Please Don’t Kill Yourself: Addiction

Survival Mode
Please Don't Kill Yourself: Addiction

In honor of season 2 of Euphoria being released on HBO Max this week, and for my cheating, dishonest, liar of a “partner” to not be able to watch it since I logged out of my own Hulu and his other girlfriend’s HBO max accounts on both of his tvs per her request upon discovering the extent of said aforementioned dishonesty and manipulation while watching his dog, his “daughter”, for him while he was on vacation in Puerto Rico–a country he might be staying in, but one that was bailed out by the guy whose apartment I stayed in one street away from the Louvre the first year I went to Paris.

Suck on my balls.

It has been a week, let me tell ya. 

I really, REALLY, REALLY cannot stress how much I absolutely did not need this character development. But, as just seems to be the case with me and “life”, probably the most unfortunate series of events have begun unraveling and I really regret making so many jokes about being the devil and going down to Georgia, because I am just emotionally getting my ass absolutely demolished and I don’t necessarily think I needed to. I feel like anyone who has read enough of the blog can maybe just take some sympathy towards that and all I have to say is that at 28 years old, I understand why so many single old ladies are so content in their old age to share the wisdom that is ignoring men. I get why my parents were so strict with me.

The world is not a nice place. 

Turns out, it hurts even worse when it’s from someone who goes above and beyond to emphasize how they choose you, or the way they plan their life with you, the way they phrase things to be inclusive (and point it out). Mu’fuckin diversity consultants. 

Someone who epitomizes and brings you back to perhaps the only formal community you remain within, the Carolina community, who evokes its presence to make you feel at home, belonged, and appreciated, just to lie to you. Someone who has heard and watched you speak on the things that have impacted you, and still impact you, who asks you to trust them, to believe in them, while being objectively dishonest, and not just to me.

It just goes to show that if the value of your words have no meaning, how do you expect anyone to allow you to lead them. When you lie to yourself, for fear of the truth, your version of “honesty” becomes subjective.

THIS is my villain origin story (as if we didn’t have enough of THOSE already).

Thank the gods for Megara, Maleficent, Cruella de Vil at times, all the strong, sassy, Disney women ahead of their time for reminding me how to channel my rage: into disgust and spite for the system that has enabled whatever these “men” are. This is what happens when we have people like Donald Trump avoid the draft, whose parents and lines of financing likely benefited from it extensively, while all the truly good ones went off and died from guerilla warfare tactics because again, we are always the terrorists on foreign land, why would other countries not view us in such a light–the civil affairs emergence in the army is just as stunted as “public health” programs in the USA. 

It is no WONDER we have such a cultural emphasis on avoiding reality. 

Which, like, what country doesn’t? 

I mean, if the Japanese government can deny the Nanjing Massacre despite the International Military Tribunal’s judgment, the USA denying the lasting impacts of racism and the necessity for public health and progressive legislation seems pretty on par, honestly. I mean, as far as international delusions go, the USA also competes heavily with Russia and China in these Olympics as well, is all I’m saying. 

Thus, the topic for today: Addiction (4:14)

Addiction is a huge problem in the United States. Dependently nourished via “escapism”, it feeds–attention, dulling or managing negative emotion, silencing or distracting intrusive thoughts, boredom, social anxiety, whatever its source, whatever its vice–alcohol, “hard” drugs, “soft” drugs, exercise, food, maladaptive physiological behaviors of variety, it all comes back to wanting to avoid, dull, desensitize, and control reality. 

It comes back to not enjoying or feeling a sense of true, whole fulfillment. It comes back to worries, anxiety, and dimming fear.

I get it.

Sometimes everything comes crashing to a halt. Sometimes you don’t have the power or energy to face it. Sometimes, even when you try, you get it wrong, you misstep, you unravel. Some days you just don’t have it.

That said, other days you might

Before you judge addictions, consider the repetitive habits in your own life. The foods you consume regularly, the lifestyle directives, how you spend each day, year, years. Caffeine is a chemical stimulant, not unlike many other drugs, one that we can harvest and perform differently on and regulate in a somewhat different manner, but it’s still a form of a “drug”. Everything is. It’s all chemistry.

Physical chemistry, biological chemistry, internal versus external chemical systems, everything in the world around you–the people, animals, earth itself, is made up of some different types of chemical mixtures. Whatever medical ailment you’re having at any given time is something wrong with the chemicals, the cells, of that specific organ or system.

Mental health is complicated because it’s about understanding yourself, about being aware of your internal brain chemistry and how it interacts with both external and internal stimuli. As a society, we struggle to adjust to not fitting people into one “box”, so much that a lot of people have quarter or midlife crises and don’t know who they are themselves, or how to figure that out, because even they have adapted to following the orders of that society and understanding themselves in terms of their role, their assignment, the expectations placed upon them by others, rather than their own. 

We use a lot of allusions to “battle” in modern day society that often feel a bit “misguided” to me. Referencing battling addiction of any kind, is not one of those. 

I also recently re-read “Night” by Elie Wiesel, detailing the atrocities of the Holocaust, and there were some harrowing overlaps that I think may be relevant, mentality wise, and I hope I do them justice (…and that this hopefully isn’t insulting in any way).

A few influential pieces to mention in reference to both pharmaceuticals and the Holocaust:

The medical grade amphetamines, I’m prescribed for daily use per ADHD, are similar in chemical class to the one chemical consumed most enthusiastically by the Germans, amongst all the powers in world war two who endorsed casual amphetamine use.

Nazi ideology even upholds, much like the war on drugs, that social uses of drugs are a sign of personal weakness and symbol of a country’s moral decay.

In fact, the American produced amphetamine benzedrine was used as a doping product in the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936. Mind you, the NCAA regulates prescription drug use around performance as well, and the sporting industry continues to push the boundaries for chemical enhancement. More amusing to me every day is that my mentor at Florida works within the Emerging Pathogens Institute and was a high jumper in the Olympics, representing Germany. 

Upon learning about the benzedrine use, a German scientist created methamphetamine, under the name “Pervitin” through a Berlin-based pharmaceutical company. The drug became widely popular because of aggressive advertising campaigns, of which it is worth noting that only the United States and New Zealand are countries currently allowing pharmaceutical marketing, largely in part from the problematic history.

In the USA, we have a longstanding history of many of these very same chemical manufacturers creating excessively problematic and improperly disposed of hazardous waste–waste now impacting Americans with horrendous cancers in every form, impacting the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink or bathe or swim in–disregarded by the government in favor of capitalist gain benefiting only a handful. 

Not just amphetamines, either. 

Cocaine used to be in Coca Cola. Manufactured and started right here in good ole Atlanta, Georgia. Also a company widely implicated in war time propaganda. When white people were in control of it and profiting the most, financially, it was totally legal. Widely pushed and marketed, even. And Coca Cola clearly never took a hit for that. They simply “rebranded” and escaped accountability for lasting impacts and generational consequences related to addiction.

Kinda like Johnson & Johnson realizing they have carcinogenic chemicals in sunscreens, baby powders, tons of items American consumers have used for generations, of which the lasting and chronic exposures are finally revealing themselves, just for them to transfer that liability to a shell company in order to prevent payout of reparations to the human beings being treated as test subjects, unknowingly. Only to then to ALSO have these effects further exploited in a for profit healthcare industry where Americans pay MORE and for WORSE outcomes than any developed nation, even when those outcomes are the result of administrative choices made above them, and convincing them that this is the “best” way helps prevent further accountability or access to knowledge by making it more difficult to trace clusters. 

We have a long history of (psychiatric) torment in pursuit of “science”, including use of pharmaceuticals to achieve “optimal” levels of control. This often meant treating abuse victims with more abuse, having family members who lacked the patience or education or access to healthcare able to sign off on the rights and bodily autonomy for another, and having doctors, experimenters, innovators of a form, perform chaotically aggressive treatments because they were granted the opportunity to do so. 

Looking at photos of Holocaust victims or the lasting effects of addiction can have eerie similarities. Studying the parallels of human behavior on different scales and dressed in various styles of clothing just shows that the War on Drugs was subjective racially, and undermined with eugenics connotations more than ever–especially in a modern age without universal healthcare. 

“My life, as a writer,… that of a witness who believes he has a moral obligation to try to prevent the enemy from enjoying one last victory by allowing his crimes to be erased from human history.”

Crimes of human history include those waged in battles of the mind, the psyche, our brains and souls. Addiction happens to be one of those battles. 

I recently chanced upon the ideology that “learned helplessness” is actually typically accurate pattern recognition. 

Silence can happen to be a form of “learned helplessness”.

When communication doesn’t exist or is not the wise choice, or you don’t know how: Silence.

It makes me consider a lot of the behavioral traits I adapted to, because of patterns of abuse in certain dynamics (and lack thereof of abuse elsewhere), and what my behavior around that person has historically entailed. Who I am to strangers, the way I approach situations because of my history of having to distrust most people other than myself, how I view myself. 

One of my “sisters”, who I love very dearly, internalized the abuse she received. Her dynamic with her family was not unlike mine in many ways, just that HER biological father was sexually abusive in addition to physically. She became silent and reserved, highly sensitive to any energy shifts or mood projections, understanding there was no necessity to communicate because it was disregarded, and therefore not worth the energy to.

I became my father, to everyone else but him. Every scene of Olivia Pope with her dad in Scandal just reminds me more and more of the tyrannical political force that runs Red, white, and blue through my goddamn veins and I work at that, every day. I am grateful, because in one way his own absolutely unchecked ego as an aerospace engineer, let alone an aerospace engineer in “post”-Cold War Era US military dominance, allowed me to also understand that even the sky is no limit. My accomplishments and achievements, the goals I was actively working towards, are what kept me from derailing into “learned helplessness”, and for that, I recognize more and more just how very fortunate I am to have had those and to believe they were achievable. Or to recognize the importance of being multifaceted, because those people, relationships, industries, or events might change, but your memories and the way they made you feel won’t, necessarily.

Those really good days, or my really good memories, the motivating factors in my life are so sweet in part because I know what the opposite side of that coin is, and I’ve had to balance out that scale.

I know how overwhelmingly present that shroud of dementor’s cloak of agony feels depressed against your form. 

It feels like dead weight. Not the heavy, warm-blooded weighted warmth of another human’s comforting embrace, but just cold, hanging emptiness, devoid of everything human yet entombed in human flesh. 

It’s a lot, but I also know how lucky I am to have that cloak, when I need it. 

It might draw attention under the looming Sunshine, casting shadows upon the flowers around my feet, or it offers comfort and a slim layer of protection from the rain, the downpour of showers that always comes when the sun gets too hot. It bathes me in familiarity intermittently, oftentimes being a burden to carry in the summer heat, but I also know it exists so I can help ease someone else’s transition into the unknown, the uncertain. 

So I can help them not feel so lost, even when they’re alone.

Because that’s what I’m good at, bridging gaps. 

The power of communication allows me to bring comfort, solace, or understanding far beyond my physical form. I write these, in part, because I understand that I won’t always be here. A lesson learned because of those who are no longer able to listen, but whose spirits live on in my memories, and who will never be able to hear the words or my stories because I was too late to help the community for them. 

…But maybe I won’t be too late for someone else and maybe I’ll help someone else know that they’re not alone in those moments. 

Statistically, you’re never alone.

There’s a weird comfort in knowing that of all the good that happens in the world, the bad is concurrently existing, and the pain you feel is shared, whether you are aware of it or not. 

When I needed him, over a year ago now, which is especially wild because I live in the same city as him and we just can’t really have communication, I guess, the Farmboy held my lifeless frame, letting the glass slippers of tears spill off the fairytale image of an idyllic human–”a never-needy, ever-lovely jewel”, while I eventually whimpered out something about life being watching everyone around you die. (As my godmother was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in her ovaries today…timing.) He just pulled me closer, sighing that he knew, and I will always love him for that, because he was able to offer me the comfort that I needed. 

The comfort of mutual understanding.

For every overdose, there are siblings who remember, parents who found them, friends who partied with them. For every suicide, whether its via hanging, or self inflicted gunshots, or cutting, or “accidentally” overdosing, there was a pattern of events that were either normalized and dismissed, overlooked in some manner, and downplayed, in part because “survivor’s guilt” is a little fucking bitch (so is “hindsight bias”) and the reality that you could have done something differently, or should have, or might have recognized the signs if you had known what to look for, really just sucks.

And it does get exhausting trying to communicate, just for nobody to listen and for the solutions to be relatively simple, yet ignored. 

I care a lot, and it is exhausting. Mind numbingly exhausting.

So I don’t judge all of the people from my hometown who didn’t have the same goals or ideas to look forward to, the same places to visit or see, the opportunity for physical escape, who sought escape out in different ways. 

I don’t judge my friends who reveal their childhood abuse to me, stacking on like 5 different people, all from religious or military backgrounds, and how they’re just now coming out of the closet, at nearly 30 years old, though I often carefully note that I suspected something was up, due to how much they drank and in what quantities.

I don’t judge the extent of trauma, or the inability to understand and have one’s choices available or clear, or the intent of the individual who recognizes they have a problem and want to work to understand that and grow healthily with a balanced life. I curate these pieces to share my writing, the framework of my mentality and education, so that other people can become sentient should they choose and want to do so. I’ve done a lot of the work myself, in a way, but I also do it so as to enable a wider connection of thought. 

So I can make the overwhelming chaos of thought make sense, at least for a while. 

So I can escape.

Everyone has a vice.

Substance Abuse Kills (18:44)

Moving from middle school to high school is supposed to be a source of excitement for people. For me, it meant trying out for the fall soccer team and being the football team’s kicker. A few weeks before orientation, for one of my best friends at the time, it meant her brother dying.

I believe it was she who found him, lying on the living room couch I’d sat on during sleepovers, unable to wake him and unsure why. She may have been the first person I knew immediately and dramatically impacted, but she was far from the last. The effect her brother’s death had on her own demeanor, her family, and her enjoyment in the community was enough to resign me to never having an interest in trying certain drugs, though. 

I’d already been to enough funerals for strings of suicides by then. Suicide by method of variation was common knowledge via life experience for me, before I ever studied public health and epidemiology, but for now we’ll keep it maintained to “accidental” overdose: substance abuse.

Elie Wiesel begins “Night” with a tale of Moishe the Beadle, a prophet of Jewish mysticism, described as:

“He spoke only of what he had seen. But people not only refused to believe his tales, they refused to listen.” 

I hope you keep that in mind as you listen. 

As Elie also states,

“those who kept silent yesterday will remain silent tomorrow.”

While writing this over New Year’s, a holiday I personally do not get excited about, since the 2014-2015 when it became synonymous with the date of sexual assault (so it coincides mentally with a “flashback to reality” versus a “dream of the future”), I not only found out about my current partner’s purposeful dishonesty and had them lie to my face over and over again because they were unaware of how much information I had, but also yet another death of a high schooler I had mentally filed data on since middle school, who would no longer be attending our rescheduled ten year reunion in the spring. (Or at least, I’m assuming it was an overdose, because while obituary after obituary never actually EXPLAINS it, when I can’t find any information on relevant car crashes or other police reports, in my hometown it’s a pretty safe assumption that they died of a drug overdose.)

He joined the ranks of my sister’s ex boyfriend’s twin, this kid Cadence, one of my middle school best friend’s brother, about 20+ other kids I could go through my yearbook and check off, along with my own first love. 

Of my brother’s two childhood best friends, one of them was able to access rehab, have his father permanently relocate him to put physical distance between his vices and himself, wake up for 6 days and 6 nights in feverish sweats amidst a hellish detox, and access to the resources to make and have different choices. While he still struggles often with the urges of addiction and my own family’s CONSTANT offers of alcohol despite him attempting to abide by an overall “sober” lifestyle, he’s still here. 

The other one bit his own tongue off in an overdose-related seizure, just for his own mother to find him foaming at the mouth in death, in the hometown he never left. 

It’s a particularly interesting contrast to me because at one point, I did have both of their dicks in my hand and mouth in my childhood bedroom and here we are, years later, after a series of very, very different choices and opportunities in life. 


A third friend, who had separated from my brother’s friend group earlier than the aforementioned two, due to the location difference of middle school, was addicted to heroin before he ever finished high school. If you wanna find out where to target the next generation of high needs public health populations, just go to local pound ball football leagues or ask any middle school teacher which students are struggling. Watch the parents, the way they discuss the kid’s performances, the expectations placed upon each child–by themselves and others. While it’s important to not stereotype and always be mindful of bias and confounding variables, statistics do, ultimately, reveal patterns, and you could at least be open to exploring the potential variables with curiosity and mindfulness, as is human, so as to really comprehend the problem and to understand and (potentially) to solve it.

That friend’s middle school was in a lower socioeconomic area of town. More of a harsh mix of “rural” and “urban” poverty, so the access to more and the drive for less was always obvious, but the education around “choices” and what that meant, less so. The highlight of a lot of their lives was high school football, or even just “high school”. “Success” felt insufficient or unachievable or culminated in the years of life they had already lived, the partying atmosphere, the life milestones of dates where being old enough to drive, smoke, or drink passed and the rush to check off life experiences in the form of lackadaisical and typically uninformed drug use came and went and the bad decisions got easier and easier to rationalize and bad, illogical CHOICES are the gateway drug, not marijuana.

My own friend groups were experimenting in their own ways–Amanda discusses her meth bombs at prom, and she was one of many, MANY within a large partying circle who I’m sure to this day have no clue what they’ve actually ingested. I, honestly, saw so much disgusting behavior in relation to consuming alcohol to excess– within my familial history as war trauma treatment, the daily Jack & Coke cocktail of a farmer, and then fellow peers (and on occasion, myself) who surrendered bodily control willingly, that I mentally resigned to not have much of an interest for it myself and maybe that’s why I didn’t go to or get invited to that many parties.

I liked hanging out and talking, weirdly, normally, or no matter what. 

I didn’t need the influence of substance to be around people.

It’s All Relative: Science, Drugs, & Medicine (24:51)

Nowadays, I like to watch and hear and see drug use before I choose to do it myself–informed use and consent. I drink socially, but rarely, if ever, to excess. Loved shrooms, would definitely do it again with the right person(s). Weed is great, now that I was able to do it comfortably within my control and space, and all of these substances interact with your blood and brain chemistry in different ways.

I’m a scientist, a researcher, I like to know exactly what I’m getting myself into, or what to at least be mindful of, prepared for, and having realistic substance use programs that documentary style share the realities of drug use, the history of various substances including psychoactives, the medical considerations (don’t do cocaine if you have a latent heart condition, perhaps), and the impact of them–the way inept policy has impacted local communities in relation to various substances, the (lack of) resources or healthcare of quality and the knowledge of those resource’s existence, a holistic education on them makes that pros and cons list look a lot less EDC-everything-is-a-carnival-drugs-are-always-spiritual-and-fun-escapes more pragmatic. 

I told one of my friends who has a history of panic attacks that medication is always beneficial to have on hand–I utilize lorazepam myself when I have anxiety spikes and am lucky enough to have a doctor in a VERY well educated community, but that researching her own health condition and working to understand herself with it, especially how to separate through and logic the physiological conditions, is the key to management. 

The severe chest pains are just that–chest pains, not a heart attack. When you learn how to understand, and TRUST, the difference in your neurological alarms for “danger”, you can logic through some of them. We have the technology to track your heart rate constantly, statistically analyze the data, and reveal your biometrics back to you, available at your fingertips anytime you want it. But people are afraid of learning about and investigating their health because ignorance is bliss, just like ignorance in drug use is bliss–because you’re not the one cleaning up someone else’s vomit, moving their tongue from obstructing their airway during a seizure, waiting for a break in the delirium, hoping they don’t die and doing everything in your training to prevent them from doing so.

But what we’re doing, and what we’re trained for in the field is just that–a response. Prevention is also a choice, one much more beneficial and financially responsible to invest in, and prevention comes with legislative and regulatory directives. Narcan is one harm reduction approach. Universal healthcare, a living wage, hope and trust in society are other harm reduction approaches. Substance use and subsequent abuse is a symptom of a much larger problem–unhappiness, discontent, despair, comorbidities where physical and mental health connect that require a holistic approach.

In reference to the Fascist party seizing power, Wiesel in “Night” writes,

“Yet we were still not worried. Of course we had heard of the Fascists, but it was all in the abstract. It meant nothing more to us than a change of ministry.” 

One chapter later: “Our eyes opened. Too late.”

The next:

“What do you think? That we came here of our own free will? That we asked to come here?”

“Shut up, you moron… You should have hanged yourselves rather than come here. Didn’t you know what was in store for you here in Auschwitz? You didn’t know? In 1944?”

An eerily dystopian parallel to the effects of substance abuse and addiction.

We know that the pharmaceutical industry’s prescribing practices being related to for profit healthcare contributed and caused the overwhelming opioid crisis, with fentanyl overdoses associated now being the leading cause of death for anyone ages 18-45, yet STILL we don’t have universal healthcare. 

Why would we–when it’s both beneficial to the sporting industry and executives within our health industry to do so? 

In 2017, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health revealed 20 million American adults ages 12 or old reported struggling with a substance use disorder. 75% of those also struggled with an alcohol use disorder. 

Drug abuse and addiction cost American societies over $740 billion annually in lost workplace productivity, healthcare expenses, and crime-related costs. Literally JUST less than our military budget. 

Substance abuse isn’t just overdosing on heroin in your car in the Walmart parking lot, either, it can and commonly is mis or overusing prescription medications, the champagne problems of access to healthcare and being able to afford it. Seeing as how genetics can be attributed to 40-60% of individual risk to addiction, for a variety of reasons, both hereditary factors and how cycles of abuse are common and, just that–cycles–so generation after generation will encounter the same behaviors or, once again, history will repeat itself LESS WE LEARN FROM IT (& SHARE WHAT WE LEARN). 

One of my friends, an incredibly wealthy white girl, whose mom was once Miss North Carolina back in the day, and probably was and always has been one of the people I would’ve and always have admired for really just walking her own path, became addicted to opioids following a surgical procedure from a sporting injury. Years later, she was terrified during a different, unrelated procedure, for the recovery– because the worry of addictive potential still haunted her.

Another friend had a breast reduction a few months back and I was able to visit and function as her live-in nursing aid/caretaker, significantly helping her already substantial anxiety simply because I was there to monitor and track her opioid use, even just associated with surgical recovery.

A lot of the kids I went to high school with experienced and were encouraged to use their bodies as battering rams, especially within football, and lack the community sports or resources to be healthily active as adults, or access and know of the type of healthcare and healthy interventions (just lifting weights every day isn’t really going to be enough) and how to research them. What the right questions to ask are. So why would they have any general understanding of how their own bodies work, or should feel, when those mentalities haven’t been available to them and are definitely not being discussed colloquially around the local watering hole (bar) on a weekend night, and again, it’s taken me over 10 years of higher education and life experiences within healthcare to key in myself, so I definitely don’t expect the kids who failed 7th grade science to understand. 

Who in the community was modeling and making healthier choices accessible? Nobody. 

We have a county fair pageant for the flower of the tobacco plant.

So if they solve their chronic pain with the crushed up and snorted opioids, or injectable synthetic drugs after parties and years of crushed up and snorted opioids, or witnessing drug use after drug use where things “turned out okay”, person after person who lived, story after story of rainbows and kittens and positivity and “wild times”, “crazy stories”, instead of the crazy hangovers or hellish ER visits and they started on that path without ever actually understanding what it meant to stay on it and how hard it would be to choose to turn away and travel a very different path and whether they would be able to, they should take a deep breath and forgive themselves for their compounded mistakes and then work to understand how to communicate what they wish to say to others. 

It’s not necessarily going to be anything other than your personal version of hell, but like, look around you–humanity is pretty fucking messed up on a grand scale and we can only really work to minimize damage.

Baby steps are still steps.

It’s the scientist way of approaching most things–if you fail 1000 times, you just learn 1000 ways something doesn’t work in pursuit of the 1 way it does. 

I mean, every time I drop one of these pieces I feel like I splinter into a bomb of vulnerability and some people tell me they’re healing, so it’s all about perspective.

Speaking of perspective, Kobe Bryant was suing the opioid manufacturers and concierge doctors involved with his treatment when his helicopter crashed in case ya wanna dive down that conspiracy theory. And for every one of Kobe, for every professional athlete who takes it upon them to become involved in something larger than them, they take a continued risk to their own personal safety, comfort, and state of leisure to do so. But for every one of Kobe, there are ten times as many children who never played in college, never made it past their hometown, never were able to separate the confounding variables of poverty enough to have definitive proof for what the source of addiction is and how to respond to try and change the conditions for others because they don’t have a way out, and it’s just not plausible to think everyone should have to leave to escape. 

When I identify problematic behavior, I try to think of it in a biochemical sense. At your happiest, or most content, what motions are you doing, what ways is your body moving, what chemical synapses are engaged, for how long, and in what context? How do you tap into better living through chemistry to meet your needs in a healthier way, and why were they being actively met through whatever substances you currently use? When, if ever, were you “balanced” and by what methods? How do we as a society currently depict human behavioral habits, and in what way, and why are the choices we gravitate towards currently seeming like the best options?

What kind of marketing has trained the larger thought?

What kind of blinders?

Between 1999-2017, drug overdoses more than tripled and opioid overdoses in particular increased 6x, often the result of targeting pain management. We passed act after act recusing prescriber’s from barring responsibility or accountability in their methodology, and continue to do so despite STILL having the power for federal legislation around at least one substance (marijuana) capable of being self grown and conveniently having decades of research involving efficacy towards pain management already widely accessible and reputable. 

Not federally legalizing weed is due to decades of public policy around “the war on drugs” targeting racial minority communities and transferring the power of wealth into the permits and hands of people they “choose” who can “healthily” manage one’s businesses. Just like Britney Spears’ father could “healthily” manage her conservatorship, despite being one of her abusers, even if, at one point, it really might have been familial love and genuine concern for her wellbeing, it doesn’t excuse years of inability to adapt, remediate, and grow. 

If alcohol is federally legal and safe, the only reason not to have facilitated marijuana by now is lacking testing procedures for current active use for law enforcement or occupational purposes. It was never about pain management or emphasizing and making healthier choices accessible, it was always about control of the wealth and policing over freedom

Even with knowledge of our own healthcare system’s influence on the opioid pandemic, we still criminalize addiction, with the world’s most vast for-profit prison network (America #1!) and recovery treatment programs. We still devalue public health, refuse to institute living wages so areas of lower socioeconomic status and people who reside within those are more likely to have access to a much cheaper, simpler solution that effectively alleviates whatever is paining them short term than the time, energy, or money to search for alternatives. Then we increase policing as if responding to crime is the same thing as preventing it and our communities get fractured in the chaos beyond recognition. 

My mind often feels fractured similarly. 

I used to question whether it was the ADHD or the PTSD or personality, and I gotta be honest–I’m starting to think this is just “who I am”. 

That said, I’m really thriving with season 2 of The Witcher and Ciri’s character arc. 

My OG mentor loves it from the video games, though I only knew of it because of the Netflix adaptation starring Henry Cavill, cause, damn, who wouldn’t watch him…but it makes me smirk mercilessly understanding why he was so amused that I liked it, and to connect what about it I KNOW HE likes. 

There’s a lot of overlap with addiction and fear. And like most battle-heavy magical realm entertainment which satisfies my larping fantasies, it is inundated with speeches on fear and perseverance.

“Fear is an illness. If you catch it, and you leave it untreated, it can consume you.”

Learning about things has destroyed their power over me. The fear I felt in facing their situation. I felt prepared. Learning about myself has functioned similarly to calm the anxiety, the fear, the tremors hidden in the gentle rising of the hairs on my arm. Reading the bodily cues and sitting with them, observing them, exploring them, in the method a scientist would. Processing on-the-go, machine learning, sifting through stimuli, formulating possibilities and risk assessment, then executing decisions based outwardly on intuition and inwardly with the swiftness of the crew of the Black Pearl in The Pirates of the Caribbean–ragtag and schambley, but somehow incredibly efficient and well complemented.

Geralt of Rivia quotes,

“You can’t run from the world. You can’t hide from it. But you can find power and purpose. A chance to survive the horror.” 

Sometimes the world really sucks. Sometimes it’s just your own personal world. Sometimes its “the” world, as an entity. But when enough chaos and confusion and grief, pain, and hurt gets interjected into your daily life–the triggers come without any solutions. The solutions exist, and with education and thoughtfulness, you know they’re there, and yet getting anyone to listen and the general knowledge of academia and perceived limitations of a single individual makes you understand why your Grandfather went through a handle of gin a day, remaining in servitude of his country despite rampant nightmarish anger and flashbacks of undiagnosed PTSD from three different war traumas, maintaining a relatively unblemished career publicly, in search of answers. Or why he eventually preferred to spend his time reading, bored with the petty communication, caught up in establishing a legacy over begging for sympathy–mindful of how his own fellow veterans in Vietnam were discarded from the National Mall for asking for help.

