed, and they were ignored, downplayed, or frankly dismissed without care. I was a CHILD. Why is it that the burden fell and continues to fall on me to “drive it home”. 

I don’t want that kind of energy in my life any longer.

 It’s cancerous, so to speak. 

But to be who I’m meant to be, I also can’t hate myself or the events that got me here. I must speak on them, because they shaped me into who I am and trying to understand people, the community, life was my form of empathy and compassion when my abusers were calling ME the “narcissist” and “self involved”. Even after all of that, I’d forgive them because I loved them regardless. That’s not good, and that’s not healthy.

While on a walk with a good friend, someone I competed with on the Math team, who is a brilliant mind in STEM, I was reminded of the fact that when everything went wrong in my life, I clung to self love above all. Maybe that was my privilege. I was beautiful, skinny, blonde, and smart, but nowhere NEAR the “prettiest” (nor did I have the knack for fashion or the money) to be “popular”. I was athletic and good at any sport I wanted to try and was allowed to do (which I again contribute to hours of abusive coaching through muscular development). I was gifted in music, though I stopped publicly singing pretty early on because my brother would mock me for how much I loved it. I was smart at every subject, and loved to read and learn. I was enough, for myself. So when others mocked me, however true or false the words that they whispered or shared brazenly, I didn’t really care. I wish they wouldn’t. I didn’t enjoy it. But I knew it wasn’t a reflection of me. They had no meaning over who I was to myself, and that above all was the difference. 

My family has lost power over me, namely because I no longer respect or require the love of people who were seemingly incapable of loving ME. I find it tragic and pathetic that a child was framed as the “difficult” one for questioning her surroundings and that her parents only stopped their abuse when I got smart enough to threaten to call CPS. And instead of asking yourself why your child thought they needed law enforcement to protect their physical environment, you branded them as “difficult”. 

You said “every child runs away that young” when I was ~5 years old. Does every child pack a backpack after a particularly harsh disciplinary measure from their father, hide it in their closet, wait up ALL NIGHT and then sneak out in the early hours of the morning, crossing the dew covered grass barefoot, dragging my cat comforter, backpack slung over my shoulder, and DIABOLICALLY PLOT TO LEAVE WITH A DEFINITIVE PLAN? Then just LITERALLY NOT COME HOME FOR A WEEK until you’re forced to? Does every child not miss their family?

Maybe Disney’s Soul had it right and our personalities are decided for us long before we emerge into the physical realm. 

Maybe to some, even my own father, I AM the “manipulative megalomaniac who is intensely opportunistic”… but that’s Earth’s problem.

Or, maybe I’m just honest

Maybe my “weapons” of communication, my words, my writing are the way that I make sense of my world, because in reality they’ve been dismissed, for far too long.

I know the way I love myself can be matched because of the quality of my actual friendships. 

My best friend from undergrad lived with me all four years. We shared a room for 2 of those, practically, and still held sleepovers in the same bed when we needed the companionship. (#SapphoAndHerFriend). When she was depressed, because hormonal irregularities in women fucking suck and it’s our actual biology and can we please teach it and get universal healthcare for christ’s sake, I’d clean her room for her, and she’d let me, knowing it made me happy to be helpful and she didn’t have the energy or time to prioritize it. Her family took me on every family vacation, I’ve gone to every wedding, beach weekend, or just casual hang outs because I just love to be in their presence. And she loves me for who I am. Who I actually am. Not who other people want me to be.

My sister told me she never doubted whether she wanted to go to college because she saw what my best friend and I had and “just wanted that”. 

Of my two best gal friends from graduate school–one lives in Florida and I literally could just exist happily as her roommate for decades if she wasn’t destined to be a mom sooner rather than later. We didn’t LIKE to go entire days without talking to each other. The other one lives in Boston and has dated one of my best male friends and visiting them is like visiting home. She is the most incredible chef and it makes me hate the “chore” of cooking less and perceive it as an act of love and nutrition rather than just a way of integrating chemistry into health. They make me a better person, because they love me without expectation. They nurture my growth. 