Asking for help is scary. 

Especially when you need it, or want it, because the idea of having to do things alone doesn’t mean you always should, but also because the idea of finally asking for it, and it not being there, or being “enough”, or to face the recognition that they don’t value you, makes it worse. 

Especially if historically it wasn’t there for you.

Or the recognition that, by the time you ask for help, or who, they’re no longer willing or able to. 

Knowing you are alone is different from feeling like you are. (40:25)

…and unless you really, really understand that mentality, I don’t think you can comprehend how difficult it is to combat addiction. (And I use “combat” purposefully.) We are a country founded on, prideful of, our industrial military complex. That pride in the armed forces used to mean something–when it was imposing on actual terrorism, human rights violations, inept government, a threat to freedoms. We are often indoctrinated from youth to trust in a higher, male source of faith. 

When Fringilla and Yennefer are under attack, in season 2 of the Witcher, Fringilla says, “We’ll be saved. I have faith.” To which Yennefer replies,

“Forget faith. We’ve got power.” 

And we do, we have the power of choice. We have the power of democracy, of voting. Of recognizing that the decisions around you are absolutely curated by a long list of political decisions that predates you and surpasses you but do include you–whether you choose to vote on them or not.

Somewhere, when wealth and power became indistinct in late stage capitalism, and that powerful industrial military complex became a force for capitalist gain over truly defending freedom (and even in our history, the use of the American military against our own citizens has exclusively been to the benefit of the wealthiest, or the status quo, versus justice), the military prowess of being prepared to handle everything alone–because you just might have to, or you’re entering life knowing that you might be expected to, for the service in and greater good of the country, without enough resources but with at least enough to tentatively “make do”–became the backbone mentality of our societal legislation back home as well. 

They might, hopefully, prepare you for the territory. Sprawling urban jungles with earth’s most fascinatingly horrifying mammal rampant: humanity or the acres of wilderness and one of the alternative extremes: isolation. The natural world. Time to research your environment, prepare for deployment, get your affairs in order. Depending on where you’re deployed, and for what purpose you serve, you might as well be alone. Nobody in Washington, D.C. is gonna be able to react and save your ass when your life’s on the line. Which is part of my societally we emphasize personal choices to such a militant, individualist extreme. In doing so, though, we’ve made it so help is, very much so, unavailable. 

I still refuse to access healthcare, largely because of the barriers of unexpected cost that come weeks later via the mail, but also because I grew up being engrained with the military mentality of only utilizing it when everything else is completed, you have no alternative, and exhaustive research of over-the-counter, herbal, or natural remedies wasn’t useful. When you have to weigh the cost for access to basic necessities for “life”–health, and you can’t really run the risk of several hundreds of dollars in delayed and unexpected payments for something like an Urgent care visit to not be beneficial because of the financial impact on your mental health and physical wellbeing, it’s still not really “access” to care.

So how dare we act like we do enough as a society to make counseling available, even just financially. When you literally become a financial burden because you have to ask for help, when there is literally NOBODY investing in your community, or when the only role models you have exist on a television screen playing a game for a living, in it for the glory but rarely being a morally good role model within their community and a chance for something different, rarely personally connecting. But Investments come with economic control and while a universal basic income might be misused by some people for unnecessary items, sure, a lot more people might take it upon themselves to improve the communities they live in and feel safe and able to have the time to breathe and figure out how to do so. 

The average American shouldn’t be threatened with losing everything, with homelessness, with isolation and loneliness, self or community imposed, because they need help, but that’s the system we’ve currently set up. If your family isn’t already knowledgeable of or equipped to help, you’re pretty much fucked. 

Enshrouding cultures in shame just for the pretense of an omniscient presence of “love” (control) doesn’t seem to do much other than allow a convenient outlet for personal accountability, under “the devil’s touch”. Conditioning humans so your problems should only be revealed, in private, with the potential darkness of “confession”, while glorifying tales of murder, abuse, disrepair, and dark magic under the guise of far away lands and people with no personal relation to you, other than as figments of your imagination, don’t allow the realities of society to be addressed, just ignored or conveniently shuttered, and don’t provide modern context for reparations. Only silence when it matters.

In “Night”, Elie writes,

“But now, I no longer pleaded for anything. I was no longer able to lament. On the contrary, I felt very strong. I was the accuser, God the accused. My eyes had opened and I was alone, terribly alone in a world without God, without man. Without love or mercy. I was nothing but ashes now, but I felt myself to be stronger than this Almighty to whom my life had been bound for so long. In the midst of these men assembled for prayer, I felt like an observer, a stranger.”

“And then, there was no longer any reason for me to fast. I no longer accepted God’s silence.”

Doctors study medicine. Teachers study education. Healers study darkness. 

And right now, a big source of darkness is our necessity to escape from communication and reality. 

When I began looking up relevant sources, some of the MAIN overdose google searches were relevant to whether or not your family would be denied life insurance–TELLING about the American society. 

Purdue Pharma was fined $635 million in 2007 for knowingly marketing opioids such as Oxycontin falsely, to be less addictive, yet doctors, patients, and the general public weren’t made aware. There were no lawmakers similarly lobbied to implement policies to prevent this from occurring again, no requirement for sponsored continuing-medical-education courses or research necessitating non addictive treatment plans or holistic health considerations. Death for thousands and millions of peoples impacted, but a mere slap on the wrist financially and minimal legislative change.

Part of this, and part of the escapism culture, struggles because Americans are used to expecting, and receiving, a quick, immediate solution for anything. Short term solutions are a necessity, (or else any democratic progress might be quickly undermined via the next election cycle as Republicans scurry to undo any of the attempted progress and use it to legitimize their own campaigns aimed at purposeful miseducation). You have some pain, you want an immediate solution–something treating the chemicals you currently experience, reducing their impact on you so you can otherwise function “normally”, but not whilst addressing their source and production. 

We scoff at yoga, holistic, healthy movement, because of its Indian heritage and holistic medical emphasis, internal reflection, healing through movement, understanding one’s physical strength through stillness and balance instead of violent or outward aggression, yet health insurance plans commonly cover pain medication but not pain-management approaches, like physical therapy, which further undermine any attempts to emphasize holistic healing. When those additional visits for alternative healing come with additional copays, unexpected billing weeks later, time to request off from work that isn’t guaranteed, the ability to prioritize yourself and one’s health or even to just understand your own needs and how to ask for them, let alone access them, and to feel like you can without causing additional stress, the prescription recommendations become the easiest, quickest, and often cheapest (for you) solution. Second, maybe, to alcohol. 

(While I do appreciate having the extra muscle relaxers leftover from my car accident on hand when my clavicular area unnecessarily holds tension, access to regular massage therapy would probably be just as beneficial and proactive in reducing incidents and cost my insurance a lot less in the long run with significantly improved patient satisfaction. Plus, if I’m trying to write for 10 hours or study the complexities of the brain, I really don’t want to be annoyingly pestered by the neurological chaos shooting through the titanium pin placement and I don’t always have the time to stretch it out in the way that it needs.)

And we can’t target issues like the opioid crisis and addiction without considering the pharmaceutical and health industries, the sporting industry, general marketing toward consumerism and pop culture. The US and New Zealand are the only two countries in the world that allow direct advertising of pharmaceuticals to consumers, and right now, I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing, I just think the information has a skewed marketing perspective. 

There’s also this seeming anger at self-diagnosing for medical conditions, but especially psychiatric ones, which befuddles me, because even in medicine you should understand that the only person who really KNOWS what is going on in their body, and what is “normal” and “healthy” for them, is THAT person. Just because we are giving more people a wider variety of words and expressions to learn from, use, and explain their own behavior with, doesn’t mean that is a bad thing. Especially psychiatrically, because there’s a lot to suggest that hallucinations, visions, symbols, nightmares, dreams, are related to your memory storage and processing and if you’re slowly figuring out the words or ways to explain it, even because you found relevance in another’s perspective of their own, that’s still a great thing! Now, you don’t need to “treat” or “diagnose” everyone (yes, I remind myself of that, constantly), but if other people only experience certain patterns of behavior with you and notate it and bring it up in concern, we as humans maybe need to not react quite so harshly and consider why they would think that with their own perspective or fear. 

Something worth mentioning, doctors spend 8 years of training to still get it wrong, or cycle through multiple diagnoses as new pieces of the puzzle reveal themselves, a person learning the language or science for the first time can get it wrong, even to just themselves. To really, truly, treat to heal, is to treat to understand, and no doctor can want to understand or have the time to sift through it with you and hold your hand every step of the way. Even to them, at some point, you have to be a patient and the puzzle of their focus is often either the identified disease specifically or the general vicinity of where the pain, blockage, error in bodily communication is localized.

Those doctors can do diagnostic tests, ask rudimentary questions about factors of higher priority or implication that may be related (pregnancy, for women, no matter what), but at some point you have to be able to voice what is going on, or identify the source of pain. Yes, often you get a noncommunicative patient, physically alive, somehow, but mentally checked out, and you can coax them back to stability within reason. Reconnect the infrastructure of their body. Soothe their stressors and help to work with them to identify or provide the words beyond their current understanding.

And as a human, a patient, and individual, you do, at some point, have to be willing and able to walk that bridge alone, if only because you are the singular person with access to the knowledge and memories and events within your brain, and while others may or may not exist to offer any contrasting viewpoints or alternative interpretations, figuring out which ones to believe and trust is only going to be something you are capable of doing personally. For many of us, that is going to be really hard, because the foundations of our trust seem splintered and ruined–preserved in disrepair, like the Roman Coliseum, a testament to the historic battles, recalling periods of glory, now serving as public display for education and reconsideration of barbery.

For that, I understand the benefit of what religion offers most. A theme to place your trust in, community, abstract values, intangible, always reachable even at your weakest and loneliest moments.

“But what can someone like myself do? I’m neither a sage nor a just man. I am not a saint. I’m a simple creature of flesh and bone. I suffer hell in my soul and in my flesh.” 

It amuses me to no end that church is where I first learned the power of dissociation and where I came to value my own voice of reason and judgment.

Losing my religion is exactly where I found my faith.

My power.

Elle Woods was right, above all, you must always have faith in yourself.

Goes to show the impact of poor leadership that is inherently flawed, or how an inability to apologize and account ripples chaos throughout your life unexpectedly and unpredictably. (Whether you intended it to, or not.)

Have Evangelicals considered that the “war on Christianity” might be because certain aspects of the institution of things like the Catholic church are faulty, or dammed? 

Elie Wiesel reflects,

“Blessed by God’s name? Why, but why would I bless Him? Every fiber in me rebelled… because in His great might, He had created Auschwitz, Birkenau, Buna, and so many other factories of death.” 

“You chased [Adam and Eve] from paradise. When You were displeased by Noah’s generation, You brought down the Flood. When Sodom lost Your favor, You caused the heavens to rain down fire and damnation. But look at these men whom You have Betrayed, allowing them to be tortured, slaughtered, gassed, and burned, what do they do? They pray before you! They praise Your name!”

Some countries remain entrapped in physically grotesque displays of violence, for others, modern warfare is more sinister. Underhanded displays of politicians “playing god”, or creating widespread distrust of our own national, unbiased institutions, of diverse intellectualism, ripples in the faith. Sneakier, more subjective threats to national security, intelligence deviously injected for psychological torment. 

A craft I researched, perfected, and now move to extinguish. 

So I will have faith in the endless ruck march to reinstall actual freedom, or power for the people, and all of the people, who reside within our communities. I will tredge on through the guerilla warfare cruelty of going into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt for people who don’t want your help and have leaders calling to ignore their help, who expect you to politely await for your cue to respond to preventable disasters that trainings and protocol already exist for, yet were conveniently ignored in an attempt to assert that intellectualism has no power here. 

I will try to remind myself of Daenerys Targaryen’s misfortune in overextending her power–skewering the bodies of those who attacked her, demonizing noncompliance as “enemy”, being harsh with anger and vengeance and too reactive for patience. In having to assert, repeatedly, her expectations (“demands”), she became unwilling to compromise and unable to separate herself from the larger picture–peace, a change in the realm, justice. 

A fiery, intimidating dragon, her mere presence put people on the defensive, and she spent so much time at war that it became difficult to sift through, trust, and recognize the different intentions of those around her. Would she have been willing to believe them? With her life’s work, her happiness, her life on the line, would she have been able to take those risks? 

But, it’s not so much that I feel strong,
it’s that I am more afraid of the future in which we do nothing. 

War on the Homefront (58:40)

I reference Elie Wiesel’s “Night” so frequently, because I imagine the sentiments of the horrors of the Holocaust being shared with that hollow recollection in my grandfather’s eyes. The hollowness of the transient populations, empty, tired, and stranded in life, often plagued with too much instability, too much exploitation of their energy and too little community, too few and rare the reward, that in the worst of cases, and mentally, you may not have the words to express the battle in your mind, but books and research on the horrors of the world may. 

And the choice to start over isn’t as simple as all the old war veterans who packed up their belongings and left their incidental families when they were relocated to a different town, starting over with a new wife, new kids, new hope–only to be discovered years later at the whim of curiosity and modern technology. I personally love this generation’s use of 23andme DNA tests to really shell shock the old “your father went out for milk one day and never came home” racist implications to show just how many family secrets exist in white families, too. 

However well intended your methodologies were, however well anticipated the expectations were aligned, it doesn’t detract from the impact of actions you may never even be aware of, for years. (Let’s not forget my friend whose dad fucked a stripper, only for his “illegitimate” child to stalk their family at 12 years old, much to their dismay.)

…and I think a lot of the addiction I’ve witnessed and observed stemmed from fear of acknowledging the difference in one’s perception, or the truth in other’s words, or that they think truth in description in those moments universally means it encompasses the entity of their character, versus the repeated behavioral impact on that person and what evidence they have to contribute to that perception. 

“I was afraid of finding myself alone that evening. How good would it be to die right here!”

I am afraid every day that the family member who stole my mom’s pain medications for an UPCOMING surgery while visiting for Thanksgiving a few years back, who we caught on our camera system doing so, will overdose and die and will die bitterly angry at me because their own ego prevents them from getting help or at least communicating with ME why I shouldn’t be worried.

I am fearful that the family member with a history of taking my own medication without asking–vicodin from past surgeries, adderall from daily adhd, etc, who couldn’t grasp that it wasn’t that they wanted it, it was their dishonesty and assumption that it was fine to do so, utilizing my items for their own gain, without allowing me consideration to make a choice because they were too afraid of the response that they crafted a dishonest form. I suppose, to them, it didn’t feel like a choice that would REALLY impact me, so it wasn’t necessary to ask. 

I have incredibly high standards for honesty and communication these days, and because I’m so aware of the day existing where I don’t get to communicate, and where I can no longer, I will always stress the importance of it, even when I know I’m not the best at it. I have had my consent removed or chosen without my approval too many times to not. 

At the same time I am afraid, I am also thankful and hopeful because of the friend in my brother’s social circle who reached out to me after going to rehab a few years back, who thanked me for the posts I shared on social media about addiction and told me it made it easier for him to know an alternative was there. It doesn’t make it easier for me to feel like the bad guy, the scapegoat, exhausted because I’m still healing and impacted from their decisions made on to me years ago that still impact and effect my reactions and behaviors now, my ability to trust especially, but I at least feel strength to not feel responsible for their choices.

I am proud of the multiple men who like to align themselves with “alpha male” strength, especially being from Florida, who have called me and came out as bisexual, with me being one of the first people they’ve told, and one who called me to talk about wanting help with their addictions that masked those fears.

Men who became more afraid about living as someone they’re not than fear of societal and their community’s judgment.

Men who became more afraid about withholding their expression and ability to love than communicating it. 

I feel pride in these cases, and joy in “just” verdicts as they come across the news, but it elicits only temporary happiness without organization on a federal level that impacts the ability to ignore progressive norms undeniably relevant to all communities, with addiction treated and viewed differently based on outward appearance for how much money you’re worth more so than what type of drugs and factors led to your addiction. 

And those verdicts don’t bring back the dead.

I know that legislation alone won’t change those factors, either. It takes education, time, and cultural shift, but the legislation drives the framework for it, and if we can invest $770 billion in our nation’s military, going tens of billions of dollars over the asking budget in a time when we’re supposedly “not” “at war”, then we should be able to invest just as much within our own borders and, minimally, enough to make the actual necessities of local communities afford a comfortable living wage without constantly being worried that federal disruption will make those communities unsafe or one medical procedure will render them bankrupt. People are not willing to work jobs for poverty wages and over prioritizing administration, executives, or any other level that isn’t necessarily doing a “harder” job, they are just managing different things, has made our societies unhealthy at their core and small change simply isn’t “enough” because there are humans who are being killed every single day who have been indoctrinated by right-wing frameworks to have Stockholm syndrome for their oppressors. There are humans who live under these rules and regulations in fear of themselves because wanting better, differently, and knowing that can’t simply be the norm ostracizes you and makes you an outsider.

There are people who shame themselves for biochemical reactions felt and learned, whether it’s under the intensity of substance distortion or curiosity, and there are people who end up killing themselves, “accidentally” overdosing as if wanting and needing to escape real life, however “temporarily” isn’t worrisome.

When I hadn’t let that MLS player’s older brother stay over, because I have to protect my environment right now and I don’t handle threats to my physical safety in that very cautiously, and unexpected stimuli is still a threat, until it can be deemed “safe” (again, I’m starting to think it’s just the way I was raised), he revealed a fear around his brother’s drug use. It doesn’t change the lack of consideration for my own boundaries, or the lack of adequate discussion around expectations and honesty in those on his end, but at least I could understand that he drank so much in a cycle with his brother and I recognized that his brother probably drank so much because he didn’t necessarily know where he “fit in” to his brother’s social circle in Atlanta–it’s a lot different and people treat him a lot differently than he would have ever known before, and drugs of variety might seem new and fun and exciting, for a while, but they get less exciting as the names start piling up of people you know. I know he was fearful of the vulnerability too–and in truth, I still feel he deserved the worded retaliation he received for every hour of silence and excommunication. 

Communication and recognition can be scariest of all. I know those administrators, executives, and figureheads weren’t writing the prescriptions themselves, weren’t personally peddling the opioids, but because of year after year after year of inept leaders, we reduced public accountability and place more blame on the person who was unable to feel love, reception, and joy in community than in those who created a community to remain that way for profit.

People in medicine, or careers like dentists, pharmacists, are often at the highest risk for “abusing” prescription drug related practices. While they have increased access to the sources, as well as holistic knowledge of the extremes and “norms” for use–medically and recreationally, a lot of higher education also involves understanding the intended uses and, coupled with commonality in access, can lead to integration of said uses at personal discretion versus the medically referenced directive. Not uncommon, either, especially since a lot of pharmaceutical use emerged because they were used unintentionally or accidentally or incidentally and neat little side effects emerged, like antibiotics being used to treat acne. 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “is charged with evaluating the safety and effectiveness of drugs when used as directed” and “evaluates drugs one at a time, rather than as families of semi-interchangeable molecules such as opioids. This has made it difficult to respond to the ever-increasing diversity of synthetic opioids” and inherently built in a system incapable of considering implications for misuse. We have pharmaceutical lobbyists who pay for legislation that benefits their company, or drug, and pay for policies that prevent external regulation, all the while facilitating internal research that can be kept hidden–as is the case with many issues American consumers face, whether it’s in reference to nutrition, the NCAA and NFL, or healthcare.

We know that benzodiazepines are emerging as the next class of drugs to have similar outcomes. Given that antipsychotic medications are prescribed at higher and higher rates to lower socioeconomic areas, without considering or offering holistic intervention because of lack of government administration facilitating healthier communities to be prioritized, not solely in relation to direct medical treatment, we can anticipate a similar climatic rise to parallel that of opioids. 

Praise Ye (1:09:07)

Kanye West really is our 21st century schizoid man and the conflation of his narcissism, known history of mental health and discussion around the way medication affects his creativity, makes his divorce to legal mogul Kim Kardashian that much more fascinating. Kim chose to work smarter AND harder.

Ye chose Christian religiosity and released an album to target and influence black religious affiliation of Christianity, while entering a political campaign late and endorsed by right-wing, religiously affiliated backers? I mean, fair, he warned us about how he felt being called “the abomination of Obama’s nation”–it WAS a pretty bad way to start the conversation, but it DOES seem a bit ironic that this man’s career was founded on the back of how “the system broken, and the school’s closed, the prisons open” or how “we ain’t got nothin’ to lose, ma’fucka, we rollin’” but he wouldn’t endorse more progressive public health legislation. SO close. He even told us in Monster, “Love, I don’t get enough of it.” Can’t believe the trajectory of a man who started so strong with “if I don’t get ran out by Catholics, here come some conservative Baptists, claiming I’m overreacting” eventually caused so much chaos in his own communities that he joined the ones who weren’t taxed because his version of love WAS money. Just like the pharmaceutical and entire healthcare industry. 

(Which, Ye was right, prescription rates are SIGNIFICANTLY higher in low socioeconomic areas and, as such, a lot of racial minority communities, but he also isn’t endorsing tangible policies to address them so he can shut the hell up. What a false prophet. I have also been “a menace for the longest”, only I at least understand the importance of having government administration facilitate economic freedom and a socialist baseline to any healthy society. Almost like an economic system that functions under the trickle down economics of an MLM, ponzi scheme, or pyramid scheme isn’t the best in rebuilding themselves when they’re denied access to the resources to do so and our decrepit tax system pilfers from the poor and gives to the excessively wealthy with no incentive to benefit society.

The wind is whipping up, the waves are gathering, so when the storm hits, or the next one after that, it simply isn’t logical to say that nothing could be done. Just like it isn’t logical for parents of suicidal children to feel like there were no warning signs. You either weren’t looking for them (which is fine because not everyone is trained to and it does suck to be trained universally for disaster, expect it constantly, and not trust the calm) or admitting the signs were there and were communicated and you didn’t read them right or react beneficially or understand what they needed or the way they were hurting and feeling and you didn’t have the time to communicate and figure that out because you were scared to–a fear that became relevant and realized because now you don’t have the choice to not–is too hard and you can’t grapple with that and forgive yourself. But you need to. 

We, as communities, need to be willing and able to communicate about what was wrong, in addition to what was positive.

It’s not “focusing on the negative”,
it’s improving our weaknesses and not relying on constant strength.

Those reiterations of trauma are not meant to cause more pain, though they inevitably do.

Understanding and overcoming addictions means overcoming trauma. 

Wiesel’s faceless neighbor in chapter 5 hauntingly stated,

“I have more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He alone has kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people.”

For a lot of Americans, they lack the faith in government to improve conditions, to reduce and prevent further corruption, and addiction overwhelms when in addition to lacking faith in government, in community, they also lack faith in themselves. 

“Death enveloped me, it suffocated me. It stuck to me like glue. I felt I could touch it. The idea of dying, of ceasing to be, began to fascinate me. To no longer exist… To no longer feel anything, neither fatigue nor cold, nothing.”

“But all I had to do was close my eyes to see a whole world pass before me, to dream of another life.”

The subject matter may be different, but the sentiment and expression may often be the same.

I think I understand more and more that my very presence and being can be particularly triggering to people, my own family at times, because it reminds them of the realization of how bad they felt. When they can read the pain on my face, when they can see the torment in my eyes, the physical exhaustion of my body, the mental clarity and at times, disgust, for the way their actions impacted me and how those are cast aside, disregarded, clouted by ego instead of recognizing, considering, and redirecting in those moments. They double down and defend, refuse to apologize, or isolate me because admitting their actions were inherently dishonest, or that their personal choices don’t simply impact them, seems to be one of the most difficult things in the world.

I become immortalized as the “devil”, this bad omen, because I am a reminder of that moment of recognition, or when the communication clicked in a way for them to understand, and I don’t come shrouded in illumination and unconditional love like the angels in the storybooks, here to wave off all of the nightmares with the angelic feathers of my wings, dismissing the negative with my sheer presence. I come with the ethics and morality side of accountability, of solutions instead of bandaids, of balance and restoration of peace, of communicating and deploying boundaries, of the discomfort of growth, the uncertainty of the unknown, which, for many, is healthy communication and understanding. 

I come with the knowledge of what happens to those who face combat after combat. The weariness of checking over your shoulder constantly. Being manipulative and dishonest to me and then thinking anything other than a direct, clear, perhaps a somewhat timid approach, is helpful.

I also remind myself that everyone learns in their own way, in their own methods, and at their own time. The diversity of education, or just “diversity” in general, is something we should be prioritizing because it emphasizes mutual understanding and the different methods in which people learn about life. Many have to learn observationally, through experience. People like that are especially important for addressing systems that have inherent flaws, such as those that test items purely for their intended use without consideration for misuse or equally strong legislation around adapting to research that reveals its misuse, because the system that was designed didn’t work for them, but could. I preferred, and always benefited from, a diverse mixture of learning through books, reading works spoken directly and those immersed in the arts, veiling abstract concept under less formal musings, and activity, learning observationally, connecting my body and mind with my teammates, the animals and environments around me, reading cues or notating behavioral signs or interpreting energy while executing orders.

I jump from tree limb to tree limb of subject matter with the dexterity only of someone with innate experience and immersion in the environment of education, because I was planted amongst it. 

Your life’s experiences, which for me, just so happened to coalesce my social and work life within my academic environments, where I felt safest within, are the result of choices made before you, individually, consciously, subconsciously, genetically, communally, administratively, politically. The choices and decisions influenced by the people around you–purposefully or not. I found power, and strength, in learning how those systems were built and for what purpose and how they have or have not evolved to adapt with modern technology, modern scientific advancements, modern social structure. 

I found comfort in all of the statistics that I did fit within, and all those I did not.

Whether currently, intermittently, or permanently. I felt solace in understanding that I was not alone, that there was a larger reason or influence of impact beyond my comprehension for all of the events that have impacted me, that I deal with, that I learn and grow from, and that there wasn’t anything to do with faith, it was a difference in the education and framing of choices.

We have an entire internet system to educate that was designed with taxpayer money, for the basis of national security, not currently available to all, yet one that is capable of reaching and educating areas where formal, in person education is less available or not possible, because these people’s lives don’t get the luxury of stopping for 2-4+ years when the rest of their family or community is counting on them, and these “necessary” community positions, such as working in healthcare or teaching, are somehow less profitable than something like alcohol or cigarette sales, so many never get to.

One of my pals seemed absolutely insane at the time when she dropped out of college my sophomore year to build internet cables in Costa Rica or some area of South America–she is like, the PRIME, PRIME human trafficking victim, but at the same time, her weird intuition and ability to sense energy MAY actually keep her safe, who knows. I should track her down someday soon. Either way, she seemed absolutely nuts at the time and kept pressing on the necessity for action and I don’t think that’s what her highly religious, white North Carolinian family expected when the church encouraged missionary style work.

We have made it so that downtime isn’t fun or alluring or easy to enjoy, either, because the general public is just so damn overworked and those resources or solutions or commonality of education isn’t available. 

Sometimes it would be nice if my mind would shut the fuck up (1:19:58)

Shows like Euphoria, which highlights the reality of addiction directly, and The Vampire Diaries, framing substance abuse under the guise of “supernatural” influence and offering a somewhat easier viewpoint because of the magical realm and considerations, are not shows that I watch with my family. 

Some of my friends only consume reality TV or media, sporting games, anything that is and remains a distraction from worrying about real life. I understand it, and I’m willing to participate in it for the shows that people actually want to discuss with me (and let me know), but it’s not what I gravitate towards. 

Maybe it’s the biochemist in me, in fact, I’m sure it is,
but everything I do, I see chemicals now.

The products I use, the food I consume, the air I breathe, water I drink, bathe in, swim through, everything is just chemicals. Whether it’s alcohol, prescription medication, drugs from the street–CHEMICALS. Using chemicals to escape means making a choice to avoid the other ones available to you–but that rush, that high, that source of alleviation from pain is always going to be temporary until you’re willing to confront and consider why you’re seeking those avenues to get it over what other options exist. What people’s energy you’re relying on, who and what you’re using and in what ways to get the love you so desperately seek, and need, as humans. Why you’re afraid to communicate, how to word it, ask for it, explain it,

and why you’ve grown to assume that silence is more comfortable than discussion.

With relation to a lot of things my family struggles with, one of the largest ones is communication. When my granny died, the matriarch of our farm, the organist for all the churches, the cheerleader and emotional support for all of my grandaddy’s physical achievements, part of my family’s ability to communicate died. It was, quite literally, “the day the music died” and “with every paper I’d deliver / bad news on the doorstep.” A piece was missing, a chunk of warmth that once radiated light and love with every stroke of the key and every gathering to play bridge. The music that floated through family gatherings came less often, as family who didn’t want to assume they would be invited worked to make other plans so by the time mine finally got around to communicating, they might have been welcome but probably felt like an afterthought. 