One of the people whose minds I value so much, but whose privacy I’ve also wanted to protect, goes out of his way to remind me that I have already accomplished so much. Even with the “failed” collegiate sports track (to my mother, whose legacy of a full ride D1 scholarship and 9th at Penn Relays was NOT going to be in my future), he would dismiss me undermining my accomplishments and say things like “psshhhh. Please. You’re basically an Olympian.” I thanked him the other day, after my biological mom passively mentioned to me “you haven’t even accomplished anything yet”, for reminding me that success is arbitrary and very subjective.

To me, “success” now means happiness. 

And happiness means mental peace. 

That aforementioned “joy in achievement” that ENTJs crave so desperately now means a wider range of things to me. Maybe it’s the romantic in me, for I am an artist at the root of it. Though I tend to also downplay THAT, because I’ve never taken formal art classes and don’t know proper technique or how to reference (but Van Gogh was also self taught so as long as I don’t take up the drink or cut my own ear off, I think I’m on the right path). Plus, writing is even more self deprecating and emotive than painting and since writing is in everything we do, and most people are capable of doing it, those who don’t publish their work in the same avenue, or get the insight of others prior to publishing, might downplay their significance. The old “if a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around, will it make a sound?” phrase? “If nobody is reading their scribbles, can they call themselves a “writer”?” 

I am done performing. 

My friends have shown me that I don’t need to. 

I have shown them the same. 

I do everything now for self love. 

I have faith in myself, above all, and know I don’t need to tread along these roads alone, but I do need to make myself accessible to those who want to walk with me, for however long.

I want to allow myself to love–who I am with the understanding that I’m certainly not that “difficult”, I’m just “honest”. And it’s perfectly clear the USA struggles with accountability regarding the “truth.” 

I want to allow myself to learn–in both the traditional academia sense and in unconventional routes, such as just seeing what my favorite humans can teach me just by learning about them. Mindful observation. Who they are, holistically.

I want to allow myself to grow–to plant myself where I know I’m happy, where I want to create and cultivate a life.

Maybe I’ve been watching a little bit too much “Game of Thrones”. Maybe Spring bringing warm currents of air, the flowers blossoming, and the leaves returning has happily coincided with my diabolical nature feeling extra refreshed. Maybe the culmination of my fully vaccinated status, embarking on air travel again, and moving plans are the momentous change signifying clarity, peace, and a new day. Signifying hope. 

Or, maybe it’s just love. 

My friend from the math team, let’s call him “Wade”, because I told him his hacker cybersecurity status gives me major “Wade” from Kim Possible vibes, asked how my car accident changed who I am. He’s known me pretty well since middle school, though as an introvert and nerd he fulfilled the “wallflower” role of the public school experience. I told him it changed nothing about “who” I am, PTSD and all, but it changed the way I prioritize life. 

In a way, I feel like I died that night. I watched myself fly into the treeline, out of control, and fully accepted my death. I was content, in that moment. Ready for it. 

All of this just seems like extra time. 

It seems like the time I get to enjoy my life.

It’s the time I get to prioritize the people I love, and those I want to create a life with. Not the things that I want to do. Not the goals I want to achieve.

It’s time I get to create a life for me.

It might seem “illogical”, maybe it’ll derail my career, however temporarily, but I won’t regret it. 

You don’t regret the things you do in love. 

Because at the end of the day, there isn’t enough love in the world. 

How can there ever be? 

And living a life built on love, for yourself, for others, for your community, means acknowledging the things that come easy–the highs, the achievements, the stepping stones–but even more so the ladders that built you into who you are. The foundational concrete. The support beams. Reconstruction and remodeling. The carfax. 

I know what “love” is because I know how to show it to the people in my life. Because it is what I show to everything in my life–my art, my animals, my friendships, my travel, my relationships, the sky and leaves and trees around me. Other people’s love might look different–communication is about learning how to speak each other’s language, and not everyone will try to learn yours, however badly you may wish it.