My family is fractured and global. Military through and through. We all serve a higher purpose in different ways, and are cut from tough cloth, different cloth, military rations. Rarely are we physically on the same continent at once, let alone the same coast, and definitely not in the same state. There used to not be a need or ability to communicate when apart, and some members seem to struggle to adapt and recognize that boundaries in communication are ways that humans feel safe learning from each other. 

I haven’t ever had much safety in expression around my family. I struggle, still, to adequately identify and communicate with mine, because years of being screamed at and mocked for crying, or accused of emotional manipulation just because my outward physical expression affects you and makes you recognize that you maybe should feel a bit differently, has shown me that the outcome wouldn’t matter. It would only cause pain, adding on to my parent’s stress. And my family was pretty damn privileged. Pretty fucking well educated and fortunate in a LOT of ways, though, again, that doesn’t mean I have to universally flaunt their praises. 

I grew up witnessing and hearing story after story of war trauma abroad, and the supposed safety back home. 

I didn’t always have that safety at home, though.

I had control, and to that I obeyed (mostly). Bessel Van der Kolk, MD, states in “The Body Keeps the Score”, that “after trauma, the world becomes sharply divided between those who know and those who don’t.” His patient’s, veteran’s, “in the group, they found resonance and meaning in what had previously been only sensations of terror and emptiness. They felt a renewed sense of the comradeship that had been so vital to their war experience.” 

“We now know that more than half the people who seek psychiatric care have been assaulted, abandoned, neglected or even raped as children, or have witnessed violence in their families.”

And yet, we often frame these things as children or people or humans with disorders, with inherent problems with who “they” are, instead of a series of predictable, preventable choices of things that were taken out on them. Choices of action, choices of reaction, choices of passivity. We make accusation after accusation of something being wrong with people, instead of asking them why they are hurting.

We treat them as problems to solve instead of as human beings, and our government choices facilitate that barbery. 

“Scientists at the National Institutes of Health begun developing techniques for isolating and measuring hormones and neurotransmitters in blood and brain, [since the 1960’s].” 

“Anger, lust, pride, greed, avarice, and sloth–as well as all the other problems we humans have always struggled to manage–were recast as “disorders” that could be fixed by the administration of appropriate chemicals.”

Which is true, to a degree, because inability to control one’s emotions and seeking help around that in whatever way is a good social consideration to study in relation to the mind. Especially given that different emotions or activities evoke varying electrical patterns within the brain, studying and isolating these emotions, and determining the subsequent chemical processes involved, facilitates a core understanding of why humans work in the way that they do. On micro and macro scales. 

However, in doing so and not having universal healthcare or regulation around pricing, they managed to vilify and reduce emotive expression for fear of psychiatric imprisonment. They managed to contain human expression and cohesion to a narrow frame of reference.

They manage to police mental health breakdowns with armed insurgents whose version of reducing the threat has commonly evolved to solely consist of eliminating it, and often who are responding to situations under the assumption that the “threat” is a human being separate from them. Different. Lesser. A breaker of the very thing they are tasked to uphold.

At times, and based on the perception of one’s “humanity”, they are even trafficked around rehabilitation centers, kept under isolation and observation for profit. People with addictions are shuttled in and out of prison facilities, oftentimes the only reliable source of shelter, food, water, and a bathroom. In and out of ambulances, emergency rooms, hospitals. Desperate to learn and have control over themselves, but often only given it with an attached expectation, the ability to observe, control via management, financial interest. Conditional love. 

And we wonder why they rebel against the confines of their “freedom”. 

Why they aren’t safe to trust that it won’t be ripped away from them at any given moment. 

Why our fears around death, specifically the profit in death, culturally have enabled and shaped eugenics movements and mentalities which exist in our societal framework because, I mean, we did kinda welcome 88 Nazi scientists to work WITH our government and TEACH us their ways so it’s really not that far of a stretch, especially after the looney bin that was the January 6th insurrection which shoulda showed you just high up the conspiracy goes. (All the way to the top.)

And all I’m saying, is that maybe, MAYBE, a government that continues to be filled with people who tried to overthrow an entire democracy should maybe have some leadership come out and just lay it straight, like a “oh yeah, so we fucked up BIG TIME. Like, super super badly. Capitalism has been a disaster we are impeding our own nation’s progress with greed, all of these international wars in which we utilize overseas intelligence officials of variety, expats, integration into government throughout years of devotion to projects and plans are also kinda happening on our own land, even within those very same communities of immigrants and refugees whose homes aren’t safe, probably because we made them that way! Or sold weaponry to the people who do! and who left in search of the unknown, freedom, a better life, which is conveniently EXACTLY what Christopher Columbus supposedly did and all white Europeans in the USA because that’s what human migration is, and maybe, just maybe, we can not be dicks about it, especially after we spend all our goddamn time bragging about how fucking great this country is. What the fuck did you think was going to happen– 

(ugh, I feel like you can tell my dad’s side of the family is from New York when I get ranting like that. Also, German immigrants fleeing Europe to escape the Holocaust, relocated to New York, and have since migrated South permanently?

The only real difference in “immigration”, “moving/relocation”, and a “transient” lifestyle is the types of contracts involved, feasibility of border crossings and enforcement of such. 

Enough white people have adopted the vagabond live-in-a-van lifestyle due to the absurdity of rent prices and should keep in mind that they’re always one disaster away from being homeless, (even if just for repairs).

Enough white people also grow, consume, and sell weed for exorbitant financial profit. 

I’ve also seen WAY more white, wealthy, or well-educated people do cocaine, shrooms, crushing up and snorting adderall, or any other variety of substance use and definitely overwhelming abuse, so maybe we could just like acknowledge the reality we’ve created, even abysmally, in the subjectivity of trauma and judgment on addiction based on whether they meet certain incredibly subjective, arbitrary versions of “success” without asking them what their version of “success” means. 

Maybe we could not be so afraid to just ask the questions,
and to explain our fears. 

Maybe we could not be so exhausted by misguided assumptions of help instead of helping people ask for and learn what they need, instilling in them the idea that it will always be available, that they are safe to, protected and welcomed, versus feeling shut out, left to trek home, forgotten, lost, and alone. 

All’s Fair In Love & War (1:30:08)

A war “hero” is one whose individual struggle and perseverance for life, their goal to return to a home and a system that may never have had the ability or planned to search for them, their trust and faith in a structure or institution or nation and ability to rely on it, to come back to it, to execute orders and return, as service commands, is unmatched. Not every war we fight is overseas. Not every monster flays their dead, slaughtering them in horrific crimes and destroying the evidence via radiation.

Unit 731 was, after all, part of the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department, doing covert biological and chemical warfare research and development. And what else did we do, in the interests of human curiosity and science, but we granted researchers immunity in exchange for the data they gathered during human experimentation. Test subjects, over 400,000 human beings–political prisoners, common criminals, the homeless, mentally handicapped, infants, elderly, pregnant women, were tortured, injected with diseases, even ones disguised as vaccinations (and yet we wonder why Trump and the anti vax campaign was so detrimental to coronavirus). Limbs were amputated to study blood loss. Bodies were surgically opened, organs were removed or reattached elsewhere, boundaries were pushed in the name of science, curiosity, and government profit, to the detriment of nonexistent human rights. Biological warfare of bubonic plagues, infected in populations of fleas bred in laboratories, paratyphoid fever, cholera, smallpox, botulism, disease after disease to weaken the national security of the country, dropped in attacks on entire cities or individual tests on prisoners of war, no limit to the madness, simply creating so much chaos under the pretense of war, medical advancement, science, racism and nationalist division, that the patterns of human behavior began to highlight simply what you wanted to do, not why you wanted to do it and whether you should, or what it means to understand your choices. Whose orders you’re actually following, what misperceptions of “freedom” do you have? What are you most afraid of? Motivated by? Missing? What choices are you still holding yourself for, or hoping that people forget, or fear that people remember and judge you for versus asking because they are trying to learn to understand.

What have you learned not to, or are scared to say?

“The road was endless. To allow oneself to be carried by the mob, to be swept away by blind fate. When the SS were tired, they were replaced. But no one replaced us.”

“We were the masters of nature, the masters of the world. We had transcended everything–death, fatigue, our natural needs. We were stronger than cold and hunger, stronger than the guns and the desire to die, doomed and rootless. Nothing but numbers. We were the only men on earth.”

“Beneath our feet there lay men, crushed, trampled, underfoot, dying. Nobody paid attention to them.”

“Not a sound of distress, not a plaintive cry, nothing but mass agony and silence. Nobody asked anyone for help. One died because one had to. No point in making trouble.”

“God knows what I would have given to be able to sleep a few moments. But deep inside, I knew that to sleep meant to die. And something in me rebelled against that death. Death, which was settling in all around me, silently, gently.”

“But death hardly needed their help. The cold was conscientiously doing its work. At every step, somebody fell down and ceased to suffer.”

“Wasn’t it dangerous to lower one’s guard,
even for a moment, when death could strike at any time?”

“Our minds numb with indifference. Here or elsewhere. What did it matter? Die today, or tomorrow, or later? The night was growing longer, never ending.”

“In the early dawn light, I tried to distinguish between the living and those who were no more.
But there was barely a difference.”

These human beings, these siblings, the childhood friends, colleagues, family, people, who get addicted for one reason or another and haven’t been taught to be aware of or have choices because of the administrative policy that has removed them from being possible, removed education around critical thinking, and vilifies and disregards people who need our help for normal, human curiosity around opportunity, who have been conditioned to think and act impulsively and blindly follow the faith of others, these people shouldn’t need to escape the reality we’ve created so badly and if they understood what those realities actually mean, if they understood what the people who have found their bodies or administered narcan or feared every day that the next morning they would wake up to not have that opportunity to share it, if they understood that they were LOVED, still, regardless, maybe that chemical high wouldn’t seem so alluring. If they knew they wouldn’t get punished for trying to communicate or seen as a burden for not having the answers or the right people in their immediate social circles, circles that likely contributed to their decisions to partake in certain behaviors, whether purposefully or not, if they could trust that they were being treated with honesty and clarity, instead of isolation, or weren’t always the one who had to bridge that gap of isolation when it was caused by chasms of pain. 

When people don’t know how to stop the pain they’re causing, or don’t and can’t understand the pain, because all they know is that they’re hurting too, and they’re struggling so hard just to survive, the easy out is, logically, death.

It’s often impulsive, though questionably not without excavating previously unearthed emotional evidence that then gets passed around archeological circles for novelty, often unnoticed until the right mind connects the missing segments.

When Elie sees his father in the infirmary, “he had become childlike: weak, frightened, vulnerable. I know that I was no longer arguing with him but with Death itself, with Death that he had already chosen.”

At some point, it is true, that at the end of the day you can only, ultimately, be responsible for yourself. 

The purpose of healthily, functioning communities, though, and specifically the government that oversees them, is to create networks of people with specific, individually curated skills, who apply them to areas where they are needed, in whatever that special way is, so you don’t have to feel physically and mentally alone, isolated, even if you may be, so you can figure out a way to safely explore, to live at peace, without the impending threat of financial burden and uncertainty. Assuming that humans lack the resources to work together and figure these out as a community, and don’t have to be shipped off to potentially die overseas at the hands of capitalist gain, but instead could and should be able to remain in their local communities, their circles, to potentially die within our own own borders at the hands of capitalist gain and the propaganda directing marketing of education around sensitive topics.

Then when the people around them are more afraid of their words, of communicating, of thinking that doing so or asking how they can be of help or stating that they need them here feels selfish, we remove and isolate love further. 

I’m definitely not always good at that. 

“I shall never forget the gratitude that shone in his eyes when he swallowed this beverage. The gratitude of a wounded animal.”

What are humans in society, but wounded mammals? What is addiction, stress, a constant exhaustion for survival where the goalposts are always moving out of range, facets of human behavior impacting social cohesion that we currently allow and encourage, even administratively, from the learned helplessness of silence.  

Love is communication.  (1:38:39)

Sometimes that is words, and sometimes you have to consider why you’re particularly triggered or impacted by someone’s words, sorting through their intention and consideration instead of your assuming perception and fear of the judgment. (This is also a reminder that objectively “negative” judgment isn’t necessarily a bad thing–removing the stigma around these discussions and the way we view them as a society and with our policing network is that much more important, because a “judgment” is just a sensible conclusion. 

I may write harshly at times, but I’d still rather listen to you try to find the words, even if they can just be summed up in an “I’m sorry”, then see you hurdle yourself to your death for any reason. 

“Sometimes our deepest hate is for the things we cannot change about ourselves.”
(Vesemir, The Witcher Season 2)

I know I’ve been triggering to people in the past, in the current, and will be in the future because who I am reminded them of who they were not, and they excluded me as a result. They bullied me, extensively, as a result. Or they removed themselves from me like I’m a leech because I am different, I do communicate oddly, strangely, and in peculiar ways. I’m (typically) not afraid of confrontation, though I certainly struggle with abandonment because, honestly, why would I not? My entire family’s military lineage set up the men to one day serve their country, ship off under someone else’s orders, and possibly die or never come home and be presumed dead. I see a lot of my best friends once a year if I’m lucky and if we’re allotted time off from work and have the health, energy, or money to. 

When you give someone reason to question their trust, when you show the foundations they built their lives around, the dreams they imagined, the faith they clung to in moments of despair, are faltering, built upon dishonesty, half-truths, and you aren’t willing to address and answer for the gaps in your knowledge, even so much as to acknowledge them for what they are, then we have community after community where people are leaving and there is no incentive to not.

Even if it’s over substance (ab)use, saying you struggle or have struggled with these things are very much part of the human experience, even something that may have been beyond your control and stemmed from a surgery in childhood from a random sporting injury or something you have chosen to do willingly in adulthood, and shaming them, particularly when there has been political decision after political decision made to impact your life and your choices before you were conscious enough to recognize or understand (& even then, whether you had the time to ACTUALLY understand), helps nobody. 

We all need help sometimes. 

We should be able to emote variations of displeasure over lack of control. Whether it’s how another’s behavior was and is chosen to impact you. Who controls those dynamics and why does it scare you for someone to know you, vulnerable, and why and when do you react less than optimally, what outcomes do you consider as the most likely or possible or expected and how did that deviate from reality, and what are you afraid of if you lay it all out there, try to communicate, and it’s somehow not enough. 

But assumptions? Assumptions help no one.
You can make assumptions to potentially fill in details, or to make predictions, but you always, ultimately have to be aware of what you didn’t anticipate, variables beyond your control, outliers.

“Sometimes, we assume the worst because we fear to hope.” 
(Nenneke, The Witcher Season 2)

Assuming and accepting the current system is enough, is fearing to hope.

We should all be able to trust a system to protect us and one willing to consider and correct the consequences of their own (in)action, however well intended, and for that we need better leaders who are willing to communicate, willing to accept when they haven’t gotten it “right” and WHY, willing to lead, because of love. 

You might not like their methods, and you might not understand their judgment (or maybe you never cared to listen), but you have to be willing to keep trying and you should understand and consider why they wouldn’t automatically feel safe, trusted, or protected with you, even if your intentions are pure.

There is a reason why veterans do so much work with rehabilitating animals, after all.

Anyways, I just wanted to share this because in addition to how mentally and emotionally exhausted I am from the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of us have been exhausted for even longer, because of a much longer, more insidious pandemic encouraged and physically marketed and promoted with government insistence. 

I know it’s a big facet of public health to help yourself and your own community before you can help elsewhere, but after living, growing, learning and working in Maryland, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, the same problems, circles, and people exist everywhere. 

I can’t fix my own community because we have governments unwilling to devote or consider time or energy for these problems, and all of the medication and therapy in the world doesn’t change the unhealthy environments causing them or the communication issues. Treating health with temporary solutions, using bandaids when sutures are needed, is inept policy to its core. The point of government is supposed to be organization of administration, making the unpopular decisions because they’re the right ones to make or only you have enough information to do so and were elected to carry out that order with the intelligence available to you, and be able to trust that said government is acting in such a way to benefit the needs of its citizens–not the needs of corporations and not for government positions to function as methods of filling your personal pockets while passing legislation that harms your constituents and removing access to their knowledge of how you’re harming them, just because it’s “easier”.

At the very least, facilitate economic freedom and public access to knowledge such that people can afford to remain in and help their own. 

Our environments are preventable from reaching that level of disruption, disrepair, but with a good ole capitalist mentality of extracting resources and crushing what remains to rebuild in new glory, we’re causing more problems than we’re solving and the version of “success” is just money. Transactional. 

It’s not health.

It’s not happiness.

It’s not community. 

…It’s just cold, shiny, hard plastic. 

[*Rips the senior homecoming crown in half on stage after winning the state mathlete competition and throws it into the audience*]

*End scene*

Thank you all for listening, as always. Maybe it will help you understand the complexity of the mentality of addiction. How it relates and has been influenced, even over the last 100 years, via our public policy framework and history of warfare, and you’ll consider receiving the stimuli with curiosity and concern for why people and places reached certain states of disrepair, before you judge them.

…Shouldn’t be too hard since we don’t seem to hold anything accountable these days.

Please don’t kill yourself, though, if you personally struggle with addiction and came across this. Your social circles and activities of interest may change, yes, it may be unknown and scary and new, but you have to be willing to ask for and admit that you need help, and know that everyone’s reaction will be coming from their OWN perspective, and not to automatically believe it if it isn’t the method of help you were imagining.

Be willing to try as many times as you try “not” to kill yourself, whilst purposefully removing all of the memories of these incredibly amazing parties and people you claim to enjoy so much.

Go Watch Bo Burnham’s “Inside”.

Please just fucking speak to the people you love and care about and interact with if you’re worried. Remind them, first, that it is because you love them and don’t postpone and postpone it, nitpicking or lurking for signs confirming your fears, refusing to approach conversations with them with an open mind or being truly willing to listen, convincing yourself of the worst in an awful self-fulfilling prophecy of your own parallel of bad choices.

These are part of the human experience we’ve created as a “society”. Something humans have been participating in since LONG before western medicine–typically either incidentally, through word-of-mouth, or accident. 

Local public health departments are a good place to start if you need resources, or the SAMHSA hotline is free and confidential, 1-800-662-4357

You can find the entirety of the blog at or follow me on instagram @zedagrace. You can also cashapp, venmo, or zelle me for these 2 hours of your time which took many, many more of my own, all under the same name as my instagram handle. 


White Culture: LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring

Survival Mode
White Culture: LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring

I write this with the pessimistic swaddling of Natalie Imbruglia’s “Torn” enshrouding me in its sorrow while I watch the sunset across the farm and wonder if life is just going to be wondering if this is all there is and whether it’ll ever feel like “enough” to just be “happy”, when I’m aware of what goes on in the world.

I got to visit the bat houses in Gainesville and soak in the shared love of an epidemiology friend’s presence recently, who just separated herself from a long term relationship-turned-friendship, and I wanted to share a few sentiments we covered:

  • Those of us who have blocked out years of childhood abuse, or familial memories, have been able to access therapy or have spent hours of free time running in contemplation, good for you.
    I’m glad I’m not the only fierce science gal who was accused of “emotional manipulation” from the very source they learned it from.
  • Men are arguably another species. Whether they will ever make their intentions clear, unmistakeable, nonsecretive, who knows. Just remind yourself that solo cat ladies tend to live wonderfully great qualities of life and queer and homosexual traits potentially arise to offer care from (typically) nonreproductive members of a species when the reproductive members are providing the babies/offspring/future generations with less than quality care.
    Happy pride month.
  • Humanity is the only primate known to abuse its offspring to the point of less viable reproductive futures. The study of everything revolves around our concept for “normalcy” or “standard” behavior. Some “reference”.

    How dare we condemn other country’s and culture’s behavior, because of the “more” atrociously grotesque human rights violations, while simultaneously dismissing those within our own borders.

Without further adieu, I’ll go into my reconstruction of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Pretty sure I watched the extended cut on HBO Max. For the record, one of my absolute favorite movie and book series of all time, though I was a bit young for the language of the books when the movies with Elijah Woods first came out. (AKA: I watched the movies first and only read the books later.) As a horse gal, there weren’t many movies that utilize horses, and LOTR obviously included a ton, so I naturally loved it. Sue me. 

Galadriel opens up the narrative with the backstory on the one ring to rule them all and forewarning us that “the race of men…who above all else…desire power.”

Ya no fucking shit. Look at literally any guy in a fraternity getting cut off, kicked out of a bar, questioned at the door, turned down by a girl. They take everything like a personal attack and those of us who never doubted our places as peasants just get annoyed because all you’re doing is making everyone else’s lives shittier. 

Anyways, a last alliance of men and elves “fought for the freedom of middle earth”. Isildor, the son of a king, took up his fallen daddy’s sword at the very moment hope was seemingly lost and like the good buzzer beater moment that I’ve been on both the giving and receiving end of as a Tar Heel fan, Sauron’s wedding ring got cut off and he was defeated.

All I’m saying is if my next boyfriend doesn’t dress up as all of the villains in these movies and try to “defeat” me, we’re not fucking.

In a move that doesn’t surprise any woman ever, the “hearts of men are easily corrupted” and “history became legend. Legend became myth.” and the National Treasure style plot of medieval witchy conspiracy theories on power and quests and the history of mankind began.

Bilbo is the first hobbit we’re introduced to–noted as “the most unlikely creature of all” (which you would ONLY use to describe what will turn out to be the most notable creature of all), human “esque”, a “little weird”–so basically he is the black sheep of every southern family who wants to live peacefully away from everybody but knows far too much. Hobbits, in general, are described as “of little importance” except for their love of food, ale, and pipeweed and thus, the natural disposition for US citizens everywhere to see themselves represented amongst the mole people of the Shire. 

Gandalf, the wizard, is naturally a “disturber of peace”.

It’s almost like being “interesting” and “mythically wacky” is a universal negative. “Difficult”. Thank goodness we’re in the age of Wicked. Maleficent. Cruella. Harley Quinn. Backstories do a gal some good.

Shout out to my best friend, who was not allowed to watch Harry Potter until her 18th birthday (because of witchcraft) but was allowed to hang out with me. 

Frodo is the orphaned hobbit who deserves everything Bilbo can possibly give him. The farm people, true to form, explain how “it is never our concern what goes on beyond our borders” which is rural people to a Tee. Everyone’s a bit rough around the edges. An alcoholic. Got a temper. 

The ring, which I’ve alluded to in episodes past, specifically to reference the act of giving head, performing “fellatio”, sucking dick, whatever you wanna call it, “always yearns to return to its master” and I’ve also read 50 Shades of Grey… they’re NOT wrong.

That analogy holds even for my allusion.

And as we see Margot Robbie pout in Birds of Prey,
a harlequin is nothing without her master.”

This rhetoric is followed by Gollum being tortured in bondage gear which really frames the BDSM context.

Frodo gets that distorted hyperfocus of ominous foreshadowing, clamors to “get off the road”, and we get the dementor sensation of the black riders, symbolizing death through how the worms emerged from the soil, awakened in its presence. 

After Sam, Frodo, Pippin, and Merry successfully make it to The Prancing Pony, Pippin of course is running his little mouth, despite KNOWING what is after him, and Aragorn enters the realm. 

Aragorn, arguably the prime example of non-toxic masculinity in 2021, asks Frodo “are you frightened?” UGH. SO HOT. Legalize sexwork so I can have a fellowship of Aragorn and Legolas take me in the forest of Lothlorien. Then Viggo Mortensen follows it up with “not nearly frightened enough?” DADDY. Fucking amazing. 

Aragorn explains about the black riders, or Nazgûl, in depth–how they were men dominated by greed and now live a life of limbo in darkness. The 4 plus Aragorn then go on their lil journey to the elves and we see a recurring theme in M & P (Merry & Pippin’s) concern for food, as well as what little bitch boys they are crying about wading through a little bit of swampy water and mud with bug bites. Get these hobbits to Vietnam. Or trekking whatever bus routes our grandparents supposedly took to get to school. 

This entire section of the plot just reminds me of the movie “Role Models”, which, as someone who has gone larping exactly 1 time, I’m just gonna say ya’ll are missing out. I bet series like this are fun as fuck to film and anyone with a penis is arguably obsessed with any “Sword” symbolism so don’t act like you’re “above” medieval lore. 

Liv Tyler enters the scene, reminding us that, as great of a man as Aragorn may be, he is starstruck in wonder by women, the “ranger caught off his guard” that he is.

Here’s my episode reminder that our societal disdain for sexwork is related to the way sexuality has coercively been used in warfare to gain intelligence. 

The ringwraiths look like the fucking mighty ducks chasing her stoically white horse up in this bitch, and jumping over ONE cross country log isn’t going to impress me. I used to do eventing schooling all over the Northeastern USA on my 12.2 hand pony. 

Now also seems like a FANTASTIC time to remind everyone that LOTR wouldn’t exist without the fucking women because Arwen saved the day.

She does that whole “what grace has given me, let it pass to him” spiritual praying and he recovers from his coma.

A gradual theme of men being weak emerges.

The race of men are scattered, with only one hope to unite them (a white man, of course).

Frodo complains about the “burden he should never have had to bear” but as an orphan with a pretty nice inheritance, I mean… ya eventually you were gonna have to do some work?? Not sure what you expected there, buddy.

Boromir is boyishly fascinated by the “blade that cut the ring”, whereas Aragorn is respectfully mindful (setting the scene for parallels in their behavior later.)

Arwen’s witchy elvish ass comes back out to warn Aragorn about not being bound to Isildor’s fate, about him facing the same evil, but choosing a different route, about meeting him and Aragorn “thinking he had strayed into a dream.” (Beyonce’s “Sweet Dreams” where she speaks on the man being either a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare came into my head–take that as you will… I think I’M more of the “Halsey” “No sweet dream but I’m a hell of a night” type of gal, myself.) Arwen chooses to share one lifetime with Aragorn rather than face all of the ages of life alone and just fucking spare me. I am tired of the love stories. I am tired of men in general thinking keeping something your “dirty little secret” is our goal? LOL. NO.

Also, Boromir asks them to USE THE RING, to GIVE IT TO GONDOR, and then they STILL let him tag along on this little fellowship quest? RED FLAG.

What the fuck are you? A bull? CHARGING THOSE FLAGS DOWN LIKE IT’S YOUR JOB?
The fellowship just set themselves up for this. 

We finally get Orlando Bloom as Legolas’ fine ass on screen and all I have to say is if he was your favorite character, you are bisexual. Heteroflexibility should be the default anyways.

Also Tom Hardy, who is arguably the hottest man in Hollywood to me, is notoriously open about his sexual fluidity. Can we stop acting like this behavior is novel to celebrity culture and Hollywood only and recognize that queer folk are in your normal communities? 

Gimli, of course, has to throw off the fellowship talk with the firm “I would die before I see the ring in the hands of an elf” talk and the racial themes and eugenics tones get highlighted. 

M&P remark on “needing people of intelligence on this quest” and the creation of the fellowship is only what I can describe as the beginner of any Survivor series, or the Bachelor or Bachelorette, where the entirety of the cast is introduced, and you can just TELL who is going to go home first. This is how you can tell I wasn’t in charge of sending these creatures off to slaughter in the framework of its pages.

Gandalf sits on those rocks, reminding me of the mountains I scaled in Arizona, and the flights of birds, “spies of Saruman”–seems like a great time to reiterate that American crows can recognize and remember human faces, hold grudges, and pass on whatever epigenetic alteration that grudge solidified to its offspring.

Boromir keeps making little cuntish remarks and only men can ignore that many red flags for behavior and excuse it under “friendship”. 

Saruman calling upon his spirits and energy forces reminds me a little bit of myself doing yoga, and I’m gonna have to start channeling this energy in the future. I already wanted to make “cloaks” and willowy silhouettes my next aesthetic, seems a logical leap. 

The fellowship encounters that squid like creature and I’m sure there’s been a ton of rule 34 tentacle porn commissioned out there. I’ll paint a gigantic portrait with my 4’ canvases. Hire me to do it. There is literally nothing I would rather spend my time doing.

I’m actually excessively annoyed the “Strider” in my life won’t just ask me to move in with him so I can spend my days planting a garden of creepy or eerily cool plants in his retro home already, but my friend Citroni says I’m being “unrealistic” expecting that and “crazy”.

I never gave a damn about society’s norms before, and I know I’d be happy.
Sue me. But fiiiine. I’ll be “patient”.

Back to the subject of giant squids–have ya’ll realized what kind of shit is in our ocean? (Apart from gallons of hazardous waste and pollution.) The deep sea is TERRIFYING. Blue whales are the largest mammals on the planet and we can’t even track their migration or reproductive cycles because they dive beyond depths our instruments can comprehend. 

We then hear all the tragic overlays of Bilbo saying he “wished the ring had never come to him” and I wish this patriarchal world wasn’t lacking such progressive reform, but unfortunately this is the nature of the world we live in.

Existence is pain. Mr. Meseeks had it right. 

Gimli laments over the deaths of all the graves of the dwarves in Moria and naturally, one half of M&P knocks something over, royally fucking over the party and the “drums from the deep” can be heard as orcs attack. I wondered if this was the same animation used for the troll in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, because the goblin orc creature who stabs Frodo looks very similar to the troll that went after Hermione in the bathroom. Technology that isn’t developed for the military is often developed for private industry, but particularly the entertainment industry, and works like James Cameron’s Avatar had equipment designed to allow the imaginations of the film creators to be fulfilled. Truly fascinating development in innovation.

Creation for the love of art, rather than destruction.

Right as I’m admiring how busy the costume designers and makeup teams must have been, between all of the orcs, elves, hobbits, whoever,

Legolas once more graces our screens and everything else fades as I’m reminded that we get to exist in the same timeline as Orlando Bloom as Legolas.
Whatever kind of doom awaits us in the future, this should be enough for now.

The bridges and staircases that collapse around the fellowship is exactly why I don’t fuck with infrastructure or construction.

Aragorn once again turns us all on with the turn of his cloak and the pivoting of his booted heels as they try to escape.

Gandalf has his big moment. The balrog cracking that whip like the guy from iron man with those electric whip thingies for arms. 

We learn that orcs are numerous, but fucking horrible at archery because they miss every shot at Aragorn’s plot armour. They really should’ve practiced–how are you THAT bad at aiming? 

A terrible tragedy, Gandalf’s disappearance, but I could watch Viggo Mortensen jump across puddles all day long. They can’t waste time mourning his assumed death, for the “elf witch”, a “great sorceress of terrible power” awaits them in Lothlorien.

What do I have to say about these elves? Every single one of them could fuck me.

Legalize sex work. Imagine a LOTR style brothel? The Witcher? Game of Thrones?

Goddammit my next boyfriend does not deserve me and my multiple personalities.

All I want is to live my days in the sunshine, cultivating a garden around beautiful trees like that. A little witchy sorceress.

I had a previous aversion to beaded gowns because of the association with weddings, but what I’m getting from the elves is that every day is a special occasion.
Wear the fucking dress.

Galadriel is just the LOTR version of Professor Trelawney, for what it’s worth.
Her beautiful mystique and prophecies? 

Her little speech to Frodo about “even the smallest person could change the course of the future?” Ugh if I was in marketing, I’d have commercials for using reusable grocery bags, metal straws, refillable water bottles overlaid with that quote. Galadriel walked so Greta Thundberg could run. 

Hmm. Not sure how I feel about the handprints on these orcs. Are these supposed to be digs at Native Americans? Or indigenous “savages” that white European colonialists brought nothing but destruction and famine to? Am I about to hate this movie because I just recognized that? 

Galadriel is who I want to be. An ethereal witchy elf of the woods. She mysteriously appears and magically bestows gifts upon others. She seemingly knows all about their mysterious quests and thinks generationally. 

I want Legolas to look at me like he looks at that bow.

Hell, I want anyone to look at me like Legolas looks at that bow.

(JK, not “anyone” but men whose affection I appreciate, sure.)

I like how Gimli asked Galadriel for a single blonde hair from her head and she gave him 3. What a move. This is like one of my little sixth graders who stood behind me and would hover his hand over my hair, because he’d “never seen hair like it before”. (It was a very awkward phone call to his mother to discuss his behavior.)

Also, I don’t know why Gimli was complaining. He CLEARLY knew what kind of journey he was signing up for if he’s listing all of the horrors. He’s just doing this to scare the hobbits which is never good, though I’m not advocating for continued naivety. 

Kinda sus how Boromir just time and time again ignores the concept of “no”. Now I understand why men on the internet deemed him “relatable”. OOOOkay.

And Frodo being scared of Aragorn because of the trauma with Boromir?
RELATABLE. Put it in a way that men can fucking understand. 

I can never separate M&P (or which one is which), but I love being reminded of the “not penny’s boat” guy from LOST. What a show. It actually made way more sense years later when I binge watched it, because there wasn’t as much time between episodes and the questions got answered in shorter duration (without creating just as many, if not more). 

The orcs storming this lil wooded area kinda reminds me of that insurrection at the Capitol.

Someone wanna tell me why the fuck Donald Trump is giving speeches or leisurely relaxing in his mansion instead of being “handled” by Huck or any other member of B-613 in Shonda Rhimes’ Scandal? Was it not normal for everyone to think their biological father reminded them of Olivia Pope’s? Just me? Cool. 

Am I supposed to be “sad” about Boromir’s death, though? Why? This dude fucking sucked. Death was literally the only noble move he could’ve had left and sacrificing himself was redemption. This is how recruiters treat potential enlistments for our military. The trick is to get them to not fear death so much that they avoid it, but rather to charge it down, head on, and know the only way is “through”. 

“Frodo’s fate is no longer in our hands.” Lol. okay? Men are idiots. 

To sum it up, watching The Fellowship of the Ring high was great. I need to start paying attention to the shows I watch instead of brainstorming abstract foreign policy or recalling random warfare strategy for “fun”.

This should 100% be considered foreplay for my next relationship, because it definitely turned me on.

“All you have to decide is what to do with the time that’s given to you” and time is relative, so figure out a perception you like and make that bitch surreal. 

Performing for Love

Survival Mode
Performing for Love


If Disney Channel taught me anything growing up, it’s that I knew to anticipate my parent’s conflation of their previously failed and now second chance at a career or dream manifesting its way into my own life and I would certainly have to dramatically break free. All of those “it’s not my dream, dad, it’s yours” Zac Efron bullshit? Ya. 

So if anyone wants to give me shit for enjoying the art of “performance”, please direct your attention to the talent show at Mary H. Matula Elementary school when I was in third grade where I sang “The Star Spangled Banner” in a fuzzy blue sweater and red velvet skirt, both from Limited Too. Beginning the performance in dedication to my grandfather, a 3 time war veteran whose career for the U.S. Army involves testifying to congress and intelligence briefings in the Pentagon. Accompanied by my grandmother, whose pianist and organ skills were utilized at virtually every religious congregation in the area as well as providing the orchestral production to the local theatre during musicals. Obviously, I fucking won. I’ve known how to emotionally manipulate a crowd my entire life. I think we can all agree that wasn’t MY idea, either. I had wanted to learn the dance from the end of The Lizzie McGuire movie that Hilary and Haylie Duff performed with my best friend Shelby but nooooooo, that wasn’t “talent show material”. 

So sit back, keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times, strap in, and enjoy the ride of this shit show. 

Back to parents using their children to live vicariously through–Let’s consider “sports” as a whole. How many parents, my own included, view sports as an “investment” instead of a healthy outlet for the natural human behavior of “competition”. Fuck “functional fitness” as a concept in childhood. 

Instead, we convince ourselves that children are just naturally predisposed to need so much fucking outlets for their aggression, focus, and drive that they WANT to be screamed at for 3 hours a day, 6 days a week in the pseudo-military, physique development training that is competitive gymnastics. I grew up in the fucking 90’s, too. My parents were riding HARD on that Olympics Team USA dream. Simone Biles was asked why she didn’t smile and she said “smiling doesn’t win gold medals” and people were like “oh that’s adorable, how cute” then a few months later we found out she’d been sexually molested by her trainer, along with hundreds of other athletes, for YEARS.

Gymnastics literally operates as a way to funnel children, but especially young women, out of the “general populace” and into excessive athletic competitions that essentially require you to use performance to justify abuse. We’re not like “oh shit, maybe this is a new method of child labor. There’s no way this is healthy.” Instead, we just sit there and go “Yuuuuuppp. Abuse and performing for love is the norm. It’ll be worth it. Gotta sacrifice everything if you actually want it”–without asking why the fuck we’re requiring children (and their parents) to realize you’re only THAT driven if you don’t have other outlets for creative and artistic expression as well as emotional catharcism. 

Now, I bring this up because as I approach my 30’s, and the unsolicited advice from older men on Seeking Arrangements remind me that “my looks won’t last forever” (no shit, dude… that’s when I’ll rely more heavily on my MULTIPLE STEM DEGREES), I have hit a rather unfortunate realization that having once run 85 miles a week, and playing multiple sports a season for YEARS, and the sheer amount and brutality of CONTACT sports, including gymnastics and football, does not bode well for my long-term physical health in a for-profit healthcare system. I have put my body through HELL. I will likely need a double hip replacement before I’m even 40. Can’t wait. 

Before quarantine, I was under the impression that I had a great body because of all the workouts. Now, after ~a year of limited physical activity (save yoga), I’ve realized it’s the cPTSD that keeps me in a state of hypervigilance and in constant fight or flight mode 24/7. Yippee! 

… Ya’ll can laugh but I’d prefer to be transparent simply because of the unrealistic standards for women’s bodies in the media, the exploitation of the beauty (and plastic surgery) industries capitalizing off women’s insecurities without requiring anything even remotely resembling mental health care and utterly lacking consumer protections, and the desire for people in the USA to get a “quick fix” for everything, thinking “treatment” of various forms will be a “solution” (particularly for such insecurities). 

Back to my childhood—

Let’s look at a few key moments in sporting, performance, and healthcare history that *likely* impacted the way I view the world:

When I was in kindergarten, I broke my foot for the first time by being pushed out into the fireman’s pole area on the playground, falling straight down (without holding onto the pole), and landing “Indian-style” (a VERY outdated term. Criss cross applesauce, crosslegged, etc) on the ground. I cried, and despite only being in kindergarten, learned a difficult life lesson which is that women’s pain will constantly be undermined and overlooked under the assumption they are being “dramatic” (a common trope in medicine, even). My teacher would not even let me call my mom. I had broken 3 bones and had to wait for the end of the school day. 

Once in gymnastics, before I quit because I would literally come home crying, hated my coaches, and begged my mom to let me stop (I loved the workouts, just not the “ALL COMPETITION MODE ALL THE TIME”), I ran full speed at a vault, just failed to jump on the springboard, and completely annihilated myself at full speed. Could’ve easily broken a rib, had the wind knocked out of me, tried to go hug my mom who was seated with the other parents next to the runway, and instead got pushed back onto it, BY MY OWN MOTHER WHOSE COMFORT I WAS SEEKING, because “you’re gonna get DQ’ed”.

A few years later, on the first day of a 4 day horse competition at a location called “Fair Hill”–which hosts huge overnight eventing shows–one of the horses I was walking STOMPED on my foot. I believe (if I remember correctly) that this was not the same foot I had already broken. Nope! The opposite one. Luckily, I broke a few bones on this side too–even things out a little neurologically, ya know. Did my mom believe me? Nope. Not at all. I was told to “suck it up” because people were depending on me. 

The conflation of sports with financial success, the ability to skirt capitalism and corporate working environments, and utilizing sports as a way of paying for what would otherwise be an unaffordable and inaccessible college is a dangerous game for children. Children are not seen as a decision brought into this world by two (sometimes more) loving parents who just want to provide a human with love and care. 

Children themselves become investments. Property.

By the time middle school even came around, my parents were fucked. To nobody’s fault but their own. They had raised me to be a soldier. I performed for love and the necessity to compete ALL THE TIME and to be the best, or at least your best, ALL THE TIME was solidified. Who could blame them, though? I was good at everything. They were just funneling outlets for it to me left and right. It probably had something to do with my own creative-as-fuck mom stayed at home, raised me on a farm, and then I had the musculoskeletal development through gymnastics. 

So what is the point that I’m getting at? I’m not “mad” at my parents. My sharing these stories is never with the intention of punishing them (at least not for my mom. Truthfully… I do not give a flying fuck about my biological father’s feelings.) It is, however, to reflect on the reality of the societal conditions I was raised in. Conditions that were and remain actively encouraged within the capitalist framework of our society with little to no well organized and developed social support programs. 

I have to actively AVOID competition now. I had to LEARN how to empathize. 

And when you’re raised by parents and BOTH of them were raised by family serving in World War II, one having a U.S. Army career and the other being NYPD law enforcement, you don’t really get a “soft” childhood. You get taught to be tough. Arguably, you’re doing the bare minimum of teaching–helping your children survive. 

You teach them to excel. To win. As is the only acceptable outcome in the USA–particularly backed by generations of teachings regarding dominance in all forms–land, sea, space, olympic.

And I undeniably rose to the challenge. 

But at what cost? 

For years my competitive drive was flaunted. It was rewarded, positive reinforcement’s finest. I kept winning, at everything. I’d switch into and pick up a new sport as I got bored, or competition was limited in the other outlets. In truth, I was probably a bit of a terror. I KNOW I wasn’t always the nicest teammate. Granted, I was there to work. To be respectful. To commit. To honour that commitment. To prove my worth with every practice, game, match, competition, whatever. 

And as long as I kept winning, my parents were doing something right. Their community success, their own value, resided in the way I “turned out”. Because fuck the concept of loving your children for whoever they actually are. For providing them enough emotional support, love, and quality time to actually be mentally balanced. They had to win, to earn, respect, love, and admiration at every step. They had to harness that drive, that conflict, that inner turmoil and channel it into competitive outlets because they had no control or ability to hold power within their home. 

Side note–My own biological father is so fucking delusional over who I am that he actually believes I didn’t want him to get married. I honestly could not give two shits if he is married or not. I simply did not care to invest in a relationship with a stepmom or step siblings when I had and wanted ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with him. I also just couldn’t afford to fly out to his wedding, when he chose “Hawaii” for “the convenience of HER children”, when I was in grad school and had a combined total of $2,000 to support myself for rent and food after my tuition was paid. I worked for my apartment complex, had an etsy, and STILL struggled but sure let’s make it clear you didn’t think about and don’t care if your own daughter attends your wedding then call her “unreasonable” and a “brat”. I have worked during every vacation I’ve been on, had free lodging, couch surfed, etc. so I could still travel, but how unaware of the reality do you have to be to label your daughter as “emotionally manipulative”, beginning in middle school, just because she doesn’t like or respect the person you are and makes that clear. 

For years I walked right past him, sitting glued to his computer screen or watching the same reruns of “A League of Our Own”, “Revenge of the Nerds” (which literally includes a rape scene he’d laugh at), and “The Sandlot” for hours when he came home from work, just to ran away ALL THE TIME. He literally never once realized I didn’t come back inside, or upstairs. He was nonexistent as a father for at least a decade of my life when I lived with him. He DID, however, show up to my sporting events. Ready to cheer me on and take all the credit for MY successes publicly. At my graduations, my friends have told me how he turned the conversation to himself, and to the many “sacrifices” he made for me over the years and how “proud” he was–while doing absolutely nothing to actually assist me in those achievements. Not even very basic or regular communication. It’s easy to sit there, cheering for and by someone when they’re winning. That isn’t what makes you a good parent. I do not need your applause. 

For years, I was the recipient of public endorsement after public endorsement, only to be criticized, to analyze and review my mistakes, to be punished behind the scenes. My perfectionism is the product of the environment I was raised in. An environment that was undeniably unhealthy, but even though I am now tasked with a life journey of remembering those moments, of relearning a way to be “healthy”, of figuring out how to finally be comfortable accepting help (and even being able to ask for it). Of not even having biological familial support for that because my parents had children to fill a gap in their lives and marriage and relationship without understanding or comprehending the world they were raising those children in. Without trying to understand them, or their world, because it contradicts their own.

Since excellence was expected, it quickly lost its glamour. Trophies don’t mean shit when you win one every weekend. National merit awards are weightless. Academic scholarships and college offers piled up. I was rewarded by society for pretending like my inner turmoil and unhappiness didn’t exist. For escaping and finding mental peace for everything that could keep me away from home. Competition gave me that. But why did I need it? 

I loved competing so much that I hated NOT competing my freshman year of college and set out determined to “actually” try (in track) so I could walk on to my collegiate team. I realized I had no interest in gymnastics again–my shoulder surgeries offered limited trust in the likelihood that I wouldn’t tear or break something again, but running was a feasible goal. After all, with enough time, anyone can systematically get better at it. It’s basic physiology, biomechanics. It’s cheap, free–you just lace up your shoes and go. It allowed me to reintegrate myself within the woods, exist in my natural state–free, moving, earthly. 

I went from partying 6 nights a week and drinking alcohol for the first time one year to working my way up to an easy 85 miles a week of SOLO distance training around Chapel Hill completely self-motivated. 

The endorphins kept me happy. My body was used to needing them in such high quantities after years of sports. Elle Woods was right–happy people don’t kill their husbands, or the other men who wrong them. They channel their frustration into physical performance and everything else just kind of melts away. 

So what do we do in the USA, when levels of anxiety and depression surpass The Great Depression? When long working hours and the necessity to be productive 24/7 are driving hard working individuals to their deaths and they’re convinced it makes them more valuable than others they look down on (so it feels “worth it”) because they perceive one’s circumstances and opportunities to be the same without awareness. When 25-35% of Americans are inactive, yet many more lack the space, resources, money, and safety to feel secure in exercise? Did you know that for women (and any other sexual assault survivors), it often feels safer to be heavier in weight. You may be catcalled less. You might command less attention if you float subtly as a wallflower. You feel safer, harder to kidnap.

Why have we created an environment, a society, a country where people have to have marathon endurance of energy, of mental strength, just to feel valued, seen, and heard within society? 

Why do we embrace an environment that makes you beg for worth, for love, for acceptance, and then wonder why it isn’t fulfilling? 

Why do we then ridicule, ostracize, and beat down those with moments of clarity–those who look around and question “why”. 

To what avail? 

Why do we exhaust their fuel tanks and then berate them for being empty? 


Part of the draw of sports was it offered my parents the opportunity to not have to pay for college. College got exorbitantly expensive. Both of my parents had scholarships, so they just anticipated that we would also and then they’d “figure out the rest”. They’d go on to take out loans (in our names), with money that never went to our own personal bank accounts, then set certain expectations for where and when our money would be given to us. 

I had to run track, because otherwise I was required to get a job. My parents never let me work in high school, outside of the summers, and I’ve discussed how the financial coercion allowed me to remain in more than one unhealthy relationship–the allure of presents I could never afford on my own was too appealing to pass up or break up with. 

Even the jobs I did get, my dad essentially forced me to take. I umpired beginning in middle school–his personal favorite, despite hating having to make the power calls, throwing adults out of 10U REC LEAGUE SOFTBALL GAMES WHEN I WAS 13 YEARS OLD. I hated bending over behind home plate as a crowd of boys from the ballpark watched behind me–clearly, awkwardly, and albeit somewhat innocently, fantasizing about me without connecting how physically uncomfortable I was inside. I didn’t really have a choice to care, though. I was expected to take the games (it was good money, there weren’t enough female umpires), I was going to be at the ballpark anyways (my dad was umping on other fields, we needed the money for all of our activities), and these were innocent boys who had childhood crushes on me–they weren’t expected to treat me with respect or fully abide by MY boundaries (a sentiment an unfortunate amount of men still embrace). 

In college, he genuinely thought I’d enjoy working at the local baseball stadium, dancing on the dugouts in between innings. I never enjoyed being forced to be an entertainer. Even if I was naturally good at it. I didn’t and shouldn’t have needed a second job for $7.25 minimum wage, when in reality he just wanted an excuse to be at that fucking ball field. I was standing on dugouts in short little khaki shorts, dancing to “Sweet Caroline” and “Cotton Eyed Joe”, plastering a glowing smile across my face, laughing on cue, and ignoring the sexually suggestive commentary of the washed up 40 year olds clinging to their love of baseball who would stand in the dugout so they could get the best view of my ass–all things women are trained to do our whole lives. My father universally thinks everyone seeks out the same power and limelight that he craves would come easy to him, and in doing so, he created a Frankenstein’s monster a la me, the eldest daughter. 

He no longer gets a choice in how or why or when I “perform” any longer. 

So fuck ‘im. 

Looking back, I find it hard, if not downright IMPOSSIBLE, to believe my biological father, a man who flaunts his intelligence, his financial prowess and awareness, and his ego, wouldn’t have been able to understand that, had he just divorced my mother when they stopped loving each other, we would’ve all gotten almost 100% of financial aid, because of her teacher salary, and I don’t really sympathize with anyone who uses the “but he paid for your college” trope because college was an expectation in my family and they specifically raised us knowing they would pay for it. I’m not going to apologize for being a national freak in high school and having the opportunity to literally go anywhere I wanted. 

In reality, my father prevented the divorce until he was ready to leave the community (and had a reason to physically move away) so he could control his public image to the best of his ability. He tells anybody that will listen these days how my mom cheated on him. Mind you, that very boss at that baseball stadium once asked me if he and my friend’s mom with giant fake boobs, perfect hair, and a Marilyn Monroe style body ever had an affair. My boss was the older sister of one of my brother’s baseball teammates almost his ENTIRE life. The woman she referenced had overlapped on almost every team with my brother. My dad can go fuck himself about my mom being the reason the marriage didn’t work.

He also tells people I “faked my PTSD and car accident for attention”, which is conveniently his way of discrediting the validity of my claims lest they ever negatively impact him. 

Women who are “hysterical” have historically been quite easy to keep submissive, subservient, quiet. 

I have no interest in ever being one of them. 

My parents never visited my siblings or I at school, outside of SAVE the rare holiday, or a sporting event. There were no “surprise” visits, or even care packages. 

My brother, the eldest, went to the University of South Carolina and walked onto their baseball program, the same program that went back-to-back-to-back College World Series finals. They won back-to-back national championship titles. Half of his teammates were drafted into the MLB. He took batting practice with Bryce Harper when he visited his brother. He found money–he was technically a “student manager”, as even with 91 games a season, the majority of D1 NCAA baseball only uses one catcher and the bullpen catcher position worked out well for skirting NCAA rules about paying students and not “technically” expanding your roster. He found fame–athletes, especially National Championship baseball athletes, were celebrities on college campuses. He found support–my dad would visit him just to be able to go to the games, talk to him in the bullpen, share “the love of the game”. (My dad went to Embry Riddle, so even though he played AAA ball for the Yankees feeder team over the summer, he never had the opportunity to play in college.) 

I never was able to earn that “official” roster spot, either, during my time at UNC, but the only time my dad DID visit my school was when I was running at track meets. Or for graduations. Otherwise, there was no reason to be there. To be supportive. It was an unnecessary hassle to see me. 

Yet, I’m to blame for “the joy of achievement” being a fundamental pillar of my ENTJ mentality? You know children are shaped by their genetics and environment, right? Both of which have everything to do with my parents and nothing capable of being controlled by me?

Again, I don’t necessarily “blame” my family for this. 

My parents both grew up under the context of military drafts, constant warfare, tension, and stress. Their fathers arguably could never fully take off their uniforms–how could you? Discipline comes naturally, and both of their own mothers were just as strict. They went to college, hours away from their parents, and travel wasn’t as feasible, affordable, or accessible. People wrote letters, they didn’t text. You sat in silence and learned how to survive on your own. How else were you expected to grow? 

Teaching your children to know they can’t depend on you, emotionally, mentally, physically, and then wondering why they’re hyper independent shouldn’t be so confusing. 

From a VERY young age, I was taught that my pain, my mind, my soul, would be ignored. In more ways than one.

I was taught to “suck it up”. To “move on”. In part, largely because there was no other option. 

When I started therapy my junior year of college, after a horrendous break up that left me unable to cope or function with any resemblance to humanity, it might’ve been the first time in my life that I had support from someone, an adult, who just wanted to learn more about me. Who wanted to learn more about why I do the things I do–not to judge, not for ulterior motives (save maybe some curiosity and also money), but to support and encourage my growth. I had someone who looked at me when I revealed things who would cry and watch me struggle for the words I needed without pressuring me to hurry up and find them. Someone who cared to listen. It only took me 21 years, and I feel like I got there a lot quicker than most Americans (lol, competitive nature, remember). How sad is that. 

I was desperate to make track work, even though I was forewarned and had my own nasty experience with the coaching staff. I hoped it would ease the financial burden I was to my parents. I hoped it would provide the structure and guidance I felt lost without. I wanted it to demonstrate my potential, my work ethic, my strength, mentally and physically, without requiring words. I never quite got the answers or validation from others that I sought, but I certainly found and prioritized myself over all of those miles. In truth, it didn’t end up mattering that the politics made me hate the formal premise of something I had learned to seek peace within, because I knew of the patterns of repetition, the mental clarity, the focus, the drive, that it took and that was enough.

SELF LOVE (24:13)

It makes me sad, in a way, how far humanity, particularly the bounds of “professionalism” within academia and the capitalist job industry, have skewed our purpose on this earth. Even the most kind hearted people worry about exposures over their public image. Exposures of seemingly innocuous human behavior well within the frame of “the norm” for our species–even if a particular conservative consensus portrays a fallacy of otherwise.

An old friend, who, if truth be told, was never really a “friend” to me (even if I thought they were my best friend for a few years) tried to blackmail me recently. In hindsight, and thanks to a reminder from my old therapist that “just because someone was a good friend in X context or Y year doesn’t mean they still benefit you”, it’s blatantly clear her own narcissism and “main character” syndrome has created an environment where she desperately grasps for control. I get it, though I don’t think I’ve ever particularly cared what people are saying about me, because I know my own integrity, character, and commitment to honor and honesty speaks far louder. 

Naturally, she texted my biological mother a link to this blog, framing her interest as a “concern” for my well being and wanting to know how my mother intended to “handle” me, a 28 year old woman. She threw a few threats in (in the same sentences she’d claim she was trying to handle it “like an adult”) like whether she should make her own blog and tell the world that my boyfriend in undergrad once mistakenly told me he was “clean” even though he had NEVER been tested for STD’s ever (Kansas and North Carolina…get your sex education together fucking now) and I got chlamydia. IDK…call me crazy but it seems a little disingenuous for someone about to start a surgical residency to stalk the private blogs of someone who has blocked them on all forms of social media and then try to socially shame them for sexually transmitted infections. Particularly in this modern age of healthcare. You have failed part of your training if that is the case. (I mean, she did fail part of her training but the current standards for med students are ridiculously paced, though that’s a separate discussion). 

…You’ve also failed the social norms of respecting any kind of boundaries. I’m allowed to reference the events in my life and people who shaped it and hold no allegiance to people who have sexually assaulted me when I shared a bed with them. I’m sure you thought I didn’t remember, since I never mentioned it and we remained friends, but you are a predator. And we don’t negotiate with terrorists over here in the U S of A baby. Kindly fuck off and out of my life and live your own without caring more about controlling your public perception than changing your private actions. Good luck.

Maybe that’s the hardest part for people to respect, or acknowledge…That those who you’ve interacted with do have their own stories–which might differ from you, or offer a striking contrast of perspective. But it seems ridiculous to expect them to be under an obligation of misplaced “loyalty” when you had none for them. 

I suppose if you’re obsessed with control this doesn’t strike you as weird. 

Personally, I’m not interested in power–I’m interested in the balance of it. I’m interested in the reciprocity of it. The fluidity and exchange of it. Mindful observation, communication, acknowledgment. There is power in knowledge, as Michelle Obama likes to remind us. Which is why the reciprocity of knowledge of my friends, the people in my life, matter most of all to me. I don’t want to be dominated by imbalances.

When you are motivated by serving others, it becomes so commonplace to put aside yourself and put the needs of others first that it takes a lot of time to re-learn this and not feel guilty for needing to express yourself in the way that you do. I’m reading “The Body Keeps the Score” and it’s incredibly validating about how I break down randomly crying in yoga, reminded of specific events with certain muscle activations, or how my own progress and recovery almost necessitates that I “shed” these events in ways that I feel are beneficial to creating conversation for a more important narrative. 

It is freeing, to speak on it. 

It is freeing, to allow myself to be who I am meant to be. 

I think I put up with a lot of unhealthy behavior, both in this “friendship” specifically and my previous relationships of variety (familial, dating, etc.) because I grew up in an environment that taught me to have unconditional love towards those who abused me. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. I tried setting boundaries, asking for space and things I needed, and they were ignored, downplayed, or frankly dismissed without care. I was a CHILD. Why is it that the burden fell and continues to fall on me to “drive it home”. 

I don’t want that kind of energy in my life any longer.

 It’s cancerous, so to speak. 

But to be who I’m meant to be, I also can’t hate myself or the events that got me here. I must speak on them, because they shaped me into who I am and trying to understand people, the community, life was my form of empathy and compassion when my abusers were calling ME the “narcissist” and “self involved”. Even after all of that, I’d forgive them because I loved them regardless. That’s not good, and that’s not healthy.