The great wrestling love of my life and I never worked out because, ultimately, it was me who couldn’t communicate. Which may seem crazy, given that I have essentially a personal diary on the internet freely available for anyone and everyone to read. (Arguably because I opened up to one guy and had to rush to make it seem like that wasn’t MONUMENTAL for me…) Yet, now I think even that was for a reason, even if I don’t understand it quite yet. Even if I never find out why. He was a communications major, too (typical of D1 athletes), but it’s why he knew my sleeping soundly with him was so huge, or why he knew I enjoyed watching him play video games and openly talking to his friends about me, or why he knew I loved him even though I couldn’t speak to him. 

I couldn’t tell him that I called him after my car accident because no, I didn’t have anybody else to call. My mom yelled at me. My sister asked me if she could get back to her birthday dinner while I called her from the side of the road, trying to distract myself from reliving the crash over and over and over again in a seemingly parallel universe to my retinas intaking the actual scene unfolding before me in current time, while I sat there, dissociated, and realized I had moments before decided I was okay with being dead. That I didn’t think I’d be making that phone call…but she didn’t care. I was a distraction. An annoyance. A burden.

I couldn’t tell him that I loved being in his presence because, for seemingly one of the few people’s presences, ever, I felt mental peace. That him trusting his intuition and chasing me down in the dining hall my freshman year, jumping over tables to get to me, was the start of an invisible string weaving our tales and lives together harmoniously for years to come. I didn’t know how to voice to someone that I knew I loved them because I recognized what I felt I’d been denied my whole life. Someone chose me.

And when his dog, the love of his life, who ADORED me, and to this day, who I think he will always, always, ALWAYS wonder if he misses me (even if he’s plenty happy now), had tumors and surgery and needed to consider termination of treatment, I didn’t know how to explain that I knew how scared he was because I’d gone through it with several horses, now, including one that followed me around the pasture like a puppy.

And I don’t think I could be that person for him, even if I felt it, because I didn’t know how to communicate it. And I was scared to learn. Scared he’d judge me and leave me. I couldn’t tell him, someone who was just as worthy of undeniable love and support as I was, that I cared or why. 

In truth, I don’t think I knew how to frame it, because the sad reality is that recognizing that was your experience sucks, for everyone involved. 

How do you explain that to people? 

I went on a date recently, which was nice enough, but I knew it wasn’t “it” because he kept APOLOGIZING to me when I explained who I was. 

I’m not “sorry” for the things that happened to me. Do I wish that I had some different contexts? Sure. Do I make decisions now to prevent myself from being stuck in the same cycles of negativity? Sure. But being “sorry” for the things that made me who I am–someone I LOVE–is never going to be the answer. 

To this day, I’ve only told one man a particular layer of depth regarding my familial life directly. Some of the ones I’ve formally dated have experienced it first hand, for sure. But only one has asked me to tell them. And when I asked him not to pity me, he told me that my telling him had the opposite effect. He said he thought higher of me, like I was stronger. It’s scary to believe him. To think that might actually be the case…especially from someone I love, someone I think already does (and arguably who I just want to) love me. 

…He’s a dumb ass Virgo, though, so try as he might to “not let me in that easy” (his words, not mine), I’m like “bro, you associate me with everything you love. Figure it out. I will not beg for it. I deserve someone who can communicate their love for me without stipulation. Who chooses me every single time, whether it is convenient or not.” My friend from UF was once at a tailgate, about 2 years ago now, and told me this guy was there, sitting off to the side, by himself, looking down at his phone and smiling. He was texting me. It’s little moments like these, times I know he thinks of me, the depth in the moments in which he needs me, that I know he loves me. Even if he struggles with his own words. 

I don’t know why, call it a premonition, but I just think everything is going to fall into place. I think I am exactly who I’m meant to be, for whatever I’m meant to do in this lifetime, because I’m committed to learning and growing along the way. 

There is power in intelligence. 

And there is confidence in the intellect of oneself. 

How better, than to cultivate a life, devoted to loving oneself, one’s friends, one’s chosen family, so fiercely, passionately, and purposefully, that your love becomes that powerful? What else is there?