While on a walk with a good friend, someone I competed with on the Math team, who is a brilliant mind in STEM, I was reminded of the fact that when everything went wrong in my life, I clung to self love above all. Maybe that was my privilege. I was beautiful, skinny, blonde, and smart, but nowhere NEAR the “prettiest” (nor did I have the knack for fashion or the money) to be “popular”. I was athletic and good at any sport I wanted to try and was allowed to do (which I again contribute to hours of abusive coaching through muscular development). I was gifted in music, though I stopped publicly singing pretty early on because my brother would mock me for how much I loved it. I was smart at every subject, and loved to read and learn. I was enough, for myself. So when others mocked me, however true or false the words that they whispered or shared brazenly, I didn’t really care. I wish they wouldn’t. I didn’t enjoy it. But I knew it wasn’t a reflection of me. They had no meaning over who I was to myself, and that above all was the difference. 

My family has lost power over me, namely because I no longer respect or require the love of people who were seemingly incapable of loving ME. I find it tragic and pathetic that a child was framed as the “difficult” one for questioning her surroundings and that her parents only stopped their abuse when I got smart enough to threaten to call CPS. And instead of asking yourself why your child thought they needed law enforcement to protect their physical environment, you branded them as “difficult”. 

You said “every child runs away that young” when I was ~5 years old. Does every child pack a backpack after a particularly harsh disciplinary measure from their father, hide it in their closet, wait up ALL NIGHT and then sneak out in the early hours of the morning, crossing the dew covered grass barefoot, dragging my cat comforter, backpack slung over my shoulder, and DIABOLICALLY PLOT TO LEAVE WITH A DEFINITIVE PLAN? Then just LITERALLY NOT COME HOME FOR A WEEK until you’re forced to? Does every child not miss their family?

Maybe Disney’s Soul had it right and our personalities are decided for us long before we emerge into the physical realm. 

Maybe to some, even my own father, I AM the “manipulative megalomaniac who is intensely opportunistic”… but that’s Earth’s problem.

Or, maybe I’m just honest

Maybe my “weapons” of communication, my words, my writing are the way that I make sense of my world, because in reality they’ve been dismissed, for far too long.

I know the way I love myself can be matched because of the quality of my actual friendships. 

My best friend from undergrad lived with me all four years. We shared a room for 2 of those, practically, and still held sleepovers in the same bed when we needed the companionship. (#SapphoAndHerFriend). When she was depressed, because hormonal irregularities in women fucking suck and it’s our actual biology and can we please teach it and get universal healthcare for christ’s sake, I’d clean her room for her, and she’d let me, knowing it made me happy to be helpful and she didn’t have the energy or time to prioritize it. Her family took me on every family vacation, I’ve gone to every wedding, beach weekend, or just casual hang outs because I just love to be in their presence. And she loves me for who I am. Who I actually am. Not who other people want me to be.

My sister told me she never doubted whether she wanted to go to college because she saw what my best friend and I had and “just wanted that”. 

Of my two best gal friends from graduate school–one lives in Florida and I literally could just exist happily as her roommate for decades if she wasn’t destined to be a mom sooner rather than later. We didn’t LIKE to go entire days without talking to each other. The other one lives in Boston and has dated one of my best male friends and visiting them is like visiting home. She is the most incredible chef and it makes me hate the “chore” of cooking less and perceive it as an act of love and nutrition rather than just a way of integrating chemistry into health. They make me a better person, because they love me without expectation. They nurture my growth. 

One of the people whose minds I value so much, but whose privacy I’ve also wanted to protect, goes out of his way to remind me that I have already accomplished so much. Even with the “failed” collegiate sports track (to my mother, whose legacy of a full ride D1 scholarship and 9th at Penn Relays was NOT going to be in my future), he would dismiss me undermining my accomplishments and say things like “psshhhh. Please. You’re basically an Olympian.” I thanked him the other day, after my biological mom passively mentioned to me “you haven’t even accomplished anything yet”, for reminding me that success is arbitrary and very subjective.

To me, “success” now means happiness. 

And happiness means mental peace. 

That aforementioned “joy in achievement” that ENTJs crave so desperately now means a wider range of things to me. Maybe it’s the romantic in me, for I am an artist at the root of it. Though I tend to also downplay THAT, because I’ve never taken formal art classes and don’t know proper technique or how to reference (but Van Gogh was also self taught so as long as I don’t take up the drink or cut my own ear off, I think I’m on the right path). Plus, writing is even more self deprecating and emotive than painting and since writing is in everything we do, and most people are capable of doing it, those who don’t publish their work in the same avenue, or get the insight of others prior to publishing, might downplay their significance. The old “if a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around, will it make a sound?” phrase? “If nobody is reading their scribbles, can they call themselves a “writer”?” 

I am done performing. 

My friends have shown me that I don’t need to. 

I have shown them the same. 

I do everything now for self love. 

I have faith in myself, above all, and know I don’t need to tread along these roads alone, but I do need to make myself accessible to those who want to walk with me, for however long.

I want to allow myself to love–who I am with the understanding that I’m certainly not that “difficult”, I’m just “honest”. And it’s perfectly clear the USA struggles with accountability regarding the “truth.” 

I want to allow myself to learn–in both the traditional academia sense and in unconventional routes, such as just seeing what my favorite humans can teach me just by learning about them. Mindful observation. Who they are, holistically.

I want to allow myself to grow–to plant myself where I know I’m happy, where I want to create and cultivate a life.

Maybe I’ve been watching a little bit too much “Game of Thrones”. Maybe Spring bringing warm currents of air, the flowers blossoming, and the leaves returning has happily coincided with my diabolical nature feeling extra refreshed. Maybe the culmination of my fully vaccinated status, embarking on air travel again, and moving plans are the momentous change signifying clarity, peace, and a new day. Signifying hope. 

Or, maybe it’s just love. 

My friend from the math team, let’s call him “Wade”, because I told him his hacker cybersecurity status gives me major “Wade” from Kim Possible vibes, asked how my car accident changed who I am. He’s known me pretty well since middle school, though as an introvert and nerd he fulfilled the “wallflower” role of the public school experience. I told him it changed nothing about “who” I am, PTSD and all, but it changed the way I prioritize life. 

In a way, I feel like I died that night. I watched myself fly into the treeline, out of control, and fully accepted my death. I was content, in that moment. Ready for it. 

All of this just seems like extra time. 

It seems like the time I get to enjoy my life.

It’s the time I get to prioritize the people I love, and those I want to create a life with. Not the things that I want to do. Not the goals I want to achieve.

It’s time I get to create a life for me.

It might seem “illogical”, maybe it’ll derail my career, however temporarily, but I won’t regret it. 

You don’t regret the things you do in love. 

Because at the end of the day, there isn’t enough love in the world. 

How can there ever be? 

And living a life built on love, for yourself, for others, for your community, means acknowledging the things that come easy–the highs, the achievements, the stepping stones–but even more so the ladders that built you into who you are. The foundational concrete. The support beams. Reconstruction and remodeling. The carfax. 

I know what “love” is because I know how to show it to the people in my life. Because it is what I show to everything in my life–my art, my animals, my friendships, my travel, my relationships, the sky and leaves and trees around me. Other people’s love might look different–communication is about learning how to speak each other’s language, and not everyone will try to learn yours, however badly you may wish it.

The great wrestling love of my life and I never worked out because, ultimately, it was me who couldn’t communicate. Which may seem crazy, given that I have essentially a personal diary on the internet freely available for anyone and everyone to read. (Arguably because I opened up to one guy and had to rush to make it seem like that wasn’t MONUMENTAL for me…) Yet, now I think even that was for a reason, even if I don’t understand it quite yet. Even if I never find out why. He was a communications major, too (typical of D1 athletes), but it’s why he knew my sleeping soundly with him was so huge, or why he knew I enjoyed watching him play video games and openly talking to his friends about me, or why he knew I loved him even though I couldn’t speak to him. 

I couldn’t tell him that I called him after my car accident because no, I didn’t have anybody else to call. My mom yelled at me. My sister asked me if she could get back to her birthday dinner while I called her from the side of the road, trying to distract myself from reliving the crash over and over and over again in a seemingly parallel universe to my retinas intaking the actual scene unfolding before me in current time, while I sat there, dissociated, and realized I had moments before decided I was okay with being dead. That I didn’t think I’d be making that phone call…but she didn’t care. I was a distraction. An annoyance. A burden.

I couldn’t tell him that I loved being in his presence because, for seemingly one of the few people’s presences, ever, I felt mental peace. That him trusting his intuition and chasing me down in the dining hall my freshman year, jumping over tables to get to me, was the start of an invisible string weaving our tales and lives together harmoniously for years to come. I didn’t know how to voice to someone that I knew I loved them because I recognized what I felt I’d been denied my whole life. Someone chose me.

And when his dog, the love of his life, who ADORED me, and to this day, who I think he will always, always, ALWAYS wonder if he misses me (even if he’s plenty happy now), had tumors and surgery and needed to consider termination of treatment, I didn’t know how to explain that I knew how scared he was because I’d gone through it with several horses, now, including one that followed me around the pasture like a puppy.

And I don’t think I could be that person for him, even if I felt it, because I didn’t know how to communicate it. And I was scared to learn. Scared he’d judge me and leave me. I couldn’t tell him, someone who was just as worthy of undeniable love and support as I was, that I cared or why. 

In truth, I don’t think I knew how to frame it, because the sad reality is that recognizing that was your experience sucks, for everyone involved. 

How do you explain that to people? 

I went on a date recently, which was nice enough, but I knew it wasn’t “it” because he kept APOLOGIZING to me when I explained who I was. 

I’m not “sorry” for the things that happened to me. Do I wish that I had some different contexts? Sure. Do I make decisions now to prevent myself from being stuck in the same cycles of negativity? Sure. But being “sorry” for the things that made me who I am–someone I LOVE–is never going to be the answer. 

To this day, I’ve only told one man a particular layer of depth regarding my familial life directly. Some of the ones I’ve formally dated have experienced it first hand, for sure. But only one has asked me to tell them. And when I asked him not to pity me, he told me that my telling him had the opposite effect. He said he thought higher of me, like I was stronger. It’s scary to believe him. To think that might actually be the case…especially from someone I love, someone I think already does (and arguably who I just want to) love me. 

…He’s a dumb ass Virgo, though, so try as he might to “not let me in that easy” (his words, not mine), I’m like “bro, you associate me with everything you love. Figure it out. I will not beg for it. I deserve someone who can communicate their love for me without stipulation. Who chooses me every single time, whether it is convenient or not.” My friend from UF was once at a tailgate, about 2 years ago now, and told me this guy was there, sitting off to the side, by himself, looking down at his phone and smiling. He was texting me. It’s little moments like these, times I know he thinks of me, the depth in the moments in which he needs me, that I know he loves me. Even if he struggles with his own words. 

I don’t know why, call it a premonition, but I just think everything is going to fall into place. I think I am exactly who I’m meant to be, for whatever I’m meant to do in this lifetime, because I’m committed to learning and growing along the way. 

There is power in intelligence. 

And there is confidence in the intellect of oneself. 

How better, than to cultivate a life, devoted to loving oneself, one’s friends, one’s chosen family, so fiercely, passionately, and purposefully, that your love becomes that powerful? What else is there?

“Homie, I’m Professional”

Survival Mode
"Homie, I'm Professional"


You wanna know why I really started this blog?

When I recognized that you could be one of the best doctors in the United States and the uneducated, selfish opinion of a spray-tanned narcissist would render all of that education, power, and years of cultivated intellect useless. 

So what are we talking about today?

Professionalism in the workforce.

Or, how I like to call it, the differences in societal expectations for a female’s private life compared to that of her male coworkers.

Fuck it, let’s jump in.

Please don’t start talking about the patriarchy…

Oh, but guess what… I am. 

Acknowledging the undertones of our own patriarchal society means acknowledging the traditional gender roles that are almost universally similar all over the world at varying stages throughout history: from hunter-gatherer societies to modern day civilization, men worked the manual labor, having stronger physical builds, more calloused hands, and really embracing that burly warrior “save me kind stranger” mentality that I am still (annoyingly) attracted to (& why one of my recent Bumble matches extended that to my being attracted to army / marine branches, but not navy or airforce…woops…guilty as charged), whereas women were the child care providers, the “gatherers”, more passive, and ultimately, weak

As an aside, we all KNOW men were the little bitch babies who rebranded women as “weak” even though a significantly high proportion of women wake up in a pool of their own blood several days of the month, are capable of growing an entire human being inside of them, and then EITHER PUSH SAID BABY OUT THROUGH A HOLE IN BETWEEN THEIR LEGS OR GET IT SAWED OUT OF THEM, MOVING SKIN, INTESTINES, MUSCLES TO THE SIDE, AND THEN REPOSITIONING IT ALL BACK INTO PLACE AND STITCHING THEM BACK UP LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED.

Anyways, with the industrial revolution and moving away from agricultural roles, more and more men entered the workforce in factories or office jobs and women still stayed at home with the kids. Coupled with years of war after war (because a bunch of men across a variety of countries, who had thousands of acres yet demanded more power and sailed across oceans because men are ultimately selfish fucks and think they MUST “know all” and enact a “best” way of life over people instead of just minding their own fucking business) and Rosie the Riveter propaganda, women diverged from their traditional gender roles, traded their corsets and hoop skirts for pants, and realized they did not in fact need to solely rely on someone else for their health and livelihood.

Now, I will acknowledge, that there is some comfort in the fact that I could probably exist solely on my looks, willingly permitting myself to be a baby machine and collecting enough child support to fund my preferred lifestyle for at least 18 years. My dream, however, is for someone to just pay me to exist with no sexual or birth obligations, ya know, like the lifestyle of a wealthy heiress. Unfortunately, I was born a peasant (read: civilian army brat). But, who knows…maybe, when I’m inevitably still single several years from now, working on yet another degree or creative venture, I’ll back track on that and be begging one of the guys I’ve ignored for years to go back to his simp lifestyle and wife me up. However, that’s unlikely, because if there’s one thing I am above all, it’s stubborn.

I’d rather die of loneliness than admit my need for a man.

Do you know how infuriating it is to enjoy and crave the security walking in a male’s presence offers me as a fiercely independent woman? Ugh. gross. 

Yet, as more and more women entered the workforce, diverging from the “1950’s gender norms and nuclear family” model (heterosexual parents of opposite genders with 3 children where the male was the sole financial provider, spending minimum of ⅓ of his life away from his wife and kids and the female was a housewife who did more than a full-time job taking care of the children for no pay other than her husband’s meager factory earnings), we continue(d) to undervalue positions held by women, while placing excessive earning potential in administrative positions largely held by men, continuing to perpetuate women needing to meet the standards of male superiors across almost every field at nearly every moment in their careers. Unless you were a small business owner, or inherited a sum and could fund whatever projects you wanted, you likely would not have made enough money, regardless of what advanced degree or career field you achieved, to comfortably support yourself and propel yourself out of whatever modern day American caste system you were born into. 

Even now, I hold multiple careers: I’m a middle school teacher at a school in a predominantly low-income area, I work as a contract epidemiologist on SARS-CoV-2 (which, is universally no longer a hoax thanks to the negligence of the Republican lawmakers in Washington, D.C.), I have my own small Etsy business with my art. Yet, my male “Best friend” had the audacity to tell me he didn’t want to read my blog “because he would rather read something like that from someone who is ACTUALLY accomplished.” (Literally the biggest eye roll of my life.)

SIR. I developed an advanced stage prostate cancer inhibitor step-by-step from visualizing and recreating the active site to chemical synthesis to spectroscopically confirming it was the right chemical to then testing it in vivo for efficacy BY AGE 22. AND WAS PUBLISHED IN A HUGE NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL. So, excuse me, if I think that your opinion on what it means to be “accomplished”, just because you inherited a few family businesses in the hospitality industry and make over 5 times the money I do, is shit.

All you’ve accomplished is your Ocala Trump rally became a super spreader of coronavirus. Great fucking legacy. Go fuck yourself.

That’s what happens when you devalue the work that actually matters and keeps society running, yet allow men to desperately think they shouldn’t pay taxes on their 87 hotels that are purely for luxury travel. Build some parks, beautify the community, make things accessible, and reinvest in the people and places that allow you to not care about the difficult stuff as much. Because your little facade that let’s you ignore the realities of the world are because of THOSE people who are the ones that make your grandiose Gatsby-lie is cliché. You don’t need 30 fucking cars while people are committing suicide over the bleakness of the poverty they’re born into. 

The disappointing part is this isn’t just a regular occurrence with my male friends, who pretend to be conscientiously aware, yet still won’t call out hypocrisy when it’s in the form of their childhood best friend, spouting off racist, sexist, or homophobic remarks directly across the table from them, but it’s ALSO universally occurred at every workplace. Just this summer, whilst working on coronavirus deployed to a south Florida county health department, my supervisor sent out a site-wide email detailing the dress code, specifically “no skirt shorter than fingertip length”. Yet, the very next day, after confirming my skirt was in fact, several inches below fingertip length, it “was still too short” and she demanded I go home and change or be fired (which, she had no firing or hiring potential over me, for the record). At one point during the conversation she even confirmed it was well within her clearly dictated dress code policy (from her snotty email the day before), but that my legs, which were underneath my desk, which I sat at for almost every hour of the day other than lunch, were still “too distracting”. I don’t know what kind of perverted lesbian you are ma’am, but you’re making the rest of us queer folk look pretty fucking done with your bullshit subjective sexuality on our bodies. As a white, blonde woman, I pass for incredibly heteronormative, too, so I find it a personal obligation to stick up for the small instances when injustice occurs within my presence, whether or not it involves me, because that’s nothing to what people must do when they don’t perceive anyone noteworthy to be a corroborating witness. I believe the phrase was

“you are personally responsible for becoming more ethical than the society you were born into” and I believe that to be firm and true. 

But some of the worst criticism of women comes from other women–so how can we possibly dismantle a system that has somehow pitted conservative women who prefer the comfort of traditional gender roles against the free-spirited wanderlust hippies who just want love in whatever form it takes possible? Especially when the end goal for both is just valuing deep, meaningful, authentic love, it just takes a slightly different form? How do we convince those who don’t want to listen that we all want peace, security, comfort, and love, but the way to do that is not by refusing to acknowledge other mindsets, withholding public support and assistance, and encouraging a safer world for all? And the world as a whole is angry. So we’re right to be fearful. Within our own country, we are edging towards a modern day civil war, all because our piece of shit tangerine who holds the White House hostage called for a “Stand down and stand by” order for the Proud boys aka the Ku Klux Klan aka literal nazi’s in the United States. DID NONE OF YOU FUCKING GO TO THE HOLOCAUST MUSEUM AS CHILDREN? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YA’LL WHO CONTINUE TO LOOK ASIDE AT THIS BEHAVIOR?

I won’t get into it within the context of this discussion, but you can find the direct comparison of Trump and Hitler HERE.

The important context of bringing that up is somehow it made more sense to have yet another shitty white male president instead of a false feminist icon just because the “its her time” mentality was a shit platform for a woman to represent a feminist icon to all the youth of tomorrow. Every former Trump supporter I know, and there are MANY, because I grew up incredibly conservatively, went to undergrad in the state of North Carolina, and went to graduate school in the state of Florida, would STILL have made that same exact choice. The stakes for the first female president were high, sure, but they weren’t unrealistic. Inability to meet these standards isn’t because these women don’t exist, it’s because we’ve sequestered power in such a way that women have been historically dependent on men for generations

We’ve allowed men to remain dominant across every society for so long, because of their sheer physical dominance. So our government has become overtaken with a bunch of ex-military men who could just as easily be shitty football coaches but instead go into politics who condemn themselves to cycles of violence because they never learn the value of a life whilst guiding drones from a distance and we encourage people to never step foot outside of their own little bubble, so the WMAL radio show that my stepdad plays every day, an INCREDIBLY right-wing news station, literally has an anchor calling for preservation of Texas as a red state.

Why do you WANT to be drawn to violence?

How could we ever be encouraging a less violent, better world for our children if we’re refusing to help those who show up on our doorstep?

You all are acting like the people who turned Mary and Joseph away. Might I remind you that the majority of you worship a book about a man of color who is murdered by keepers of the law. 

Yet, women have emotional intellect. Women are devious, breath-takingly alluring, cynical. Women haven’t been encouraged to hide their emotions so they parade them freely. Those who do it without giving a damn on the reception of others, become deadly. I would know, because I’m one of them. If you ever were lucky enough to see it in action, you’d understand the alarming nature of this blog is perfectly packaged into an innocent looking actress who can flip tactics at the drop of a hat. Only I’m not playing someone else’s role. Growing up in an abusive household–physically, mentally, emotionally, will do that to a girl. I’ve just chosen to use it for the “Greater good”, instead of the Kyle Rittenhouse version of a misplaced vigilantism that is really just lunacy. Believe me, I’ve contemplated long and hard about what people I would have enjoyed killing. My high school boyfriend beat the shit out of me for four years, I’ve stared down the barrel of a gun, I’ve beaten the shit out of someone who sexually assaulted me, the thoughts entered in fleeting passes while I stoically faced all of these, and many other, difficult circumstances. I think, even for sane people, or at least the majority of men, if you had been in that position, your fight-or-flight would’ve been activated and you would’ve put your own survival over your abuser any day. I’m resilient. A survivor. So if you want me to let the law hold them accountable, stop undermining my faith in its uses. 

If I were a man, my confidence that inevitably teems with sexual undertones due to the physical attractiveness of my outward physical form would be APPLAUDED. My acknowledgment of reality and the need for pragmatic decisiveness would be paraded on a Joe Rogan podcast much like Elon Musk. Nobody would make the “humble too” comments when I specify not feeling the draw to be tied down, because my value wouldn’t be tied to another person acknowledging it’s worth and placing it above their own, and I wouldn’t be assumed to place a greater value in someone else’s career and educational development over my own. 

So in 2020, what is the point of me “shutting up” and “getting used to it” when my aunt had to deal with the same criticism, commentary, and hurtful insinuations over fifty years ago just because it’s the “cultural norm”. Why the fuck do we think that is just acceptable, inevitable? Safer for women? And now that we KNOW better, when we can document account after account to prove this is a HUGE issue across multiple cultures, why the fuck aren’t we refusing to let each and every single one of the 50 states progress at their own pace of dismantling racism until history is in fact doomed to repeat itself because Captain America: Civil War is about to be released and suddenly tubby middle-aged white men are going to act like him taking a “liberal” stance (condemning racism) means they should boycott Marvel or whatever fucking universe he’s from because apparently human decency is a fucking political issue still. How about you channel that rage towards your other white men who are the reason we have to have this conversation over and over and over again? Okay, buddy?

People suck in every color, don’t think whites are so superior. 

When I make any decision in my personal life: sexually, related to social media or how I communicate with my friends, what clothing I choose to buy or be seen in in public, it can never be made without considering what those decisions might prevent me from doing within my career. But why is that so? We have a president who has undeniably sexually assaulted hordes of women, is implicated in a pedophilic sex trafficking ring with two other disgraced former best friends, and yet, even with that, this man was elected as president of the united states. Supposedly the most coveted position in the world. And I still didn’t want the first female president, a symbol for future generations of women to come, to be one who lacked transparency, who stood by her husband and political marriage without acknowledging it, who publicly condemned her husband’s mistress, a young girl who spent time with a very powerful man–a man of whom was supposed to be the bigger person, the authority, of literally every person in the United States. Fucking pathetic excuse of a nation we live in. THOSE were our choices?

And how do we go about enacting change if those of us who have access to higher education, even those like me who take out thousands of dollars of loans because what knowledge gives me will never not be worth it, get drawn into the bubbles of glitter and distracted by our years in debt until we look around and realize the smooth-talking con men of the world have usurped logic and condemned those in the public eye such that no sane person would ever willingly enter it. Your life inevitably going to be picked apart with such vulgarity that Joe Rogan’s Spy-Kids Floop Fooglie’s thumb-men looking ass can somehow roast you for your physical appeal as if there was any world where his opinion was somehow more valid when you were just trying to make the world a better fucking place. 

Maybe its because of the optics. Scientists were historically meager, weak, depressive folks. Our increased intellect meant we questioned the world with such intensity that we realized the bleakness in how far society has skewed humans from our innate purpose on this world–of actually enjoying and learning to appreciate the natural world around us, instead of always desperately building wall after wall because we’re scared of what’s outside. Did we ever think that Albert Einstein maybe looked around, saw the state of the world, and was like “we need to do something about this.” Why do we always reference his depression in studies about his life but not about how depression is inevitable in a society that puts money and individual prowess over enabling safe, loving human interaction? Of welcoming your neighbors? On teaching values of peace without tying it to one particular religion because there’s no “one” right way of life and if we don’t know that by now, then I really don’t think you should be able to vote in a cultural melting pot of a country. 

Or, maybe, it’s because when scientists have spoken out, they die. You can’t tell me those Russian doctors just fell out of those windows on their own. Or that Edward Snowden wasn’t arguably justified in warning the American people, even when, in my opinion, it’s hugely naive to assume every moment of your life ISN’T being watched, unless you live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. To be honest, having a trail for people gives me, as a single woman, a sense of peace. It’s accountability. And as a woman, 1 in 5 of whom will be raped or attempted to be raped in their lifetime in the United State. Although for every 1000 sexual assaults, only 230 are reported, and 995 of those 1000 perpetrators will walk free. So I like knowing that there may now be some greater chance to hold those people accountable. But scientists are also usually quieter, nerdier, we were bullied when we were younger. I’m currently facing the knowledge that if Trump really does enact his authoritarian rule over the United States and refuse to leave office, come November, with some false claim about the corruptness of the mail-in ballot system, even though he had nothing to say about it when the same system benefitted him in 2016, I might need to escape to Switzerland and hide out for the content on this blog, because it may become “illegal” and I’ll be back in the Salem Witch Trials hysteria I thought we had finally moved past as a society. If you think I’m being unnecessarily dramatic, I would like you to open your fucking eyes to the reality that our federal government is currently preparing for the scenario in which he refuses to leave office and tries to enact martial law with a militarized police and Proud Boys army. 

And there’s truth in Michelle Obama’s infamous “when they go low, we go high” mentality, but it’s also as equally important to draw the line and know when to say “Step the fuck back, what I’m doing with my life does not involve you at all so take your god damn opinion and shove it up your ass.” If white men are wondering why people are still so irritated when everyone has the right to vote now, please look at Congress, to this day, and let me know how a majority of white men are SURE that they are the reckoning force to bring values of diversity, representation, and dismantling oppression into this world when really they’re just telling us they’re still comfortable assigning themselves as the gatekeepers of determining what topics have validity or not… even when they have no actual experience in the fields. 

We’ve also undeniably had an overwhelming presence of military leaders within every level of our government, largely due to name recognition and the power of symbolic imagery, so it’s going to take more than one black, male president to change the cultural ideology, especially when every new colored, queer, or gendered individual is going to be the first _______ whatever position still for decades to come depending on which state they choose to live in, inevitably overcoming the same obstacles time and time again all because we think leaving it up to “state’s rights” means parts of Alabama still exist in the good ole 1950’s, even though we should probably be sterilizing people that contribute to placing less value on knowledge (in whatever form), think LESS government will solve the whole “crime” issue, or just have an IQ below a certain point. I’d rather sterilize them, at least temporarily until they can be educated, than the immigrant women who seek out a better life, only for the “pro-life” (read: really just anti-abortion) crowd to refuse to acknowledge their existence because they want to universally assign a devalued human belief onto an entire cultural group with no knowledge of them as an individual all because they (falsely) believe immigrants don’t pay taxes, despite the fact that undocumented immigrants paid tens of millions of dollars more in taxes to a system whose healthcare they can’t access validly, a system they can’t vote in, yet one whose president, worth billions of dollars, pays less than a middle school teacher with two degrees working in a low income community. I believe it was Miss Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who tweeted, “Just to be clear. There is nothing “pro life” about denying people comprehensive sexual education, making birth control harder to access, forcing others to give birth against their will, and stripping them of healthcare and food assistance afterwards.”

It’s sickening, the hypocrisy.

And the patriarchy IS because of the military, but I find it impossible to believe that your prejudice towards military strength is so usurped by your views that you truly believe a man who created an environment where half of our country, particularly the die-hard, supposedly pro-military regions of Texas and Florida, will question utilizing masks and doubting science, in an age of global warfare of biochemical weaponizing, is a good man. If that’s the truth, then you are an absolute idiot. I have no sympathy in saying that because your judgment is clearly clouded. Maybe all of you constitutionalists were right and only 6% of the population SHOULD have the ability to vote. Plot twist–it shouldn’t be you uneducated cucks. We sealed our fate the day we tied property ownership to voting potential–securing power in the hands of those who take more than their “fair” share in a system undeniably rigged to benefit them. You should hold yourself to a higher standard than that as a human being. If your religion hasn’t taught you to place value outside of monetary gain, then this is the entire problem with organized religion.

And in addition to sequestering power in the hands of (historically) white men of various European descent, those same men now have this delusional sense of importance because they have tangible, real idols in every position and industry that are taught to them from such a young age that nothing seems impossible, except, in the modern world, maybe finding a girl who doesn’t still enjoy shaking her ass to funny lyrics on Tik Tok. Men–we all know you’re just jealous that you feel so restrained your theatre-geek-loving-self is hidden under more layers than Shrek. Get with the times, gents.

It’s that same elevated importance in men too that let’s them just “decide” not to be aware about the realities of the world. They cram a year of emotions into the weeks of their NFL fantasy football leagues–as sports has historically been one of the only ways men have been allowed, by society, in the United States, to actually CARE about something. They can get emotional, but only in reference to competition. But life is a game, baby, and we’re all just here to win. Even Albert Einstein is quoted as saying “you have to learn the rules of the game, and then play it better than everybody else.” But men with small minds, like said aforementioned Joe Rogan, Donald Trump and pretty much any white male still endorsing him, only see a limited sense of competition. They lack that emotional edge that encompasses the nature of unconventional warfare women are so talented at. Whether it’s been repressed for years because they’ve been taught that was the only way to achieve success or they’re just upset that the hot girl from their high school wouldn’t fuck the pompous pig they’ve always been, even back in the day, that lack of connection to empathy will always render them weaker. You see, for those of us who have had to learn to compartmentalize emotions–as I said, it’s a dog eat dog world out there and I’m always going to survive–any man who overcompensates his financial success with material goods and nothing else substantial is always going to come in second. Or, as I like to call it, be the first loser. Mainly because they don’t actually understand true happiness. Their version of winning, like everything else in their life, is a facade. They slap a price tag to success, or a position title, even the most coveted one in the world, now so pathetically devalued that it will never hold the same weight it once did, and cry out desperately for outward validation because they’re unable to provide that inner sense of validation to themselves, and they always will be unable to do so.

Within that same group of men is a special place in hell set aside for the men in STEM fields. Men who have been so pathetically focused in their careers, a great, noble goal (but again, it’s JUST as necessary to learn how to communicate your goals to the general public for it to be relevant, and teachable) that they have to be sat down like children and you feel like a fucking parental figure of a man several years older than you who refuses to set aside the time to expand his own cultural awareness. No, instead, he begs for YOU to set aside the time, time and time again, to be the one responsible for educating him, even though the information is freely fucking available on the internet, but you just don’t see it as a beneficial use of your time unless you can also potentially fuck the source of it one day. Cry me a river. As I said, I’m not mad, I’m just way less interested. I have been, since, even several months into getting to know me, you revealed you were STILL contemplating whether to vote independent or not. What the fuck, dude. 

Or the likes of those researchers, Scott Hardouin, MD and Thomas Cheng, MS, amongst others, who published in the August 2020 Journal of Vascular Surgery issue addressing the “Prevalence of unprofessional social media content among young vascular surgeons”. Which, hear this, went into a lovely, completely fucked up detail in which, a man, went through the social media of male and female surgical trainee, unethically, as he did not have the permission to use the Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery database for his “research”. (Which, if you ask me, honestly just sounds like a bunch of hot female surgical trainees wouldn’t fuck him, so he wanted to Mark Zuckerberg his way into the medical field by creating a way to effectively rank them that would negatively hurt their careers or personal sense of worth.) So these MALE students, supervised by MALE leadership, subjectively ranked social media posts of women wearing bikinis, OFF-HOURS, as “POTENTIALLY UNPROFESSIONAL” compared to men on social media. Note: male bathing suits were not “unprofessional”. Even if you wanted to potentially label a male bathing suit like a speedo as “unprofessional”, they WOULDN’T, because that could constitute discrimination towards the LGBTQ community. And medicine is the forefront of this discussion because we, as scientists, as cultivators of the human body, of artists of humanity, should be the most progressive of all, especially of the subjectivity of social constructs related to gender and social norms. Not to mention that women comprise only 10% of active vascular surgery members, so the barriers they certainly already face in a male-dominated field definitely don’t need to be raised. 

WE AS A SOCIETY PROBABLY NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE FUCKING FACT THAT PEOPLE SHOULD NOT ALWAYS “BE” PROFESSIONAL. AND YES, I CAN SAY THAT, BECAUSE OF THE VERY MAN SEATED IN THE FUCKING WHITE HOUSE. Seriously. No matter what your job is, you should be able to move through your private life, if you’re not hurting anybody else (which is why all you dumb fuck anti-maskers don’t get to just have your fucking “freedom”) with honesty and not be constantly terrified of the retributions. If the medical community is so progressive that a huge public university’s medical school can shelter a self-proclaimed potential pedophile who was investigated by the SBS and had his parents destroy all records of the child pornography he did in fact access, then we can be progressive enough to stop fucking stigmatizing women. Especially in relation to the blatant sexualizing of the female body through toxic patriarchal and heavily Christian overlapping themes, as medical professionals, you should acknowledge that your “danger zones” or “private parts” are literally just another body part and maybe we should be able to colloquially discuss aspects of health without stigma, and by shaming almost exclusively the female human body, we’ve condemned the women in our society to cycles of violence that are running rampant and unobstructed, led by the man currently housed at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Get your shit together, men. Because I’m fucking sick of it.

Wanna know just a few other bullshit things I’ve had to deal with as a woman in STEM, before you go overreacting or claim that I’m “unfounded”. Ask every single fucking woman for examples of things that they have to do differently in order to not either put themselves at risk in a male-led world or to allow themselves the ability to continue on the clearest, easiest path without adding additional obstacles into their own path–I guarantee you, the list will continue growing.

To date, I have:

-Had a man come up to me and my blonde fellow scientist and grad school BFF at a professional, international conference, and tell us, (making the assumption that we did not already know), that “people will see your beauty and assume you are not smart. You will have to work twice as hard.” We know. This conversation is proof of that. I watched Legally Blonde when I was like, 9, dude.

-Have had my fellow coworkers, one of whom I got the job, team up and basically decide they no longer wanted to be my friend or communicate with me at work, and one even had her boyfriend, who I’ve been friends with for over 8 years, block me on social media because she was so insecure in my friendship with him, while I still worked with them both. He’s literally the only person I can nerd out about pharmaceutical and biochemistry stuff, you stupid bitch. I hope you don’t spend the rest of your life that catty.

-The aforementioned skirt incident

-Been told that I’m “difficult” or a “bitch” more times than I could count–professional and private life alike, even when I was in the right, even related to my studies. Shout out to Tina Fey, because bitches really DO get stuff done, and men still love them. I’m not settling, baby. Get on my level or get your ass back to the dugout. You’ll be back up to bat eventually. Know your place on the roster.

-Have essentially been disowned by my family all because I lived in Florida and posted pictures of my absolutely phenomenal ass because, 1. I can and 2. That’s me, and 3. I’m the one who has to answer for my actions, not you, so once again, shut the fuck up. I went to Europe 3 years in a row. I study the human body. I question the bounds of reality. It’s gonna get a lot fucking weirder throughout my life, you can’t stop it if you tried. So stop trying.

-Have to wear glasses (they’re blue light and do nothing other than prevent me from getting a headache), yet am instantly questioned less and have to defend myself on far fewer occasions than when I don’t.

-If I walk into a room of patients with a male, particularly one who is physically taller than me, HE is assumed to be the superior. They will still ask him for his opinion, even after acknowledging my role as the superior, even though, when the roles are reversed, they NEVER ask for my second opinion.

-People are more likely to ask for a second opinion in general, or have to search or “look further into” my knowledge before they determine that I was, in fact, correct. I speak with conviction and authority purposefully, and yet it still happens. My own mother is guilty of this. 

-A male with the aspirations I have would be met with a constructive tone of acceptance when he explains his life goals. The possibility of a family is never mentioned–he’ll have time for both whenever he decides to settle down. Instead, I get the laughing disbelief and “you’re really something, aren’t you”. Oh, I for sure fucking am, or at least will be. I will achieve every single one of my dreams, and thanks to Claire (my wonderful therapist), I won’t even COMPLETELY discount a family, because there is absolutely no reason why I SHOULDN’T achieve everything I want in life. 

-Nearly every single one of the men I’ve dated in my private life have LOVED that ambitious drive. It attracted every fiber of their being to me. It was a magnetic pull, entrancing, the song of a siren, calling them to their impending doom upon the shores. It’s also the reason every single one of them succumbed to weakness, straying from our relationship with dishonesty and lying of various forms, so pathetic and scared of their own weaknesses that they then used the very reasons they fell in love with me so quickly to also be the reason they leave down the road. And I’m supposed to feel bad for them? No.

I’d much rather be single than undervalued.
Fuck that. 

Like I said, I’ll just keep getting degrees. Asserting my dominance in the most tangible way for females to do so. Because I am questioned, I do need the letters behind my name to command the same, or at least near the level of respect my male counterparts are immediately granted just by their very existence. And because their voices carry more weight, I unfortunately also need them to open their ears and listen to what I’m telling you. And then to SPEAK about it, and be an advocate, to their male counterparts who discount the validity in my assertions. Who actually need to hear it from them because, even if they don’t completely change their mind, acknowledging that behavior isn’t appropriate or DOES exist, STILL, can at least make them that much more likely to identify it if and when they witness it for themselves. It’ll make them stop and think, whether they outwardly admit it to you or not. And eventually they can no longer continue to deny it without looking like an ignorant asshole. 

Luckily, my ass is nice enough that many (white) men do follow me and will actually still take the time to look into it, out of nothing more than curiosity, so it helps me blend into the audience I need to appeal to. The audience that needs to start educating themselves so it can no longer be my responsibility to condemn myself to the task. Thank you Old Row for posting that picture of me on the pizza floatie. I gained like a thousand followers in a few hours, though with starting over anonymously under a pseudonym, I’m no longer reaping the benefits of men sliding into my DMs as frequently, just to pay me for something harmless like pictures of my feet, or me belittling the size of their dick mercilessly. Seriously, y’all are some repressed mother fuckers. 

I’m happy to make the money off of it, but since so many of you do it, the fact that I do make money off of it shouldn’t need to be some mystifying taboo secret. We live in a capitalist society with terrible redistribution of wealth. The median household income in 2018 was $74,600. Which means that, if you lined up every US household’s yearly salary, from least to greatest, and took the middle number, it would be $74,600. Half of all of our households make less than that. The top 1% of families in our country hold 40% of the wealth. The bottom 90% hold LESS THAN 25%. We are in a global pandemic and the wealth of our handful of billionaires increased by trillions of dollars yet most individuals received only one $1200 stimulus check, and that’s only IF they filed their taxes last year. We instead prioritized corporations and businesses over the individual fucking people? What the fuck is wrong with our government. Get that money, sis. They won’t respect you either way, so you might as well cause a fuss while you do it. 

And I played fucking football in highschool so I think I can make that statement. 

Clearly, tying every aspect of ourselves as humans under some guise of “professionalism” doesn’t impact men in the same way that it impacts women. When is the last time someone would see a male in a bathing suit and determine they “weren’t going to use them as a surgeon” based on how their body looked. If anything, the worse it looks, the better. They probably spend all of their time in the hospital anyways. For women, you have to tread this delicate line of being pretty, but not too pretty. You have to be sexually appealing, but your boobs can’t be too large, or they dominate the frame of your face. You can’t look too nice, either, there has to be an edge of mystery. I get assumed to be “slutty” for wearing a bikini in Florida (which was cheeky, yes, but much less risque than the actual G strings of the strippers in the cabana next to me) when you check my instagram, even though I haven’t had sex in 2 years and am a serial committed relationship person in general. (Mostly because the men fall quickly and they fall hard. Like I said, they’re depraved of such intimate connection that the second they see they won’t be judged for it, they’re captivated by the allure, only to recognize the course of their path and draw screeching breaks like the train in Snowpiercer at the realization their independence may be threatened. It won’t. Because mine also won’t be. But this is besides the point). 

And I don’t feel the need to leave that stuff on “private”, because part of my entire purpose in life, and part of public health, is reducing the stigma around things that cause inherent struggles and cognitive dissonance within society. It would be limiting my potential to withhold it, more afraid of the acceptance and how it is perceived than having to compromise my own values. I would rather use myself as an example over and over again than ignore the realities of the world out of “convenience”, even when the things don’t necessarily involve me as much. Because the shape or appearance of my ass has absolutely no fucking relevance to my ability to decipher and analyze data, to formulate opinions, but it absolutely can help me captivate a larger audience. To use my platform and people who otherwise would not come into contact with me for a greater purpose. You all obviously read and listen to this. You’re taking in my mentality, savoring it (or despising, either way, you’re supporting and enabling me, so thank you). I hope I can somehow intrigue you within the process of learning enough that you continue to show your support. 

In fact, one of the main reasons I keep myself in such good physical shape is that when men can clearly acknowledge my physical superiority, and tangible strength, it’s slightly easier for them to acknowledge my mental strength as well. 

It started with the Presidential Physical Fitness test in third grade, sorry Madison, I could do more pull ups than you because I had 3 hours of gymnastics every night. 

Continued into high school, where I ran with the boys in track, because they were the only ones who would actually run more than 2 miles with me, or when I ran 5k’s around the various naval bases, emasculating the marines with my light, elvish footsteps in my Nike Frees. 

Or when I played football and kicked a game winner, so I was finally “accepted”, even though I could have been used just as much to run the ball in, and actually play any other position or even like quarterback because not only was I fast as fuck, but I can read a sports game better than most people. That’s where intellect gets you as an athlete. The Eli Manning of all of my sporting teams. 

Or maybe it was playing baseball when the mom on the opposing team filed a complaint about me jumping in when the team needed an extra player, all because I gunned her son down at home from center field. By the next game, I was officially registered and all of my runs counted. Go take your participation trophy home, lady.

Or on the futsal courts, when I had to body the fuck out of the physically stronger guys, who took those opportunities to let my ass graze up against their pre-teen cocks, only to be like “WOAH!” just because I was playing exactly the same fucking way they played with the guys. You don’t have to go easy on me, ya know. I actually hate that. 

And that demeanor commands respect, because men have become so warped that the only time they are allowed to openly experience emotion in our patriarchal society is through sport. Coupled with the endorphin high of physical performance, and that maybe being one of the only ways many of them have ever been validated or heard words of affirmation, it’s no wonder they tie physical performance to desirability so much. So keeping myself in shape has its advantages. Having a six pack, which, for women is even more difficult than for men, because generally men don’t have a lil layer of fat protecting their uterus, and the muscle definition I have draws the acknowledgement that I can hold my own in battle. I am a gladiator, a soldier. But I shouldn’t have to make myself physically intimidating to hold my own in a progressive world. 

And I also shouldn’t have to soften my striking intimidation, my unconventional warfare, just because it comes across that much harsher from the face of a beautiful woman. You really fail to recognize that Athena, the goddess of war strategy, was ALSO the goddess of wisdom, poetry, and art? The woman born wearing battle armor was still able to understand and appreciate the softer side of the world. It’s all connected to emotional intelligence. That’s how you achieve true strength. 

So instead of stigmatizing women, or limiting anyone’s identity to strictly their professional role, how about we stop being so obsessed with specialization of just one thing that we neglect the multifaceted reality. Specializing and becoming the best is only really important for its generalizability. But the very fact that you seek the spotlight means you don’t want to exist in complete anonymity, that’s where the hermits who wander amongst the Appalachian trail reside. And if we seek greatness, which, historically, the USA has been rather inundated with thrusting upon everyone else in the world, then we actually need to start being great. Of achieving higher levels of self actualization. Of requiring greater standards for the level of humanity in our society, which starts with not creating an environment where your worth, and subsequent political vote, is SOLELY dependent financial status. And those who are truly great do not refuse to acknowledge their flaws.

So knowing that these issues exist, we need to do better. Men, specifically, need to do better. But also the women who use their positions or desperation for a grasp of power to harm other women, instead of climbing the ladder together. Even Drake has been trying to tell y’all that it shouldn’t be lonely at the top–that defeats the purpose. I talk about my experiences all the time, not to highlight the wrong doings of others (that is just a pleasant lil latent effect) but so everyone can learn from my mistakes or the events in my life to better themselves. It’s as self-critical as it is confident. I approach my personal life with the same scientific separation in the quest for knowledge that I do my IRB-approved studies. 

And more often than not, ESPECIALLY in therapy, I struggle to get through these discussions.

It’s HARD to be so resilient and strong.

I didn’t name this blog or podcast “Survival Mode” because I was frolicking through the fucking flowers my entire life.

It’s not easy to sit down and have these discussions with yourself, let alone others. But it’s a lot harder to live in a world that ignores it. 

Nobody is fucking happy for a reason. People are escaping to social media instead of reality for connection because reality sucks. But you have every ability to change the reality you live in, even just a little, and even by example. Let’s stop setting unrealistic standards for humans, even in professional roles. Let’s require accountability, introspection, vulnerability, even from our leaders. Because our leaders should be setting the greatest example of all. 

And life is a competition, yes, but we don’t have to measure the value in it by productivity. The best creation is not rushed. There is value to slowing down, beauty in recognizing and accepting the madness. It is luminescent, ethereal. We need to value humanity for the things that actually make us human in society–our connection, expression of emotion, ability to learn and grow together. Our capitalist society doesn’t need to dictate EVERY SINGLE THING such that every aspect of our lives must be monetized, or you only release art when you think it’s profitable. Learn to express yourselves. Learn to express humility. Compassion. Empathy. It’s far more complex and intriguing than anger.

Learn to once more value being human. 


Ghislaine Maxwell Pt. 2

For part 1 of a satirical trilogy into the wonderfully cozy home of familial warmth I grew up in, read this first

The Middle Child


The first introduction into this rabbit hole of my increasingly complex family dynamics was only the tip of the iceberg for the realm inside my head. There is a reason I prefer my solitude now, and it’s not because of my warm embrace by society as a child. I scorn the physical restraint of hugs, save maybe a handful of individuals, not because I was taught how to be comfortable in my own body and interacting healthily with others. 

The main reason I don’t succumb to the pull of substance abuse disorders, mental breakdowns, and the crushing weight of knowledge that my species has single handedly destroyed this beautiful planet beyond recognition, unlike so many of my relatives (and the rest of society), is that I’ve gone out of my way to secure and prioritize my mental health… only through a combination of pure stubbornness, the resources to learn beyond my environment, and the willpower to educate myself on it without feeling a stigma to repress or be ashamed of it. 

Much like the opening scene of Euphoria, when Zendaya’s wonder that is the character of “Rue” is brought to this reality, her mother addresses something along the lines of how “plenty of successful people had [childhood depression].” A montage of Vincent Van Gogh, Sylvia Plath, and Britney Spears having psychotic breaks or committing suicide proceeds to play out. Even Albert Einstein struggled with depression, and as a scientist, it’s scary to study the reality that my increased intellect is also the potential reason for my anxiety. It’s scarier, though, to realize that in the 21st century, I now have a platform to be able to share my stream of consciousness and document my fears, my concerns, and my emphasis on the power of mindset and I’ve somehow been gaslighted by my own family, friends, and part of society to think I should shelter it like a lighter’s flame on a windy night behind your hands. 

I can’t delve into my hopeful, still incredibly early stages of my public health and legal career, arguing over the ethics and stigma attached to certain topics–historically trending based on cultural premonitions, while shadowing the recesses of my own mind, struggling with the very same concepts. I can’t be worried an online presence will criticize my future career paths, when those same career paths will eventually involve advocacy…and my passion for advocacy is rooted in those very personal experiences I wish to explore. I can’t be afraid to have to address the skeletons in my own closet that may one day be dragged out, paraded in front of me, or for some reason used against me to involuntarily commit me to a 5150 hold, or worse…invalidate my opinion in a male-dominated public setting. 

My friend Bill once told me how he thinks my generation’s greatest strength is facilitating open conversation. 

Part of that involves having an honest conversation with myself, first. 

And believe me, I have had several years of (unfortunately) honest conversations with myself where I hold myself under scrutinizingly-heavy pressure and unrealistic expectations under the premise of “I should’ve known better”, so this isn’t about the fact that I need therapy. This is about the fact that I use writing as my preferred form of expression, and I want the people in my life moving forward to understand what I care about, why I am the way that I am, and how I actually feel underneath it all. You don’t write about the things that are easy. 

So why do I need to do it? 

Honestly, because I’m exhausted from not feeling able to. 

Years of verbal, emotional, and at times physical, abuse, all at the hands of my biological relatives. Cycles of substance abuse and behavioral patterns that are transgenerational–fully acknowledged yet never addressed. 

Years of every new person in my life expressing some kind of pity, or sadness when the topic of family comes up or if they innocently ask what I’m doing for the holidays. Until, finally, it’s just easier to say “I don’t have a family” than to explain that mine just doesn’t, and may never, understand me. 

Years of trying everything else. Therapy. Meditation. Yoga. Running. Lifting Weights. Creating a list of things to talk about. Setting boundaries. Working on forgiveness. Somehow, it all gets thrown back in my face (a spiteful “You need therapy!” as if that is actually supposed to be some kind of insult… Hey, news flash, buddy… MOST PEOPLE NEED THERAPY, not to mention this may not exist if any of y’all had ever actually gone to it yourselves instead of taking your mental handicaps out on me in real life.)

Years of it being portrayed as if I’m the unreasonable one because I’m the only one who outwardly has a problem. Everyone else can carefully avoid topics that may set off the avalanche of dismayed self realization, but I’m the only one who hasn’t been able to. I don’t smoke or drink away my problems, forgetting about how I physically attacked my sibling in my early 20’s thanks to a few rounds of watered-down shots. I don’t refuse to apologize and instead just show up absentmindedly a few months later, hoping the other person had forgotten the things I previously said. 

I am simply not willing to pretend like these things didn’t occur, or didn’t exist, because I have had to live with them for that long, without a choice. But, I’m not trying to summit the hypoxic graveyard of Mount Everest by myself. I don’t need to carry this alone. I could, but it’s not necessary in this day and age. I can bring an oxygen tank. I can bring a sherpa. But people need to know that’s where I am in the world. 


For the record, I’m also tired of trying to weed out the newcomers who are ACTUALLY interested in learning about “me”, in whatever sense or capacity is available to them, without wasting my own time, and as of my past decade I tend to live in a new state every 2-3 years because of my career goals and honestly, I really don’t want to have to constantly retell the same exhaustingly intense theories for the rest of my life, but “normal” people can talk about things like family, career goals, values in life, much more casually.

Again, not exactly normal here. (Did you read the first post?)

So, whether it be professionally, athletically, educationally, whatever, I am actively working on making myself more available mentally, because clearly, emotionally I can be fairly checked out.

To be clear, yes I am stating that THEY (newcomers) can waste THEIR time reading about me, so long as I don’t waste my own. 

#JustENTJThings (Go look up MBTI)

Anyway, let’s Recap…

Short summary of my initial post is:

  • My grandfather and father are terrifyingly intellectual men in fields of military strategy and all things aerospace engineering (i.e. missile/weaponry development)
  • I was “trained” as a small child, and while my childhood was incredibly wonderful in a lot of ways, there was also a lot of navigation of stress in various forms
  • It’s possible that ‘training’ was some discontinued CIA-program to eventually sell me off/push me to gather intelligence and subject my body to whatever was necessary in my pursuit of knowledge in how the world works

So without further adieu, let’s continue…

Clue #4: Debutante Themes + International Diplomacy

Did any of you ever watch “She’s The Man” and relate to Viola Hastings’ disgust at her current situation and understand just why she was so frustrated? When Jo March in Greta Gerwig’s 2019 rendition of “Little Women” cried out in desperation of being so lonely, but wanting to be respected even more, was your initial reaction to undervalue her feelings? When Arya walked away from Gendry’s promise of a ladyship and land in season 8 because “that’s not her”, did you cheer? Feel a sense of pride? 

You likely felt compassion, empathy, an understanding of who they were because the backstory of their character arc was available to you. 

So when I refused my mother’s repeated advances to present myself to society via a debutante ball and cotillion, or when I decided I was going to join the football team AND be the top runner for cross country AND play varsity soccer in high school, or when I was one of the only women out of ~15 students out of a class of 22,000 undergraduates to graduate from a top 5 public university in one of the most difficult, male dominated degree fields available, when does my validation come? 

And where does my validation come from? Do I value the opinion of the family members I honestly can no longer respect because of the repeated nature of our adult encounters? Do I value the opinion of the supervisors who just yesterday sent me home because “while my outfit meets all technical criteria of the dress code, your legs are too tantalizing”… underneath your desk… in South Florida… in the middle of the summer? Do I value the opinion of the men who admired all of my virtuous aspirations initially, only for my independence to slowly become a deal breaker due to their own insecurities, causing them to stray? 

Fuck that. My validation comes from myself. 

I’ve always been this “difficult” of a person. I was five years old the first time I ran away and I distinctly remember packing my bag in spite (at my father) and holding my cat comforter up so the edges wouldn’t drag across the dew-laden grass as I crossed the street to my Uncle’s house. But am I really “difficult”? Or do I just question the subjective confines of my world because I know I can? 

And how do you present yourself to society when you don’t enjoy it, or it feels like a facade to do it in any artificial way? 

I had no interest in curtsying, learning how to delicately fold a napkin across my lap, or waiting on a male partner to escort me out into the world, even in adolescence. The cotillion angle, try as my mother might, was never going to happen. 

She should’ve known I wasn’t one to conform to gender norms when I took TWO boys to the third grade spring fling. In my defense, I narrowed down my choice from the entire male class, who had each given me an extra valentine (seriously, I peaked early as fuck) to just the two most popular boys. Chris Parker’s mom even picked me up and then drove to pick up Madison along the way. (Also…thinking of these instances then reassessing my previous, completely “unrelated” sexual preferences these days in quarantine is really that much more amusing). In fact, my entire third grade year parallels “me” as a human, in general. The presidential physical fitness test became my bitch, and the ten measly pull ups I had to do were nothing for my 100-pull-up, 100-v-up nightly bar routine that had to be completed before I could leave to go home from gymnastics…at the end of a 2 hour practice. One day, I got bored in gym class and was literally just allowed to stay in gym the rest of the day and hula hoop to break the Guiness World Record at the time, purely just to prove I could. My best friend fed me chicken nuggets to my outstretched palm during lunch. I even won the talent show later that Spring in an incredibly itchy, fuzzy Limited Too blue sweater and red skirt while belting out “The Star Spangled Banner” after first dedicating it to my three-time war veteran of a Grandpa (front row, in the audience) while my Grandmother, the hometown angel who played the organ and piano at every local parish and theatre club, accompanied me. Seriously, though, why is who I am these days and what I stand for STILL surprising to literally anybody who grew up with me. 

Once it was clear I had no intention in conforming to being a “lady” of society, other tactics of securing my status as being worthy of another person’s admiration took hold. My aunt’s job, working for some privately wealthy multimillionaire based out of D.C., took her all over the globe. Once I turned 18, and could freely travel with her without raising parental concerns, she took me with her to Rome where I spent 10 days exploring the city with an Italian Air Force Chief of Staff’s son, also my age, who was attending school overseas due to his father’s station. Later that summer, I was asked to accompany a 24 year old Australian diplomat’s recently-college-graduated son to a private dinner. The age gap and request wouldn’t have been weird…except for the fact that I both had an (abusive) boyfriend of several years and had never even been to college yet so what the heck could a small-town girl who ran against her best friend for queen of the county fair as a scholarship competition possibly offer a diplomat’s son in one-on-one conversation over a single night? With my dad, it was the men from base–whichever colonel, general, second lieutenant, whatever the fuck rank of marine, navy, or army man it was that day blending together into indistinguishable introductions, exuberance over how lucky they were to finally be introduced to me, the lust and intrigue behind their gaze obvious to anyone with half a brain. 

Those interactions certainly weren’t all bad, though.

I was the only youth at a five-course meal with multiple four star Italian generals. So, even if I was only there as a pretty face that could hold a conversation with the military men being honored, being fed cherries hand picked from the owner of the estate’s private groves, perched atop the roof top balcony overlooking Rome, at least I was there. When I was 21, I even had the opportunity to stay at the home of my dad’s long time friend, a former Marine-turned-oil-industry (conveniently right around the early-to-mid 2000’s…) man in Houston, Texas while working at the top cancer research center in the world for a summer! So, even if the man’s 23 year old athletic, blonde girlfriend “wasn’t comfortable” with him being in his own house when I was present , at least I got free use of the extra BMW, a pool with one of those motors that lets you swim in place, and prime real estate in Houston, Texas for free.

Not everything was a manipulative set up of any kind, and one could argue that life in general is about opportunity, so the more opportunities these equally curious and almost imaginative interactions earn you, the better. At the very least, I have a deeply complicated and interesting life story up until the current age of 27. But when your entire life has been centered on graduating college with virtually NO expectations set for you other than settling down and marrying a man, it is really difficult to not feel a hot flash of anger when they seem to ONLY happen, LARGELY because of your looks (which, again, up until this point, was a thing to keep modestly) and because the idea you might be happy, or fulfilled, on your own, seems absurd. It’s even insulting, most of all, because instead of not wanting to be distracted or undervalued after a string of shitty relationships, I’m apparently not allowed to provide myself time to relax and put myself first, because they’re worried that my “biological clock is ticking.”

For the record, looking at the facts of how my Grandpa didn’t believe I should have the right to vote AND TOLD ME SO, I grew up a farm girl riding my ponies over my acres of tobacco and hay fields, and my childhood consisted of glorifying the military prowess of egotistical men who feel a need to claim things (land, women, animals) for themselves and white colonial history, the emphasis of my place in society as a woman was probably one of the least shocking things I still feel residual pressure from. (Truthfully, I’ve even developed a bit of a kink for men in civil-war-era attire, which could just as likely be from Damon and Stefan Salvatore gracing the screens of my Netflix bingeing as lustful vampires, both secretly enamored with the same girl (a common theme in the entertainment I am drawn to, you’ll find) as it is due to my desire to enact some decades-later control over my own militaristic childhood in a Freudian version of sexual empowerment.)

As each year passes, even into my late 20’s, their tactics have only gotten more obvious. I’ll come home from running, sweat dripping off of each limb, glistening across my sternum, darkening the fabric of my sports bra, to a strange couple standing in my mom’s foyer, their conveniently-similar-in-age son just happened to be accompanying them to check out my mom’s bike. I get pestering, frequent insinuations that I must be a lesbian, since I don’t want to bring anyone home for the holidays (and I bought a Subaru) so strongly that I refuse to even consider the fact that I could even potentially find women attractive just because the minor chance they might be right is too infuriating that I just mentally have never allowed the question. 

But why do I care so much? 

What about their dismay at my happy solitude is so insulting to me? 

The fact in this life is whatever I achieve in life may be undermined by the lack of a male partner’s presence at my side. Sure, times are changing. Things are different now than they used to be. But the thoughts are still there. Whatever degrees I earn, jobs I hold, whatever a career looks like to me, will somehow seem sad, or lonely, if I opt to do it alone, whereas the male equivalent is revered and nobody asks whether you think you’ll regret focusing on it ten years from now (because, biologically, time is on your side so it doesn’t matter quite so much). If I had a dollar for every time one of the patients at my surgical dermatology job asked what was “wrong” with me because I wasn’t married yet…even after asking about my degrees and lifeplan, I may have been able to afford to stay at that job. If you think I’m exaggerating, and that “it’s not THAT bad anymore” “progress is being made”, explain to me why Emma Watson claiming she’s “Self partnered” is an ACTUAL news story. If we’ve ACTUALLY made that much progress with society, and women’s place, PLEASE justify why a single woman trying to find her place in the world and using her past experiences is pitied, constantly questioned, and statistically is at an increased risk for violence against her persona compared to her male counterpart. Has anyone ever asked Leonardo DiCaprio what is wrong with him for cycling through <25 year old girlfriends constantly? Suck my dick. 

From there, I wonder, do I actually think my family’s goal was trafficking me like Ghislaine Maxwell inevitably did to her victims? Or do I just think women’s role in the culturally relevant history to me and my ancestors just resembles female trafficking through use of legally enforced restrictions of whatever “freedoms” (or lack thereof) over my own existence that society wants me to have at that time? 

Is it just that I associate marriage with financial coercion and an abusive, controlling narrative because of my own experience, as well as the many, MANY similarly shared experiences with my friends, whereas that is just some kind of sample bias because of the environments I place myself in that draws similar people together? 

And, with a lengthy, repetitive, and globally cyclic patterns of female submission and inferiority of the sexes, arguably the one universally consistent, sociological trait of humanity, how is the concept of “marriage” any different, even in a Western country, when it is systematically interwoven with the increasingly difficult nature of raising a child, let alone multiple, on a single income, when the occupations commonly held by women are underfunded and underpaid (don’t even get me STARTED on education), and when sexual expression is still stigmatized so strongly that the “respectable” women are only those who reserve it for just their partner? 

Clue #5: If it looks like a duck and acts like a duck…

Speaking generally, the leaps between abuse are more of a mild hop, a casual stroll, a mindful gap. Remember those “slippery slopes” your parents spent hours warning you about? Domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual coercion, physical abuse, one tends to lead into the other and they don’t end up feeling that dissimilar from each other. At some point, it becomes a muted blend of apathy. Look up virtually any chronic reoffender in our criminal justice system–a system which HORRIBLY discards women, let alone children, for the fucking record, which I absolutely will speak separately on. One offense right after the other, yet they’re allowed to just reenter society because “not being a threat to women” is apparently different from “not being a threat to society”. Apparently, we just exclude women (or children) when we think about “society” as a whole.

In fact, in 2008 the Supreme Court ruled the death penalty for rape of a child was cruel and unusual punishment, even though the rape in question involved a man’s 8 year old stepdaughter and tore her perineum (the skin between the vagina and the butthole…also commonly torn during childbirth…the joys of femininity. Further side note… Shout out to Chrissy Tiegen for keeping it real on the internet,though).

Do you know what I think is “cruel and unusual punishment”, though?

Having been sexually assaulted multiple times, I can tell you right now that I’m going to be a dramatically changed person because of it. I have to actively work really, really hard at being a better person every single day because the reality of that, coupled with my PTSD, has provided me a cynically realistic view of the world. I know it will likely impact me the rest of my life, and I’ve learned to adjust my mindset to accommodate at continuing that slow, but gradual improvement, but it’s incredibly difficult in a country that does absolutely nothing to rehabilitate these offenders so they’re less likely to recommit, but also refuses to remove them from the gene pool, while also making it difficult for us to even access proper, affordable, and regular mental health care. It’s a system that has facilitated financial success and power for extorting the broken pieces for your own monetary gain, however easily, quickly, and long you can do it without being held accountable.

For the record, we could very easily look to European countries like Norway perhaps, who have some of the lowest crime rates and lowest rates of re-offenders with their prison system globally, so they must be doing at least something of minute importance we could take note of and try to apply. Marital rape wasn’t even a federal law in the USA until 1993! The year I was born! A man could rape his wife mercilessly, and that was completely cool.

Yet, you mean to tell me I’m not supposed to fucking talk about this? Or that I shouldn’t draw on personal experience to fuel the hell fire that is my career trajectory… or worse, it’ll ruin my chances of finding a suitable man? L M A O. I should just wait in the shadows until I MIGHT be lucky enough to actually be successful before I share it with anyone? I should be content with watching the uneducated cucks (actually, I should stop using that insultingly. Nothing wrong with that if it’s what you’re into) on CSPAN make policies affecting my livelihood and body and NOT use my social media to draw attention to this?

Much like Lady Gaga, I, also, am fueled largely on spite.

My desire to help society is not so much founded in my love of people as it is in my hatred for shitty people. (Emphasis on PEOPLE, and not just MEN, ahem… my hatred is not one-sided.)

In the USA particularly, at some point our values of what it means to be a decently good human being became vastly overshadowed by obsession with material wealth and consumerism, and it grosses me out just enough to keep me an active member of society, intent on trying to minimize my own ecological consequence and appreciate the wonders technology allows me to enjoy with ease, instead of moving to an island as a biologist for the remainder of my days much like the remarkable tale of Eloise Wehrborn de Wagner-Bosquet, the Galapagos baroness (this story also, coincidentally, involves multiple male lovers vying for their Paramore’s affection and was brought to me by the best murder square out there, Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark.) On a related note, I saw a meme today that said “I’m the granddaughter of the witches you couldn’t murder” and I felt a warm fuzzy feeling in my chest, so there’s that.

Because of this stress on outrageous materialism, it also makes sense that the entertainment industry really funneled the Me Too! Movement into what it is today, since objectification of women is most blatantly obvious when women’s bodies are figuratively and literally, replaceable, malleable, and directable. There was also no denying to the public JUST how influential those acts were in directly securing the positions or roles under question, because the financial incentives were publicly available information under each Wikipedia page for whatever film’s title or the IMDB for the actress was readily accessible.

Yet, what has come out of that? One creep remains in jail? The victims have to sign documentation preventing themselves from going public if they want any hopes of the financial pot? (But it’s too much money for our work-to-live country, so no matter how heinous the crimes actually were, the appeal eats away at you, justifiably so.)

The reality of our government’s refusal to acknowledge social justice issues like systematic racism, cycles of poverty, violence towards women, is because those topics will ultimately turn the conversation to criminal justice reform. The individualistic, greedy nature of capitalism will be called into question further and further until it can no longer be ignored that we aren’t actually creating a safe, secure zone for our children to grow up in. Instead, we elect those members to seats in our government, we revere them as well-standing members of the community, we reward them for the triumphant accolades their daughter’s garner as if it was their mind doing the work, or sprinting through that finish line. 

So why do I have so much overwhelming passion-induced anxiety, a NEED to devote myself to acknowledging and addressing this? Why can’t I just let these intense topics fade in the archives, diving into the new headlines like the average American citizen? Particularly when it seems like my life is relatively decent, well-adjusted? I “turned out fine”, I “should stop whining”, “how is this even relevant to you”, “quit being dramatic”. (If you’re thinking that right now, though (aka probably my family), let’s take a collective moment to acknowledge the fact that you’re mentally bitching about me, but still spending the time to read this. Stay in your lane and just hate in silence, for all of our sakes. Kanye West has taught me that no press is bad press (or does that only work for men?) and even if this blog ends up imploding in a 2008-era-Britney-Spears-headshave-mental-breakdown, read the caption… “it’s COMEDY!” (I hope you read that in the voice of Alexandra Cooper from Call Her Daddy). 

At some point in the mental process, you realize you enjoy learning about other’s stories, historically, in my case, all aspects of true crime but recently focused more intensely on the victims of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, because you find solace in their shared understanding of torment. You feel a sense of relief that the world is allowing them a platform to not fade away into oblivion. That living through it MEANT something.

You take pride knowing that the normalcy of developing the skill of quickly shutting your emotions down, unreadable, the ease of flipping that mental switch so you could think solely on logic, at your most unpredictable, was developed as a result of the trauma. That you see more logically, and analytically before than ever, but are almost robotic in that sense, overactive, always scanning. 

And with said aforementioned logic, what may have just been a cut-and-dry case of the traditional, harsh lifestyle of an alcoholic farmer with a knack for domestic violence could just as plausibly have been the grooming stages of a far more expansive network of modern day trafficking given the statistical outcome of intergenerational trauma and substance abuse disorders, you just lacked the awareness at the time to notice the details. You also continue to trust in your gut, because every accusation that ever was called “crazy” by your ex boyfriends were usually pretty spot-on. 

Because just the very idea that You, someone who tends to not necessarily lead with empathy, becomes overwhelmed with this physical need to devote your life to addressing these issues, even though you’re likely setting yourself up for a lifestyle of cyclic relative loneliness, repaying debt, and investing in your education as a desperate hope of bringing a sense of understanding to your own mind, is such an insane concept. That you’ve been bullied into believing dreams of professional degrees, a gap year to enjoy life at your own pace renders you selfish beyond repair and “wasting your life” because the very idea that you could want more of your life than to marry and have children was blasphemous and somehow insulting to them? But, sure, Ricky, I’m a real “Dr. Death” just because I aspire for a doctoral degree and a lifetime of happiness with my chosen family that actually “gets” me. Fucking sue me for wanting to do more than vote idly by the rest of my life even if it means that I’m poor and cry every so often if I’m helping others. I still struggle with the insinuation of acknowledging abuse at any level, particularly because the distant ringing of “Go ahead! Call CPS! See how much better you like the foster system!” I heard my father repeat all too well lingers at the connotation. But, at some point in therapy, you just have to get over the hurdle of what your brain is refusing to allow your mouth to say and blurt it out. 

In public health, the most important factor of any initiative is stakeholders–the people who care so passionately about these issues because it personally affects them enough to want to make a difference. It draws into question my own passion. Why do I care so much about it? Why shouldn’t I just be content with a nice little, modest suburban home and ride the coattails of my privilege to stability, throwing money at a GoFundMe as needed and feeling good about myself? Honestly, I don’t mind those people at all, as long as they’re using their awareness to create conversation in their own households. But why would I not be happy with that? The answer is simply that my own experiences of sexual violence, physical and emotional abuse render it necessary for me to reevaluate the sincerity of these feelings. I’ll be the first to admit it sounds ludicrous, but much like that list of similarities between Lincoln and Kennedy that floats around the internet every few years, there are undeniable overlaps and I can’t deny the desperate, almost illogical emotional needs working as motivators throughout my career, insurmisable in any other sense other than “I REALLY wanted to [do that].” 

Psychology and the State of the World for Women…

Uncovering the extensive network of trafficking (underage) women (children) that was/is Jeffrey Epstein’s world requires knowledge of just how these actions affect the “survivors” who live the rest of their lives in fear. 

My reality is that imagining the type of fear, shame, and residual trauma those women must feel causes me to revisit my own distant, lingeringly painful memories tucked away under lock and key . Even though I had “long forgotten” some of these issues, keeping them placated in the background by an overwhelming amount of business, I still filled that busy time by studying the body (perhaps making that choice subconsciously?) and subsequently coming to understand how these things that encompass my timeline have literally changed my own physiological and hormonal chemistry, for better or worse. Each new paper on PTSD treatment, the physiological effects of chronic stress, seminars on interdepartmental learning offered clarity. That clarity, though, doesn’t, and won’t stop me from changing from running on my favorite rural, countryside trails to well-populated, publicly-surveilled paths for safety and comfort, even if I hate the pavement, need to carry my phone, and longer drive. Nor does it keep me out of the gym in the off chance that somewhere down the line, I’ll need to fend off an attacker, and want to be physically capable of holding my own if so. So, whenever news of something as insane, outrageous, and despicable as human trafficking comes up, the conversation inevitably turns to mental health, forging a “new normal”, and actually vindicating it means acknowledging those people didn’t have a choice at some point and they can be a “victim” and simultaneously want acknowledgment, crave communities of mutual understanding, and facilitate growth without that defining who they are or making them helpless. 

“Justice” after these events, if anyone is actually held accountable, also has many interpretations, but ultimately involves subjectively deciding on an “unequal but relatively fair” sentencing in repentance for some previous ideology, action, or thought. Part of establishing a “just” punishment involves understanding the mentality, the thought process behind the actions. The reasons people traffic women and young girls, though, is the same mentality that applies to the rich’s necessity to acquire any other tangible good. In the game of life, women, along with everything else in the USA, have a price, and can thus be owned.

Only, in the USA, we’ve outlawed prostitution, we’ve injected Christian virtues into every vein on our body in such withdrawal-laden intensity that we overdosed our government and local culture so nudity, the female body, and sexuality are still taboo in that, we can at least vote (between two shitty white men who both want to or have historically participated in making legislative dictations to our bodies, using their views on what rights we “should be allowed” to have as political strategies) but WOMEN ON ENTERTAINMENT PODCASTS ARE CRITICIZED FOR TALKING ABOUT SEX. The “is there no privacy!” argument gets thrown around even though these women are literally talking to their friends from the comfort of their own homes and putting it online, but MEN who talk about it freely and have been doing so for AGES, literally since men first got together and decided they would unionize, (there is a REASON Game of Thrones depicted the wildlings, an interpretation of feral humans, as metal as nature in a nomadic world as savage creatures, humanities stripped comparatively even to mythological renaissance-style times, and it wasn’t because the women were savage without reason), MEN who clearly fuck anything with legs and a vagina (and I honestly think, especially judging by a quick scan (read: several HOURS of research into) options of sex toys available to them, the legs are questionably required), those MEN get revered as gods. Their sexual charisma, chiseled body, unattainable attitude is a PERK to literally every single career they could hold.

The Kardashians get murdered on social media, even when they talk about fertility concerns, learning how to navigate raising biracial children as a parent, the criminal justice system, but y’all still support the NFL who takes a blatantly dismissive outlook on the players who beat their women multiple times. Y’all WORSHIP the turf that man walks on because his ability to catch a ball in a COMPLETELY MADE UP SPORT THAT NO OTHER COUNTRY PLAYS (and therefore isn’t even justifiable for anything outside of purely entertainment value) is more important than the fact that he ran a dog-fighting ring, or nearly beat a woman to death. Y’all glorify cage fighting and potentially beating another man to death on internationally broadcast television as a “manly” sport and justify the money as being worth the risk of permanent brain damage, if not death, or chronically aggressive interactions with families that include children. Y’all continue funding a rapper, sending him to the top of the musical hits charts, who has openly admitted to raping a 13 year old girl, JUST LIKE THE ACCUSED THIS ENTIRE BLOG HAS THUS FAR TOUCHED ON, but Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion talking about their pussies being wet during sex (AS THEY SHOULD BE) gets y’all all hyped and bothered. Ciara taught me a looooong time ago not to get worried about all that, though. So I won’t sweat it.

Destigmatizing females using social media as a platform to talk freely about their experiences as a female, the good, the bad, and the ugly, is literally what the goal of social media is supposed to be. It’s SUPPOSED to be about creating a community for people to be some version of themselves. So why do we shun it when that version is an authentically free woman? 

Creating these conversations, has secondary implications, though. The real “trickle down economics” is that destigmatizing female sexuality also means addressing violence towards women–law enforcement may actually begin to thoroughly investigate when a legally represented sexworker goes missing. 

Destigmatizing feminine conversation in general, usually coaligns with increased access to mental health resources–women LIKE talking about our problems (usually), it’s even more fun when they’re paid to listen patiently! (Just kidding about the listening patiently part, therapy is so much more than that and my therapist has worked me into some corners. Claire, if you’re reading this, 1. I am so sorry I haven’t updated you in a while, 2. Please don’t write a case study about me, I’m obviously writing it about myself and 3. You are a gift to this earth). 

Destigmatizing female conversation might also improve lives for men–you can actually understand us better, talk about your own feelings, learn about what unique and terrifyingly beautiful creatures we are at every level of our beings, and, because it usually tends to be the most important thing to you that “does at least 30% of male thinking” (according to this guy I met in graduate school), your sex lives would probably VASTLY improve because you wouldn’t be scared to ask or try new things in the bedroom, you wouldn’t be worried things could “feel a little gay” when literally it is just you and your girlfriend in the room, you would learn that if you invested even half the emotional capacity into learning our own bodies as an adult with a new perspective and learned experiences as you did to yourself when you were a kid and your dick got hard for the first time, you might ACTUALLY get us (read: females) to willingly revere your mediocre cock with as much enthusiasm as we do our orgasmic sculptures of silicone tucked inside the nightstand’s drawer. 

Of the five safest countries in the world for women, almost all have legal prostitution, for the record. Keeping prostitution illegal in the USA as a direct result of the stigma surrounding female sexuality, also keeps barriers like “professionalism” on social media and every other aspect of your life controllable by your job–holding your healthcare, financial security, home at the mercy of your supervisor. How many men do you think have formal complaints logged into their HR files over being shirtless on social media? Or in bathing wear?  (I’m looking at you, #MedBikini)

It’s the same concept behind criminalizing marijuana, but making it illegal only made it illegal for poor people.  It keeps the majority of money (and power) lined in the pockets of the rich, (white) men who control the brothels in Las Vegas, it makes women who only care about money (which is, again, COMPLETELY FINE IN A CAPITALIST ECONOMY) resort to valuing themselves at only $7 a month for an OnlyFans or $1000 a scene to be immortalized on pornhub (IF you get paid at all and don’t just have your revengeporn thrown up there!), when they should be getting PAID to allow others in their mystical sexual presence. But, because it is illegal, and there is no discord, no discussion around what our bodies are actually worth, all stigmatizing sexuality does (in a historically heteronormative society), for women, is keep them subservient to men because they can’t use all of their skills and talents to their advantage, or every communication is word-of-mouth instead of women creating businesses, hiring legal security, ensuring partners are testing for sexually transmitted diseases and using safe methods. 

Side note, in case you were curious, if I didn’t have so many hang ups because of my “daddy issues”, you better bet your ass that I would 100% let my thousands of dollars of student loans from my grad and next program be paid for by some lonely 40+ year old dude if I could legally do it and wasn’t constantly worried about getting murdered by the shady nature of it. Or even if some nerdy, rich guy somehow found me and was like “hey can you be my girlfriend for $150,000 a year, I’m lonely and want to travel the world” you can BET my passport would be the first mother fucking thing stamped. I will GLADLY be your muse if you can fund me a few years of the freedom to think and learn more about the world from a perspective I can’t currently attain purely from a financial standpoint. The happiness that comes from a business-like decision out of logic to meet financial and physical needs with someone willing to openly communicate and add a significant level of ease to your life is absolutely something I should not feel “GUILTY” for. How is that any worse than the absolutely shitty men (read: normal, average white guys well advanced in their careers and seen by society as “successful”) getting to use my body sexually, including the ones who were honestly complete shit in bed (I like to rescue animals of all kinds, apparently) who I took under my wing like a young Anakin Skywalker, only to cheat and blatantly, unacceptably disrespect me years later after significant emotional investment on my end?

My career would never just up and leave me and I would 100% fund it and my economic stability in this manner if it wasn’t one more stupid fucking obstacle to being “respected” that women have to deal with. 

Back to the point.

Female trafficking is a necessity to these people, a craving for power and validation over others, commonly to inflate the egoes of the rich. Much like the foreshadowed warnings of “The Most Dangerous Game”, the nature of humanity is to acquire power over another. Once you get bored with owning things, you want to up the stakes. The ability to view actual human beings as a “commodity”, their feelings disregarded because you think you pay them well enough to not have any. And since our economy and culture centers around money, it may be enough to keep them significantly quiet. The ability to separate reality (and even legality) from practicality, so you don’t feel guilty over the choices you make. Those sociopathic-like tendencies are typically reserved for both the world’s most powerful leaders and lethal criminals. They can flip the switch on empathy, if it’s not permanently stuck in the “off” position (sound familiar).

And who better to quantify that, than someone who has had no choice but to be increasingly aware that level of horror in the world exists.

Yet, even if you spend your entire career under a public vow to dismantle it, or at the very least actually illuminating what a problem it is and how strongly it ties into the position of women within our society, how can you possibly still be “good” when you also lack the emotional capacity to care about public sentiment when sharing it as a stream of consciousness. And there’s definitely no way you can be morally good by feeling a need to speak out, to publicly acknowledge how you interact with the world after being shaped by your own somewhat similar experiences, to even potentially profit off of it down the line? Selfish. 

Pete Davidson walked in his post-Ariana-break-up interviews so I could run on a blog.

It’s these types of questions in my analysis that make the complexities of the human mind, the memories these stories jog for me, and the importance of widely available, high quality mental health resources that much more intriguing.

For instance, I’ve heavily questioned my sexuality as a scientist, because with my educational pursuit of my undergraduate and graduate degrees, and the subsequent increase in knowledge on what “science” actually is, one comes to find that “science” is just inherently questioning the nature of reality. In medicine, you learn the biological response as to why something feels good. The chemical release, the uptake by receptors, the action potentials propagating through your skin. And yet, you exist, grew up, flourished in a world that has socially convinced you that acting on these propagations will ostracize you–even if they’re literally not hurting anyone, it’s your own body, etc. You grew up engrained with ideology that “marriage is only legally acceptable between a man and a woman”, “you should only have a single partner at a time” “marriage is controlling, manipulative, and should be for life even when you absolutely hate each other” and were somehow not supposed to rebel against it, even though the whole world was at your fingertips in every other aspect. Not to mention the interpretation of a book intended to instill and redress moral values, the stories of love, learning how to express yourself, coming of age, also condemning you to hell for biological temptations that you couldn’t stop and that, ultimately, were NORMAL.

But this was America! Women, especially white, hot, blonde women, were able to really BE somebody! It’s selfish for me to even be angry about, or question, any aspect of my previous lives because the opportunities they’ve given me proves the world is at my fingertips! Barbie had every different role possible. My Kirsten American Girl doll mimicked my Amish neighbor’s lifestyle. My cousins won “model” searches down at the local mall. My life was the set up in every movie that graced mainscreen Hollywood growing up. I even looked like Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen in my 90’s photos. That’s the harsh part though–all of my heroes were just fake characters. They weren’t based on any women in actuality. Other than sports athletes, I had no knowledge of role models that were representative of who “I” was at the time. Until “Hidden Figures” came out in 2016, I didn’t think anyone even cared about the hardships of women in STEM. Prior to that, I was only learning about men whose LIFE work I was studying that could now be boiled down to a semester-long, 3-hour course twice a week. It’s a tough thing to realize that the world you live in was not created for you. It was created for who you are physically, but you push the boundaries just a little too much because of the thoughts inside your head that question the purpose behind these technological advances and societal values when they don’t seem to actually improve our lives enough to allow us to slow down and enjoy the natural pace of humanity. Those kinds of thoughts don’t just create a minor ripple, even if that’s how you start out, you explode from seemingly nothingness like the Beirut explosion. 

(( Side note: donate to the Lebanon Red Cross here > ))

Mindy Kaling once had her character on The Mindy Project state, “tattling is when a young girl does it, when a hot woman does it, it’s called whistle blowing”. Yet, I don’t consider this “Whistle blowing”, in any way. Having the audacity to question my background is seen as the same “disgraceful” or a “tainted image” on my family, as if I came in blazing hot, making concrete, direct connections between the two theories. I would just like to blissfully point right back that if my family didn’t want me to write about them or go through this, mentally, then maybe they could’ve given me a little more love and support over the past decade (or even like, during the timeline for any of these events to take place so the memories wouldn’t be cloaked in mystery).

But, apparently, unconditional love is not guaranteed just by biological relation.

Funny how that works out, isn’t it.

(Thankfully, that makes it just as freely available from a “chosen” family forged from those you meet in life. For every shitty person in the world, there are just as many good ones willing to give love freely and without expectation because they never were on the receiving end of such an arrangement. They might be a little harder to find, but they’re there.) 

At some point in your research, as mentioned at the beginning of this post, you studied the trends of scientific discovery and the lives of those you were following behind–how those who came later were often depressed, unhappy with the state of their lives, the ensuing struggle with the enticing curiosity of knowledge that could topple societies. The obsession with each other’s work, the indulgence in exchange of passionate thoughts. Art and science interwoven so deeply that for you to truly achieve self actualization, you know you will have to acknowledge the passion behind it. 

And in recognizing that conundrum, you noted the actual experiments weren’t as intriguing to you as a topic of focus as the method of communication in which one pursuit built upon another. The method in which one scientific achievement spread–the blossom of communities, the growth of ideas, the ability to grow from words, and abstract concepts.

Would these scientists have been so depressed if they hadn’t had to wallow in their misery alone? 

Would they look at society, all of the “progress” stemming from their inventions, and be proud of how that contribution was mutilated (built upon)?

What about the scientists who created the atomic and hydrogen bombs? How do they feel about the state of the world these days? How much did they know, or actually understand, about the consequences of their actions? 

What’s the purpose of avidly working towards a theoretical future when you have the ability to make a tangible influence on another’s life locally, today? How did you choose what to prioritize? And how did you know doing that was “right”?

You finally had the time to slow down and watch as pieces of the puzzle revealed that the pursuit of higher degrees in medicine, law, or biological science wasn’t necessarily your end goal, though they were a means to an end. For the record, they were also logical, as you had no current plans or even prospects of marrying, no “need” for biological children of your own, and they would conveniently increase your lifelong earning potential as well as how rewarding it is to annihilate mansplainers, but nobody wanted to hear about that because their dreams of grandchildren were slowly disintegrating much like when Bing Bong faded into oblivion in Pixar’s take on explaining the importance of acknowledging your emotions, formally known as “Inside Out”.

Your end goal was the pursuit of having your voice acknowledged, heard, and appreciated just a little bit more.

And to do that, you had to start to talk. 

Was I Almost Ghislaine Maxwell-ed?

I would like to preface this by saying I, as an epidemiologist, understand that human trafficking, sexual violence, violence towards women, etc. are incredibly unfortunate issues in today’s society. Much like coronavirus, I think the issues in society are not, in fact, getting worse, they are merely being filmed. (A popular sentiment being passed around the twittersphere, according to Reddit.) In no way am I trying to undermine or sensationalize the severity of it. I am just exploring the world of memoir blogging, whilst possibly risking a breach of national security and careful scolding from my biological father (should he be present in my life to have a valid influence over my decisions), and spending the excessive amount of time available for me to freely exist while spiraling myself into existential dread with psychoanalysis of my self-proclaimed “daddy issues”. 

Much like how my favorite badass true crime ladies, Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark of “My Favorite Murder”,start the beginning of their live shows, I would like to reiterate that this is MY written word and should you dislike it you can kindly get the fuck out.

The premise of this blog will essentially dive into the satirical comedy of my life as I entrench myself in exploring the volatility of my repressed memories and psychoanalytic review of the history of “me”. As an ENTJ, epidemiologist, celebrated athlete, biochemist, and woman, I have held many roles within this world already. Yet still, I feel somewhat lost excelling in a world that was not created with me in mind and seems so resistant to change. 

Thanks to a LOT of hours of watching, re-watching, and then assessing “The Office” and “The Mindy Project”, I finally saw my personality reflected in popular culture. Historically, as a white-blonde haired, blue-green eyed, 5’7” athlete, I have physically been represented, for which I am grateful, though I was then confined to roles of helpless Princesses waiting for a handsome prince, the damsel in distress, the Fiona not the Shrek. Out of all of the compliments I’ve ever received (and believe me, not even in a “braggy” way, but there have been a lot), my favorite one was “you have a beautiful mind”. It’s difficult to get taken seriously, for all of the incredibly stereotypical reality that is the magical wonder of Reese Witherspoon’s “Legally Blonde”, when the male-dominated field of chemistry, biochemistry, and (historically) medicine, sees the energetic eagerness of a golden retriever in human form and discards it to the side, tells it to “tone it down”, tries to funnel you into a shell of who you are.

A lot of boundaries are being broken around the globe lately. For better or for worse, the average citizen also is arming themselves with the real financial currency of the world: intelligence. What the wealthy really buy for themselves, a premise cultivated by Amanda Seyfried and Justin Timberlake’s 2011 Sci-fi thriller “In Time” is just that–time. The time to not have to do the more “mundane” tasks of the world. The ability to afford less stress–not so as to say the wealthy don’t have stress of their own, but so they can afford to prioritize quality of life. They can afford to reflect. They can afford to enjoy life at the pace of their leisure–however fast or slow that may be. They can afford to sit and think without distraction.

So in a world of thought, where does a fairly introverted skeptic who walks through life like one of the elves from Lord of the Rings but feels the inner pull of Sméagol/Gollum’s cognitive dissonance fit in? 

In a world where different kinds of thought are accessible all over the world, I wanted to figure out a way to share the art that is my life that may include, but isn’t tied to, my appearance. I am well aware of how narcissistic this may come across, but frankly, at some point in one’s life, you have to prioritize YOURSELF. I’m 27, single with no plans of changing, living in Washington, D.C., and trusting the direction of Miley Cyrus, Beyonce, and Taylor Swift amongst others to put into words, visuals, and musical sequence the way I felt for years with no form of expression and the way I feel trying to healthily navigate that in a realm that finally allows us to “talk about it”. Not all of us come from happy homes with warmth and love. Some of us process our emotion through expression, learning from it as it comes and goes. 

Yet, how does one share their thoughts when their entire online presence has been, and could be, tied back to, and used against knowledge of their personal identity? When they grew up thinking knowledge of even a single red solo cup in a photo would ruin their chance of success? When their military family meant no social media was allowed in general, due to concerns over data security? When the risk of their very curious nature could also ruin their chances at their dreams? The same creativity that inspires them so artistically and has made them feel so passionately about every aspect of their life is meant to be shut off. The fluidity of events that built up to this inspired person should be muted, tucked away in a box of memories, and certainly NEVER publicly acknowledged. The very reason that one is as gifted as they are should be sheltered from the world, and from oneself, so they have to float through life ever questioning, in suspicious loneliness, in illuminated confusion. 

So, with that in mind, I want to create a space where I can figure out a way to express, benefit from, and inspire other like-minded individuals, but most of all individuals who may just get drawn in by one facet of me, to get insight to some stuff they may never have seen before, and maybe, just maybe, come out just a little more educated, emotionally intelligent, reflective, whatever. It’s not like I’m an egomaniac like Elon Musk or Kanye West and trying to play God with people’s lives, so I figure my opinion might be a little bit more rational and worth a damn. 

I also LOVE logic and debate, so please understand that I, as a chronic student cycling from career-to-degree-to-career-to-degree as I care to, having lived all over the East coast, and traveling to several states amongst the company of high-profile personnel over the years, am constantly learning as I go. I think the whole point in my career as a student has not so much been the subject matter of my learning, but rather the process itself. I never want to not be learning. 

That being said, I have studied…quite a lot. As an epidemiologist, of all of the plagues that I’ve studied, humanity is by far, the worst. Yet, as a woman (and aforementioned lover of true crime), I have a sick fascination with watching the possible statistical trajectories of my life revisioned before me. I will be wrong (probably most of the time, actually, but, as I said, I walk through life like an elf… it’s not exactly “normal”, so I will never admit it to anyone outside of my close friend group and then any random strangers on the internet who happen across this. 

Thus the birth of the study of their, and my own, behavior via dramaturgical memoir in the form of a modified ~influencer~ blog. 

Side note…why are we even criticizing “influencers”, brands, or celebrities of pop culture in general of not speaking up from an academic perspective? We should be championing it. The fact that some people are mad that hot girls are monetizing themselves in a capitalist economy probably has the same views my own Grandpa was VERY vocal of, in that women (and subsequently, myself) shouldn’t have the right to vote. 

But guess what, Grandpa! Not only can I vote, but my tastefully nude photos can be showcased on the same website as my recollections of your war stories and desperate (though incredibly cool and intriguing) search for our genealogy. 

We should be reaching out to, educating, helping those very same hot girls to take an interest in and learn about the world they’ve found themselves lucky enough to be successful in. 

We shouldn’t mock their bright colors, catchy dances or vulgar phrases because “cursing isn’t lady like”, telling them to not utilize a platform that allows that repressed creativity to filter through. 

We shouldn’t funnel athletes, people who have met, interacted, and shared experiences with thousands on a national or global stage into muting their performances, resigning them to using an armband or kneeling to be the only acceptable form for them to speak out in. 

We shouldn’t stifle the voices of women in healthcare, or the underrepresented in general, resulting in them feeling as if their dramatic passion must be quieted in the profession.

But, to understand their voices, to have access to the minds, the theory, the logic behind their choices, to really know who they are behind the scenes, the true intimacy of humanity, we must first figure out a way or it to be heard. 


So, back to the premise of the title and thus, “blog post #1” (please be nice, I do not consent to any “Roast Me” Reddit posts, should any show up about me, they are photoshopped I am just telling you that right now). 

Now that I’m home, on our family farm outside Washington, D.C. in this 2020 dystopia “summer” of coronavirus, my online school is completed, and I’m no longer living in a hotel and calling people who “just died last night”, I finally have the time to sit down and think about how I feel about “me”. I’m usually very introspective as is, which you would probably guess purely from my years of experience dabbling in hot yoga.

Naturally, this introspection has now spiraled me down the rabbit hole that I was raised in the equivalent of a secret military training program, my daddy issues are related to repressed memories of child trafficking, and the breakdown of my family began when it became clear I was not redeemable or able to be used in the way I was intended (as an ornament to be auctioned off one day, as most women who marry are). 

I also quite possibly just need to unfollow the conspiracy theories subreddit because I fully acknowledge how insane this will sound. I would also like to reiterate it will inevitably be a sick, twisted level of satirical comedy and will not be everyone’s cup of tea. (If anything, it’ll be like a trainwreck you can’t possibly tear your eyes away from.) With quarantine, the investigation into Epstein, and smoking a fair amount of weed (sorry, Mom), the paranoia that I may have repressed memories over my own father revealed the following.

Clue #1: My family net of interwoven secrecy

My entire life, I had access to things most people associate with “higher society”. A naive little farm girl, tucked away from the realities of the world, a family commune with a Colonel for a Grandpa who served in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. Because of his military background, his years spent at West Point both as a student and a professor, the horrors of reality he saw overseas, we had the security of growing up in the same house, my entire life, just outside of the hub of global affairs. Just outside of where the actual decisions were being made in Washington, D.C. Just outside of the buildings where people’s lives are reduced to the very statistics I now study, and manipulate, and have to be tasked with prioritizing at my own interest, or what I choose to “care” about that day. Just outside of where the monuments, structures, and memorials were enacted, of where history was being made, commemorated, and shared, of where both my maternal grandfather and biological father worked for the Pentagon in a variation of Aerospace Engineering, Nuclear weaponry development, and Military tactics for nearly every single major military event in US history and worked as a unit with other governmental faces to contribute to influencing the fate of the world. 

Since I was a woman, though, they didn’t think that I would be watching, or aware, of the insight freely available to me purely by an alignment of genetic cells. My grandfather’s words were some variation of refusing to share anything with me because I was a “feeble minded woman” who “shouldn’t have the right to vote” heavily juxtaposed by my biological father encouraging me to be an equal to my older brother, or any man. 

Nevertheless, I was certainly happy. I was supplied with as many ponies as I wanted, got to join the Girl Scouts, then became a Brownie, pony club! (After I came across “The Saddle Club” series in the local public library), private school, dressed up and paraded out every Thanksgiving as a turkey, and every Christmas as an angel, nevermind how much you absolutely HATED mass congregations and forced theatre. A welsh pony, chestnut brown–just like the one in my latest book, followed by an Icelandic import from Canada, showing up in the middle of the night, his bay coat illuminated by the moonlight like wet pavement. Hundreds of presents on holidays! It was never given though–no, certainly not a gift. Everything was a reward, positive reinforcement for my hours in the gym, days spent in the saddle, diligence with my reading. 

So when my parents switched me to public school in second grade, to better accommodate my transition into the elite gymnastics circuit–on an olympic development track, I also began climbing the rankings in horse competitions. Moving from dressage to showjumping to eventing, adding in games and polocrosse as easily as I added in another pony. I collected trophy after trophy, in literally everything I tried. Once one discipline got boring, another quickly took its place. The events I read about in books well beyond my grade level, devouring page after page, were actually happening for me. 

And I didn’t have to care about any of it. I was a soldier, after all. 

My grandfather saw to that. Respecting his authority was instilled deep within my being. The system worked, was rigid, was right. As long as I showed up, I got to play whatever I wanted. And I loooooooved to win. 

I had trainer after trainer freely available. A trampoline. Maybe I should pick up soccer? No, not on a girl’s team, it has to be a boy’s team. They’re more fun to play with. My identity became whatever was in front of me. And because I knew the value of hard work, knew that “talent” was a clever way of disguising hobbies as things you just decide you might like one day, and then try again and again until you’re eventually relatively decent at it, I didn’t need to question who I was. 

I collected title after title, the true value in the trophies being confined to the text engraved on the plate.  And as many achievements as I had on every soccer field, track, football complex, or horse ring in the state, I matched them, if not more, in school. My intelligence and calm demeanor floored teacher after teacher (a stark contrast to my older brother’s incessant energy). While I may not have acted out in class, I still spoke passionately, I engaged, I made myself heard in the situations I was allowed to, at every opportunity. Yet, I still only did it, when I was permitted to

My physical prowess and adaptability are almost surreal, and always have been. Academic and athletic excellence. All wrapped up in the muscular, blonde haired, blue-green eyed frame, it was scarily reminiscent of Angelina Jolie’s character’s upbringing in Soviet Russia in the movie, “Salt”. My resume was phenomenal, such that when I met someone who so obviously embellished theirs in graduate school, I was genuinely disgusted that anyone would lie on their resume. (Remember, naivety will be a recurrent theme.)

So where does Ghislaine Maxwell and our political/military background fall into this? 

Ghislaine Maxwell, news sensation, probably (definitely?) secretly dead in a cell, inevitably smuggled out, replaced by a body double from the coronavirus epidemic (some poor family of a white, brunette lady of slender build will be just another “misplaced” funeral mix-up, aye?) in a staged suicide, Kerri Washington will revisit her role as Olivia Pope on the magic that is (everything) Shonda Rhimes’ “Scandal” to “handle” it, the Cruella DeVil of child sex trafficking, you know the one. 

Well, I think it’s pretty safe to say, though also at the risk of coming up sounding like a big conspiracy theorist, that apart from Ghislaine Maxwell and other members of high society, most of the people actually controlling things on a global scale PRIOR to the big “boom”of tech with the emergence of the new millenium were the military leaders, and solely the military leaders. Prior to the convenience of having every household equipped for communication, the military and political figures were a string of name recognition picked largely by familial lineage or military prowess. If you were lucky, you revolutionized an industry and got involved with your cunning traditional academic intelligence (or just sheer luck). 

Either way, technology has made knowledge of the realities of the various currencies the world’s power is concentrated around that much more obvious to the average citizen. Money, military force, humans, women, children, bioterrorist agents, intelligence, the actual identity doesn’t matter. What ultimately matters is who the people are that can move the lives, identities, souls of societies around their Risk Boards at their discretion, and understanding that those people are generally not in those positions of power because it is an easy position to hold, or because they are morally righteous. With that in mind, I think it’s pretty reasonable to assume that nearly every single person who historically has or continues to exploit an under-serving system has a million skeletons in the closet and a million pieces of information capable of being thrown around indiscernible until the odds turn into their favor. 

From that draws the reasoning that my Grandfather, a distinguished military leader of our country, one who preferred to remain back in the shadows, secluded from the world yet readily accessible when needed, may have been involved at some point in his incredibly successful career, at using nefarious tactics to achieve a means to his end. It’s only logic that the same people pulling the strings behind the scenes, the ones actually responsible, for “containing” the horrors of the world were the military strategists. And to contain them means understanding them, studying them, being aware of them and their intricacies. Furthermore, our government, particularly our defense department, has a history of ethical concerns with their developmental training programs. 

My grandfather was a lot of things and as much as I respect (with a healthy whim of absolute horror towards) him for the life he created, I really don’t think it would be that implausible to think he may have tried to create a lineage that could be inserted into every position necessary to obtain intelligence with his own family and I was ultimately intended to be either married off or sold to the highest bidder in his circle. From that, the obvious trail of deductive reasoning yields I was likely meant to be an eventual target of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s extensive pedophilic ring. 

Which, for the record, is horrific, but is not that uncommon, humans just prefer to pretend like we aren’t just another animalistic species. Instead of clawing out their jugulars, we use those big brains and opposable thumbs to systematically torture our prey into submission. To eviscerate their humanity into nonexistence and proceed to position their body as we please, convincing ourselves that they must enjoy it to some extent just because of their biological, physical reactions. We peel back the layers of emotions one by one until none exist, but delude ourselves that they have free choices, a good life, they’re lucky

And given that my grandfather (and likely my father to a lesser extent) ran in and rather LED our country through some of the most horrific infractions against human life seemingly possible, I have to argue…who, amongst them, wasn’t involved in some extensively heinous activity? Or how do you not engage in especially heinous activity when you learn to live that wildly, that savagely, that destructively? And what then, was my Grandfather guilty of? What was he guilty of that kept him desperately clinging to mortality from his bed in the veteran’s home, hallucinating his memories, for days while we held his hand? What was he actually doing when he was carted off to some random geolocation on the planet for weeks, or months, on end?

To be clear, he was a GREAT, absolutely phenomenal man, and I do in fact feel like a dick even questioning my history. Not enough of a dick to not actually write it, but the guilty premise is there. Thanks to my catholic ex-boyfriend, I was taught to just ignore that notion and pray for forgiveness later. 

Which means reflecting back on the manner in which I was raised, the trajectory of my life, the buildup of everything magically working out despite no shortage of near-death or existential crisis, the question, naturally develops into whether my own lineage, hidden in the shadows of public knowledge, should be under question? The easily-controlled (bought) narrative of limited press, of word of mouth, the altered or confidential military records, it isn’t limited to the USA. Sure, Trump is shitty and likely guilty but SO ARE LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE IN ANY OF THOSE CIRCLES OF “HIGH SOCIETY”. 

…But, by design, this could include my own family. 


So far we’ve connected that military and public figures (the “wealthy”) basically run the world because they have some form of power (currency) to design their own worlds. Just a few generations ago, this was decided by genealogy and luck. Decided decades in advance by powerful men in a powerful room under the impression they all possessed a premonition on “progress” in a society worthy of value. 

Then came the somewhat unpredictability of “technology”. And with “technology” came  a whirlpool of achievements: public accelerations in travel, methods of communication, massive and intercultural spread of knowledge occurring from the safety of one’s own home. Suddenly, a new trajectory broke off… the interwoven nature of the world’s rich, exacerbated and torpedoed by the USA celebrity culture, upsetting the traditional militaristic leadership of succession in our government and no longer unnecessary to acknowledge with the culmination of the 2016 presidential election. 

Any system exploitable can also be weaponized in the same sense. With technology, the same rich people who ruled the world and had been raised on the expectations that it would one day be handed to them began to be “exposable”–a threat only increased and immediately to their dismay by arming every citizen with their own way to record evidence. So what, ultimately, threatened to topple the careful succession of global progression the most? What should be exploited by those in power or desperate to achieve power? Intelligence


Intelligence as a currency is the most important long-term payout. Climate change, public health, environmental health, societal influence by mother nature and the biodiversity of the planet is how war’s have ultimately been won in the past. Of what actually gives someone the upper hand generation after generation. My grandfather knew that, and it’s why he reportedly helped change the trajectory of the Korean War. The Department of Defense, blatantly corrupt governments, seemingly smooth regimes of monarchical tradition, all of the political leaders know that intelligence is ultimately just questioning the unknown. Which is a science, a study, an -ology. 

The ‘best’ military leaders take that knowledge and weaponize it in a long-instilled survival instinct of “self preservation”. Those novel inventions intended for innocent use become weapons of mass destruction five inventions down the line.

Which makes the most dangerous asset, then, the scientists.

The one who have access to the limits. The ones who usually enjoy discreetly existing in the background, emerging from our labs to report our results to others who then go on to make the decisions. So what if you could weaponize that in the form of a trained woman, capable of playing any role given to her, classically conditioned to never question authority? 

It would be logical, at least. Only emphasized by the ever-amassing sequence of coincidences that form the tangled spider-web of my life. It’s a real-life version of the meme of Charlie Day in Horrible Bosses when he’s trying to explain how everything connects. Side note: If this is anything remotely close to what detectives do all day, I may need to consider yet another career change. Thus, I’m just pointing out that it’s a LITTLE suspicious that a beautiful blonde-haired blue-green eyed athletic fireball who is good at just about everything and now has degrees in biochemistry and epidemiology from two top ten universities and has also traveled the world under a lot of incredibly convenient situations with a lot of relatively important people may have been part of a discontinued genealogical CIA mission to develop the next generation of agents to insert into the realm of the rich. 

Clue #2: My Father 

Without getting into the depths of it, I have, what one could classify as “daddy issues”.

The frustration of being a hot, blonde, white girl who loves to test her limits both sexually and physically means that self-reflection inevitably draws me to concern over Freudian’s psychoanalytic connection with my enjoyment in being consensually degraded by men of my choice with the manner in which I was raised. As a scientist, when I study these theories, I naturally connect them to myself to increase my neuronal connective network and ability for recall via compartmentalization in the future. Despite distant hummings of “correlation does not prove causation”, that is still a debate as ancient as “what came first: the chicken or the egg?” And I fit right into the stereotype. 

My kind of sexual kinks are certainly not normal, and while I won’t elaborate just yet, it absolutely has called into question whether my fetishes are engrained into my incredibly dominant persona because of “nature”–evident by all of the home videos of me as a difficult child, or the militant, disciplined regimen of my “nurture”. When I start to inevitably become both overwhelmed and slightly disgusted by the possible reasoning behind my sexual interests, I at least find comfort in reminding myself that it’s not just my own household that, as a woman, restricts me. It’s having to explain myself every fucking time, its growing up as a trophy, some ornament to society for my family, just to suddenly have an ability to make my own choices. It’s having people be “surprised” at my intelligence. It’s having an entire group of people assume they can have a priority over me, judge me, tell me where my place is. 

Thus, the frustration in society’s obsession to connect that purely to my father is just disturbing. 

And my best friend, the person who helped me survive undergrad from literally every single year in Chapel Hill has just as complex of a relationship with her father. She, too, was thrown into the elite gymnastics world, a high society father, thrown into dance as well as gymnastics, but, unlike me, she actually enjoyed the girlier aspects of “womanhood”. She smiled in all of the photos of her dressed up, paraded around for the amusement of others, whereas I glared threateningly at every camera. 

Yet, where I explored my sexual promiscuity, she took the opposite route. A virgin in college, but an incredibly beautiful girl (this is only relevant because she’s pretty in such a way that you KNOW it wasn’t because she “lacked options” or some bullshit like that). As her best friend, we spent hours together, contemplating why she was so mentally hesitant to proceed past OTPHJ and dry-humping filled make out sessions. We also didn’t quite realize just how absolutely terrified of seeing a male penis she was until I set my friend Carl’s as her phone background at a gymnastics meet…she screamed and cried upon flipping it open. At 20 years of age. it was definitely not a normal reaction, and as we both have a truly vile disdain for our fathers, we’ve inevitably discussed at length the possibility of having repressed memories of them.

We bonded over our childhood depression, we’ve discussed our similarities in struggles at length, and taken solace in the shared experience of our increasingly distant relationships with our fathers where, try as we might, there are incessant warning lights of pain every single time they come back into our lives. So why, if it seems like they didn’t actually do anything that severe, do we feel such hatred? Such deep-rooted, illogical, survival instinct-like hatred telling us to run the opposite way from them if we want a happy life? And why does that warning sign still blare across the speakers of the megaphone of your inner psyche long after you’ve acknowledged and moved past them? 

My father was not a seasoned military man like my grandfather, yet he was arguably worse. No, he didn’t curse and scream to the high heavens when the Washington Redskins lost on a Sunday night. Nor did he down an entire handle of Hendrick’s gin each night. Instead, he designed the horrors of the world instead of directing them. Developed nuclear warheads, disappearing onto a naval ship for months at a time, out in the middle of the ocean, unreachable for days. Counterterrorism negotiation: understanding the minds of the horrible people in the world because you also think that way. Analyzing the boston marathon bomb on base, categorizing the explosion, figuring out how to recreate it. His own obsession with knowledge meant he succumbed to the novelty of leisurely cruising the internet each night instead of engaging in valuable discussions with his daughters. His preference for topical debate and need to lead his own household staunched the creative impulse in his children during their adolescence–they retreated to their rooms instead of spending any quality time as a familial unit.

It must have been a difficult balance, instilling such important virtues of independence then having that same logic used against you. Realizing your children growing up with access to more education from a younger age, more stimulation, a visual and auditory overload you couldn’t even imagine, meant that they also surpassed your plan for their growth far quicker than you were able to predict. That your inability to conform to an adapting narrative meant you were being left in the dust. 

So when your daughter, struggling to come into an identity of her own with the rush of hormonal swings that is puberty, sees you mocking your own mother, the most wonderful woman in her life, for everything that makes her a “woman”, a deviation emerges. The emotional manipulation, the laughs at her tears, the “a little dirt won’t hurt” mentality that pertained to ballfield and home life, those visuals have persisted long after the pain has receded. Unable to process the events in real time, my childhood life and list of upcoming performances always bearing dangerously up ahead, I stratified all of these instances into little filing cabinets deep in the recesses of my brain. So with a combination of coronavirus, a political election, global distress, a human, and child, sex trafficking scandal, I finally have the time to actually be reminded of, and explore, these memories. It’s a rabbit hole into who “I” am that is inevitably tied to “him” at some point. It’s inescapable, and thus, frustrating.

Add in the fact that the same man was incredibly suspicious of data tracking (almost to a paranoid level), has been talking about “China” being our main threat for well over the last decade, and would disappear for weeks on end, only to reemerge holding the empty shells of missiles shot off somewhere in the ocean…shells that later become named in the deaths of others, there is no denying that he was and still remains one of the most intelligent men I have ever met.

Which is exactly why it draws logical concern that he could have been so worried because he had something to hide. 

Clue #3: One of Just Many Family Secrets

So what type of fucked up family creates an absolute unit of a child who can ALWAYS be working, honing her craft, amassing talent after talent so she can one day blend in to literally any situation she needs to? Who has teachers not even on her schedule create time for her to learn new subjects for fun? Who naturally draws others in but keeps them at an arm’s length until she decides they are no longer suspicious? 

As I said, but somehow feel is still necessary to report, my grandfather must’ve been a great, but terrifying, man in his career. The atrocities of the missions he led in every war across multiple continents, his years living in and studying warfare in Italy, his refusal to ever discuss any aspect of his past, yet his desperation in later life to “create a legacy”…despite needing to drown out the horrors of that same legacy with his gin. He was the one who did what had to be done. He could, and did, make those unspeakable decisions. And that’s exactly what they are–unspeakable.

So how far did his involvement go? 

It seems only logical my assumption for what I was intended for.

Given the visible fear my mother and her siblings had for my grandfather, his incessant need to expand his legacy and extensive search into our heritage in his later years meant he had full intentions for our own family to follow in his footsteps–for this information to be important. I have also known for years that my mother was sexually assaulted by a long-time esteemed friend of the family, reportedly. An incident that was briefly mentioned and then shuttered back into its cage. Combined with myself, one who has an incredibly brilliant memory, now struggling with most aspects of my identity, including my sexuality, and have not had any meaningful relationship with my own father due to the somewhat aforementioned extensively psychoanalyzed cyclical pattern of behavior. And on top of all this, somehow, even though my mom didn’t work and stayed at home, we just mysteriously had the funds, for literally all of my and my siblings activities, hobbies, pursuits of interest?

The family farm we grew up on was more of a complex in the years I was alive. My parents faced my uncle and whichever of his wives was living with him at the time. Behind the pond in our backyard, my aunt’s home lay submerged in woods. Immediately to our left, if we were staring out at the cobblestone private road, a few miles off the only main highway that ran through our town, the culdesac culminates in my grandparent’s house, overlooking the rolling hills and wooded acres of former tobacco farming. Between my grandparent’s and parent’s house lay the apple orchard, where helicopters did and could land anywhere relatively discreetly. Also conveniently used as part of our horse pasture or jumping field. The acres of woods that surrounded our households, the barrier of the horse pastures, the miles of forestry. 

The peaceful home that I knew and loved as my serene oasis is now, very clearly, a fortress that allowed us to pass, excel, and grow just below the radar of civilian life in the small town. Competitive enough to challenge me but not in such a way that drew attention. I realize that our grandfather planned out the location so every terrorist attack, every civilian threat on our capital could make us reachable by helicopter in minutes. We always knew we’d be okay because there were protocols in place. And we were at least on the list for priority evacuees should the worst happen…all thanks to my him. We owed him our security. 

And my biological father was OBSESSED with reminding us that our searches were being monitored. Reflecting on this now makes me realize that not only was he monitoring us himself, but he was really referencing our data being monitored. So that the things we did, as children, couldn’t be stolen by a stranger in a chatroom. So the guy jacking off in the omegle chatroom wasn’t hacking into our camera feeds and watching our underage selves through our laptop screens, only to sell it on the web and have it reemerge 30 years later and be used to blackmail us on our political campaigns. This paranoia, yet an understandable and legitimate fear, really just fed into my exhibitionist fetish 20 years later, so congrats on the anxiety. Now I’m just navigating trying to monetize it myself and come to terms with the reality that as a scientist overlapping with education, I am not allowed to publicly acknowledge my sexuality to any significant extent, lest I be burned at the stake of some online Facebook community watchgroup. 

My father’s domineering, dismissive nature of anything that didn’t go perfectly in line with his plan–even if that dismissiveness was towards his own children– has always been something I witnessed quietly. His public facade of being this incredible asset to the community, his obsessive compulsion to be publicly appreciated, that he years later validated in your own personal success…that was never enough behind the curtains. There was always more to have. 

For me, a young woman (ugh, can it just like, not be pedophilic and ageist to refer to myself as a “girl”, I am only 27 for crying out loud) who shares the obsessive curiosity of interest in her genetic background with her grandfather, I now seek insight as to what ration went into the details that shaped my life before I was aware that I could shape my own. In the interest of global news as of late, particularly the unveiling of the Ghislaine Maxwell story, it only served to make me wonder…With how interconnected these webs are, it’s fair that one whose own family fits that complexity of secrecy could be involved in similar affairs. 

It would also, just as likely explain the otherwise inexplicable and almost insurmountable level of hatred for my father, or it may very well have just been a completely honest, small town operation. Those trucks in the night were just farm deliveries. Those helicopter landings all legitimate missions.

But still…A girl can wonder.

A girl with anxiety can spiral.